Centinel de Infantes S.C. - 03100 Ciudad de México

3/5 based on 4 reviews

Contact Centinel de Infantes S.C.

Address :

San Francisco 303, Del Valle, Benito Juárez, 03100 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
Website : http://www.imss.gob.mx/directorio/%3Fpage%3D195
Categories :
City : CDMX

San Francisco 303, Del Valle, Benito Juárez, 03100 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Araceli Dominguez on Google

Suriel Roman on Google

Karla Garcia on Google

En mi experincia no me gusto nada el lugar ya que para algunas cosas son muy cuadrados pero para otra no una de ellas es que llevan a un niños súper enfermo pero dicen que ya le llevaron un papel donde dicen que esta sano ojo " MOCO VERDE" INFECCION CLARAMENTE y le dicen que puede ingresar y lo aceptan como si nada me su pongo que cada persona que labora en este lugar tiene estudios entre ellas la enfermera llamada sofia que Cuando le mensione que el niño estaba enfermo solo me mosotro un papel donde decía que si podía ingrasar si tengo ética le hablo a sus papás le digo esta enfermo llevelo otra vez pero no ella los deja ingresar "DICEN QUE ESTAN SANOS " y q este pequeñito lo ponen a lado de un bbe de 45 días otra cosa que no entiendo ,como es posible los lactantes no les dan agua y digo lactantes de 10 meses la necesitan mas en tiempo de calor y la comida otro tema les informe que mi hijo no tenia dientes obvio ellas lo vieron me dicen no podemos hacer distinción no les dije que le dieran otro menú mas bien les dije que comprenderían que masticará si no tenia dientes dice es picado extra fino pues no a mi bbe le paralizaron el estomago estuvimos mes y medio entratamiento le ocasionaron reflujo cosa que mi bbe nunca sufrió hasta que llegamos a la guaderia otra cosas son muchos niños y solo les prestan mas atención a los más chiquitos los grandes los tienen en cerrados en cunas solo los sacan para la comida y el cambio de pañal y luego te quieren echar la culpa de todo piensen bien si lo quieren llevar aquí son muchos niños para pocas maestras
In my experience I did not like the place because for some things are very square but for another not one of them is that they take a super sick children but they say that they already took a paper where they say that this healthy eye "MOCO VERDE" INFECTION CLEARLY and they tell him that he can enter and they accept him as if nothing is his, that every person who works in this place has studies among them, the nurse named sofia that When I mentioned that the child was sick, I just showed me a piece of paper saying that If I could grease if I have ethics, I talk to his parents, I tell him he's sick, take him again, but she does not let them in. "THEY SAY HEATHES ARE HEALTHY" and this little guy puts him next to a 45-day BAB other thing I do not understand, like it is possible the infants do not give them water and I say infants of 10 months need it more in hot weather and the food another issue informs them that my son did not have obvious teeth they saw it they tell me we can not make distinction not I said that they gave him another menu rather I told them that they would understand that he chewed if he did not have teeth he says he was extra fine chopped because my bbe was not paralyzed his stomach we were month and a half entrainment caused him reflux something that my bbe never suffered until we got to the farmhouse other things are many children and they only pay more attention to the little ones the big ones have them closed in cradles they only take them out for food and diaper change and then they want to blame everything they think well if they want it bring here are many children for few teachers
Morgan Mariana Guido on Google

Parece que siempre que pongo mi opinión y la de otras madres las borran ? pero para mí sigue siendo un asco de guardería y tarde que temprano aún que tapen la violencia que aplican en los niños siempre abra madres como yo que no se van a cansar de decirle a todo el mundo que son unos abusadores.
It seems that whenever I put my opinion and that of other mothers they erase them ? but for me it is still a nursery disgust and late that even when they cover the violence they apply in children always open mothers like me who are not going to get tired of Tell everyone that they are abusers.

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