Cebra Veterinaria - 09830 Ciudad de México

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Cebra Veterinaria

Address :

Sabinos 15 mz1, El Manto, Iztapalapa, 09830 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7877
Categories :
City : CDMX

Sabinos 15 mz1, El Manto, Iztapalapa, 09830 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Yoselin Ramírez on Google

El dr. Bien chido
The doctor. So cool
shadow master on Google

Muy buenos dr
Very good dr
Lic. kike apantenco on Google

Excelente veterinaria....muy comprometidos con la salud de nuestra mascotas...
Excellent veterinarian .... very committed to the health of our pets ...
Marshall shady on Google

Cuidado con este lugar, es atendido por una pseudo veterinaria sin escrúpulos que solamente ve la manera de estafarte, inventa diagnósticos para sacarte la mayor ganancia posible, mucho cuidado con este tipo de lugares ya que abundan en la ciudad...
Beware of this place, it is cared for by an unscrupulous pseudo veterinarian who only sees the way to scam you, invents diagnoses to get the most profit possible, be very careful with these types of places since they abound in the city ...
Mariela Tovar on Google

Concuerdo con todos los comentarios anteriores, para empezar la tipa que atiende el lugar no es médico veterinario, es la esposa del disque médico dueño del lugar y ella por cuenta propia se adjudicó el título, es una déspota sin escrúpulos que trata a los animalitos sin el más mínimo tacto, lo único que le interesa es cobrar. Ayer llevamos a mi pequeño a que lo valorara para saber si lo mejor era dormirlo por qué ya estaba muy mal, el punto es que ni lo revisó y cuando le cuestionabamos sobre su procedimiento, nos respondía de una forma muy grosera, al final salió con que iba a inyectarle una sobredosis de analgésico a mi perrito directamente en el corazón como parte de la eutanasia y al decile que eso era una salvajada nos quiso lavar el cerebro diciéndonos que ella era la que sabia lo que hacia, no nosotros, decidimos llevarnos al perrito de ese asqueroso lugar no sin antes decirle a la inútil tipa que dista mucho de ser una veterinaria profesional, ahh y por si fuera poco, nos sacó $300 por aplicar un tranquilizante, jamás arriesguen a sus mascotas en un lugar como este, no tienen absolutamente nada bueno que ofrecer
I agree with all the previous comments, to begin with, the woman who attends the place is not a veterinarian, she is the wife of the medical label that owns the place and she on her own took the title, she is an unscrupulous despot who treats the animals without the slightest touch, the only thing that interests you is charging. Yesterday we took my little one to assess him to know if the best thing was to put him to sleep because he was already very bad, the point is that he did not check it and when we questioned him about his procedure, he responded in a very rude way, in the end he came out with that she was going to inject an overdose of painkiller into my puppy directly in the heart as part of the euthanasia and when she told her that this was wild she wanted to brainwash us saying that she was the one who knew what she was doing, not us, we decided to take the Little dog from that disgusting place, but not before telling the useless girl that she is far from being a professional veterinarian, ahh and as if that were not enough, she took $ 300 from us for applying a tranquilizer, never risk your pets in a place like this, they don't have absolutely nothing good to offer
Alejandra Barraza on Google

NUNCA vayan a traer a sus mascotas a este lugar. Yo lleve a mi perrito por unas mordidas que había recibido y lo atendió la señora. Esta señora no pidió radiografías, ni vendo su herida, lo único que hizo fue lavarle con un jabón cualquiera, ponerle "antibioticos" y recetarle mejoralito infantil (lo cual es como paracetamol para niños y que por cierto yo no sabía que eso era veneno para mi perro, y al parecer ella tampoco). Lo terminamos llevando a otro veterinario y con radiografías vimos que traía varias costillas rotas y tejido necrosante en sus heridas, lamentablemente no sobrevivió mi perro, pero talvez pudo ser diferente si esa señora sin estudios lo hubiera atendido mejor. Y si no, pues al menos no hubiera sufrido tanto.
NEVER bring your pets to this place. I took my puppy for some bites I had received and the lady attended. This lady did not ask for x-rays, nor do I sell her wound, the only thing she did was to wash her with any soap, put on "antibiotics" and prescribe child enhancement (which is like paracetamol for children and that by the way I did not know that it was poison for my dog, and apparently she doesn't either). We ended up taking another veterinarian and with x-rays we saw that he had several broken ribs and necrotizing tissue in his wounds, unfortunately my dog ​​did not survive, but perhaps it could be different if that lady without studies had treated him better. And if not, at least I would not have suffered so much.
Karina Rogers on Google

Lleve a mi gata a desparasitar, el veterinario me dijo que le iba a dar una inyección muy buena que dura un año y le quita todo incluso parásitos externos como pulgas... Un mes después note que mi gata seguía con gusanos. Fui otras 3 veces anteriores a ello por otras razones y solo sentí que me querían sacar dinero...mi gata no tenía nada malo y el señor insistía en que debía llevarla una vez a la semana a que la inyectara y me cobraba, no debí volver para desparasitarla, solo me cobró y no sirvió de nada....
I took my cat for deworming, the vet told me that he was going to give her a very good injection that lasts a year and removes everything even external parasites like fleas ... A month later I noticed that my cat still had worms. I went 3 other times before it for other reasons and I just felt that they wanted to get money from me ... my cat had nothing wrong and the man insisted that I should take her once a week to inject her and he charged me, I shouldn't have come back to deworm her, she just charged me and it didn't help ...
Angelina Tovar Nuñez on Google

NO LLEVEN A SUS MASCOTAS A ESTE LUGAR. Llevamos a mi perrito para que le aplicaran la eutanasia y la señora que nos atendió (QUIEN NO TIENE ESTUDIOS EN MEDICINA VETERINARIA) lo trató muy bruscamente y sin nada de la dignidad que merece un animalito. Nos dijo que le iba a aplicar una sobredosis de anestesia directamente en el corazón a lo cual yo pregunté que si no sería doloroso y la señora me comenzó a responder como si yo fuese una ignorante. Al final decidimos irnos a un hospital serio y solamente le pagamos el tranquilizante que le puso a mi bebito (nos cobró excesivamente por ello, o sea, sólo lucra con ese negocio que tiene).
DO NOT TAKE YOUR PETS TO THIS PLACE. We took my puppy to be euthanized and the lady who attended us (WHO DOES NOT HAVE STUDIES IN VETERINARY MEDICINE) treated him very roughly and without any of the dignity that an animal deserves. She told us that she was going to apply an overdose of anesthesia directly to her heart to which I asked if it would not be painful and the lady began to respond to me as if I were ignorant. In the end we decided to go to a serious hospital and we only paid him for the tranquilizer that he put on my baby (he overcharged us for it, that is, he only profits from that business he has).

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