Casados Ranch ( Camping y Cabañas) - 24350 Escárcega

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Casados Ranch ( Camping y Cabañas)

Address :

Justo Sierra Méndez, carretera, Chetumal - Villahermosa km 4.8, 24350 Escárcega, Camp., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9899
Categories :
City : Camp.

Justo Sierra Méndez, carretera, Chetumal - Villahermosa km 4.8, 24350 Escárcega, Camp., Mexico
Hilda Sanchez F de C on Google

Muy tranquilo lugar, para llegar y descansar en la naturaleza. SON PET FRIENDLY y eso es increíble!! El personal es muy amable y siempre disponible. Una experiencia padre que definitivamente repetiría. No hay agua caliente pero tampoco sale muy fría y el clima es caliente. Recomendado!
Very quiet place, to arrive and rest in nature. THEY ARE PET FRIENDLY and that's amazing !! The staff is very friendly and always available. A great experience that I would definitely repeat. There is no hot water but it is not very cold either and the weather is hot. Recommended!
Eric Cortés on Google

¡Este es uno de los mejores destinos en los que me he hospedado! El lugar es suuuper flexible y es atendido por los dueños. Recomiendo hacer un trato directo con Lázaro o Adela antes que con las plataformas en las que se anuncian. Puedes hacer tratos con precios especiales si tienes necesidades especiales. Hospedarse en grupo puede resultar mucho más barato. Pregunta por las charlas a universidades o grupos escolares interesados en temas de conservación (injertos, apicultura, composta, huertos orgánicos, biopreparados, etc). El lugar está enclavado en la selva media y está registrado como UMA (Unidad de Manejo Ambiental). Puedes llevar una lámpara para caminata nocturna y encontrarás venados cola blanca, monos aulladores, tepezcuintles, micos de noche, armadillos, conejos, pecarís de collar, coatís, sereques, jaguarundís, maracayás, tayras y otros mamíferos interesantes. ¡Mantén los ojos bien abiertos! Los precios me parecen muy accesibles. De los 100 a los 700 pesos por noche. (Acá es cuando te digo que conviene más hablar sin intermediarios). Si eres como yo, y lo tuyo es el mochilazo, la zona de camping cuesta 100 pesitos por persona. Está lejos del Wifi, pero puedes acercarte a las cabañas para conectarte, además de que se te ofrecen las mismas hospitalidades. La cabaña más costosa cuesta 700 pesos, con cama matrimonial, individual, hamaca, aire acondicionado y WiFi de fibra óptica de 50Mbps. (Digital nomads entenderán lo difícil que es encontrar esta velocidad). La más económica cuesta 400 pesos la noche con una sola cama, ventilador y la misma conexión a internet. Todas sus cabañas cuentan con baño individual y el área de camping tiene agua corriente, electricidad, dump station y regaderas. No hay agua caliente, pero no hace falta. La zona es cálida y si no te entusiasma el agua a temperatura ambiente, puedes pedir que te la calienten. El desayuno no viene incluido, pero puedes pedirlo y te lo preparan, y si decides quedarte más noches, ¡busca un trato especial! Aceptan voluntariados. También venden productos que producen de manera sustentable, como carne de venado, miel melipona y apis melífera, frutas de temporada como pitahayas, maracuyás , mangos, cocos, anonas, yacas, guayabas y nanches. Hay una tiendita local con abarrotes básicos que no vende alcohol ni tabaco y la recepción no siempre tiene chela, así que toma tus precauciones. Durante mi estancia, vi gente dormir una noche y marcharse rumbo a Calakmul, sin tomarse el tiempo para dar una caminata por la mañana. ¡No cometas este error! Este lugar está lejos de ser un zoológico o un hotel de paso. Hay mucha vida silvestre libre y acostumbrada a la gente. Es un gran lugar de descanso y podría ser una atracción turística por sí misma. ¡Saludos a Lázaro, Adela, Atala y Lazarito! ¡Miles de gracias por su hospitalidad!
This is one of the best destinations I have ever stayed in! The place is suuuper flexible and is run by the owners. I recommend making a direct deal with Lázaro or Adela rather than with the platforms on which they advertise. You can make deals with special prices if you have special needs. Staying in a group can be much cheaper. Ask for talks to universities or school groups interested in conservation issues (grafting, beekeeping, compost, organic gardens, biopreparations, etc). The place is nestled in the middle jungle and is registered as UMA (Environmental Management Unit). You can bring a lamp for a night walk and you will find white-tailed deer, howler monkeys, tepezcuintles, night monkeys, armadillos, rabbits, collared peccaries, coatis, sereques, jaguarundís, maracayas, tayras and other interesting mammals. Keep your eyes peeled! The prices seem very affordable. From 100 to 700 pesos per night. (This is when I tell you that it is better to speak without intermediaries). If you are like me, and your thing is the backpack, the camping area costs 100 pesos per person. It is far from the Wifi, but you can approach the cabins to connect, in addition to being offered the same hospitalities. The most expensive cabin costs 700 pesos, with a double bed, a single bed, a hammock, air conditioning and 50Mbps fiber optic WiFi. (Digital nomads will understand how difficult it is to find this speed.) The cheapest one costs 400 pesos a night with a single bed, fan and the same internet connection. All their cabins have individual bathrooms and the camping area has running water, electricity, dump station and showers. There is no hot water, but you don't need it. The area is warm and if you are not enthusiastic about room temperature water, you can ask for it to be warmed up. Breakfast is not included, but you can ask for it and they will prepare it for you, and if you decide to stay more nights, look for a special treatment! They accept volunteers. They also sell products that they produce in a sustainable way, such as venison, melipona honey and honey apis, seasonal fruits such as pitahayas, passion fruit, mangoes, coconuts, custard apples, jackfruits, guavas and nanches. There is a local store with basic groceries that does not sell alcohol or tobacco and the reception does not always have chela, so take your precautions. During my stay, I saw people sleep one night and leave for Calakmul, without taking the time to go for a walk in the morning. Don't make this mistake! This place is far from being a zoo or a hotel in passing. There is a lot of wild life free and accustomed to people. It is a great resting place and could be a tourist attraction in its own right. Greetings to Lázaro, Adela, Atala and Lazarito! Thanks a thousand for your hospitality!
ana moya on Google

un lugar increíble en medio de la naturaleza, el dueño tiene un proyecto maravilloso de cuidar y proteger el bosque, un lugar para conectarte con la naturaleza. Con todo lo necesario. Sin dudarlo repetiríamos Los dueños son encantadores
an incredible place in the middle of nature, the owner has a wonderful project to care for and protect the forest, a place to connect with nature. With everything you need. Without hesitation we would repeat the owners are lovely
Philip J on Google

Authentic stay in the jungle. Great experience and very nice hosts. We learned a lot about the flora and fauna here and saw (and heard) plenty of howler monkeys.
Peter Škrlj on Google

super nice place
Respiration Required - Kyra Eddy on Google

Brilliant. Howling monkeys on the property. Facilities basic but lovely friendly owners and a piece jungle that has been preserved for the wildlife.
Juraj on Google

Beautiful safe (mind the tarantulas and snakes) and relaxing, diverse flora and fauna (3 monkey families live here). This is a conservation area and people come here from abroad for longer periods of time to volunteer. If you are driving by it’s an excellent place to stay for the night.
Mihai Minut on Google

Great place with great people. I stayed in the camping area but they also have cabañas. It's a piece of jungle very close to the city, where I saw more animals than in some national parks (deer, squirrel, iguana, frog, birds, also monkeys but I only heard them). Do bring repellent because there are mosquitoes and insects too. The owners are great, very helpful and friendly. They also have volunteering which seemed like a good experience. Totally recommend it.

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