Castores Tlalpan - 04620 Ciudad de México

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Castores Tlalpan

Address :

Calz. de Tlalpan N. 2745, San Pablo Tepetlapa, Coyoacán, 04620 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7
Website :
Categories :
City : CDMX

Calz. de Tlalpan N. 2745, San Pablo Tepetlapa, Coyoacán, 04620 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Lucía Jiménez on Google

Pésimo servicio. Primero me dijo el chavo que estaba atendiendo que no entregaban al destino que necesitaba, siendo que en el callcenter ya me habían confirmado 2 veces distintas que sí entregaban. Después de insistirle bastante tiempo y explicarle que en el callcenter ya me habían dicho que sí entregaban en ese lugar y pedirle que por favor confirmara (tras darme una serie de explicaciones sin sentido), accedió a confirmar con alguien más (esto lo debió de haber hecho desde un principio). Me dejó esperando 2 horas mientras atendía a otras personas que llegaron después que yo, hasta que ya desesperada le pedí hablar con su supervisor, quien estaba a lado (hasta ese momento supe que era el supervisor y no fue para intervenir antes viendo la situación y el mal servicio que estaba dando el otro chavo). El supervisor dijo que creía que sí entregaban en el lugar y tardó un rato en lo que supuestamente hablaba con alguien más. Finalmente me confirmaron que sí entregban y el supervisor le dijo al chavo que ya me hiciera el envío (como si me estuvieran haciendo un favor), que lo terminó haciendo de mala gana. Nunca entendí si por alguna razón no querían hacer el envío a ese lugar o realmente son personas pésimamente capacitadas.
Terrible service. First, the guy who was attending told me that they did not deliver to the destination I needed, since the callcenter had already confirmed to me 2 different times that they did deliver. After insisting for a long time and explaining that the call center had already told me that they did deliver to that place and asking him to please confirm (after giving me a series of meaningless explanations), he agreed to confirm with someone else (this must have been done from scratch). He left me waiting for 2 hours while he attended other people who arrived after me, until, already desperate, I asked him to speak to his supervisor, who was next to me (until that moment I knew he was the supervisor and it was not to intervene before seeing the situation and the bad service that the other guy was giving). The supervisor said he thought they did deliver to the site and it took a while while he was supposedly talking to someone else. Finally they confirmed that they did deliver and the supervisor told the guy to send me the shipment (as if they were doing me a favor), which he ended up doing reluctantly. I never understood if for some reason they didn't want to ship to that place or if they really are poorly trained people.
Israel Arellano on Google

Muy tardado porque la impresora no funcionaba (una antigüedad de impresora) siendo una herramienta primordial para realizar el trabajo deberían de cambiarla por una nueva. Una hora para poder atenderte y siendo que solo estábamos tres clientes
Very long because the printer did not work (an old printer) being an essential tool to carry out the work, they should change it for a new one. One hour to serve you and being that we were only three clients
Jorge González on Google

Excelente atención y trato por parte de los encargados
Jesús Martínez on Google

Excelente servicio y atención por parte de los empleados todo muy bien organizado .en mi caso mande pulque al estado de Coahuila. Y su transportación no es nada fácil y sin embargo mi producto llegó excelente.
Excellent service and attention from the employees, all very well organized. In my case, I sent pulque to the state of Coahuila. And its transportation is not easy at all and yet my product arrived excellent.
Atlika on Google

Buen servicio, en lo personal siempre envio por castores ya que me queda cerca, la atención del personal es buena. Lleva la factura y pide que se asegure por el monto indicado en caso de contratiempo no pierdas el tiempo llamando ya que nunca resuelven por ese medio, entra directamente a su página y sigue las instrucciones en caso de algún daño a tu producto.
Good service, personally I always send for beavers since it is close to me, the attention of the staff is good. Take the invoice and ask to be insured for the amount indicated in case of mishap, do not waste time calling since they never solve by that means, go directly to their page and follow the instructions in case of any damage to your product.
jhoraf carcdown on Google

David Sanchez on Google

Try to shipped 3 Harleys they did not have the wood pallets and did not care to source them. Had to go to another office with better service.
Adrian Carp on Google

Customer service is pretty bad. No one answers the phone, ever. Not the one from this location, not the 800 number for corporate. The attendants are very unprofessional and lack basic training. The only pro is that service fees are on the lower end.

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