Centro de Copiado Vázquez - 44100 Guadalajara

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Centro de Copiado Vázquez

Address :

Calle Enrique González Martínez 35, Zona Centro, 44100 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +97
Categories :
City : Jal.

Calle Enrique González Martínez 35, Zona Centro, 44100 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
Jorge Flores on Google

Buen servicio entregan trabajos con urgencia, fotocopiado de excelente calidad y a precio justo.
Good service deliver jobs urgently, photocopying of excellent quality and at a fair price.
Isela Doyel Jacobo Lepe on Google

Súper mal trato, para nada se sirve lo que se pide, la gente muy grosera y déspota, NO RECOMIENDO PARA NADA ESTE LUGAR!!
Super bad treatment, what is asked for is not served at all, the people are very rude and despotic, I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS PLACE AT ALL!
Carlos Kiros on Google

Muy mal mal servicio no cumplen con sus fechas de entregan, no entregan sus trabajos como quedaron y no se hacen responsables de sus errores y lo peor es que te tratan super mal con groserías y alegan como viejas de vecindad ,no tienes ni oportunidad de explicar tu disconformidad ya que las señoras no dejan de gritar sin educación ,una de las peores experiencias de mi vida el tratar con este tipo de personas
Very bad bad service they do not meet their delivery dates, they do not deliver their jobs as they were and they are not responsible for their mistakes and the worst thing is that they treat you very badly with rudeness and claim like old neighborhood women, you have no opportunity to explain your disagreement since the ladies do not stop yelling without education, one of the worst experiences of my life dealing with this type of people
Kevin Armenta on Google

El PEOR SERVICIO que me han otorgado, realice un pedido de unas invitaciones y todo mal, no entregaron en tiempo ni en forma, mas de una semana de retraso en la entrega y nada que ver con lo que solicité, al momento de realizar una aclaración acerca de lo entregado se portaron con una actitud muy prepotente y irrespetuosa hablándome con groserías y echándome la culpa a mi de sus errores, no recomiendo para nada el comprar aquí si sus cosas las quieren bien echas.
The WORST SERVICE that they have given me, I placed an order for some invitations and everything was wrong, they did not deliver on time or in the right way, more than a week of delay in delivery and nothing to do with what I requested, at the time of making a clarification Regarding what was delivered, they behaved with a very arrogant and disrespectful attitude, speaking rudely to me and blaming me for their mistakes, I do not recommend buying here at all if they want their things well done.
Valeria Salas on Google

Muy mal servicio pedí invitaciones y no me llegaron con lo que pedí, fui a pedir que me dieran el faltante y 2 mujeres me atendieron con muy mal carácter, atienden de malas y no aceptan sus errores nos respondieron con groserías la verdad fue una mala experiencia y desesperante porque al mandar hacer unas invitaciones de boda esperas que te entreguen lo que pediste ya que es una ocasión muy especial, me fui con muy mal sabor de boca 0 recomendado
Very bad service I asked for invitations and they did not arrive with what I asked for, I went to ask them to give me the missing one and 2 women attended me with a very bad character, they attend badly and do not accept their mistakes they responded with rudeness the truth was a bad experience and exasperating because when you order some wedding invitations you expect them to deliver what you asked for since it is a very special occasion, I left with a very bad taste in my mouth 0 recommended
Magdy Ross on Google

Servicio horrible, me entregaron las invitaciones una semana después de la fecha acordada, estoy en Puerto Vallarta fui a su local a decirles cómo quería mis invitaciones y explicarles todo y a partir de ahí todo el trato fue por teléfono, me las entregaron mal impresas y recortadas, para nada lo que pedí, me cobraron extra por imprimir en el sobre y agregar sellos de lacre y no se hizo ninguna de las 2 cosas, cuando las recogieron y me mandaron foto mi familia de como eran de inmediato me intenté comunicar y no me respondía ni contestaron hasta que me bloquearon de llamadas y mensajes, fui a su local y de la manera más prepotente y con groserias me acusaron de yo haber roto mis sellos y que ellas los habían puesto, quedaron de enviarme el vídeo de seguridad para comprobar que si los empacaron junto con mis invitaciones, video que nunca me llegó y además no se hicieron responsables, pésimo servicio, pésimos precios prometen calidad y entregan pesimamente NO COMPREN AHI
Horrible service, they gave me the invitations a week after the agreed date, I am in Puerto Vallarta I went to their place to tell them how I wanted my invitations and explain everything and from then on the whole deal was over the phone, they gave me badly printed and cut out , not at all what I asked for, they charged me extra for printing on the envelope and adding wax seals and neither of the 2 things was done, when they picked them up and my family sent me a photo of what they looked like immediately I tried to communicate and they did not I did not answer nor did they answer until they blocked me from calls and messages, I went to their premises and in the most arrogant and rude way they accused me of having broken my seals and that they had put them on, they agreed to send me the security video to verify that if they packed them together with my invitations, video that never came to me and also they were not responsible, lousy service, lousy prices they promise quality and deliver lousy DO NOT BUY THERE
I G on Google

Simpre voy a sacar copias a este establecimiento pero uno de los empleados y una hija es quienes mejor trato tienen, los demas siempre con cara de no querer atender, su calidad de las impresiones ha disminuido mucho, si no se pone atencion en la calidad de las impresiones, no dicen nada, muchas veces llegue a casa y vi las manchas o lineas del rodillo en las impresiones.. o las lineas delgadas borrosas o inexistentes, pareciera que ponen calidad de borrador a las impresiones
I am always going to make copies of this establishment but one of the employees and a daughter are the best dealt with, the others always with the face of not wanting to attend, their quality of the prints has decreased a lot, if attention is not paid to the quality of the prints don't say anything, many times I got home and saw the spots or lines from the roller on the prints .. or the thin lines blurry or nonexistent, it seems that they put draft quality on the prints
Gisselle Moss on Google

El peor servicio, mande a hacer unas invitaciones para boda y me cobraron cosas que no me entregaron y al ir a reclamar llegando les digo: Disculpa, vengo porque me entregaste unas invitaciones pero me hicieron falta ciertas cosas. A lo que me responde soberbiamente: no, yo si te las puse con mis propias manos. Y pues se pusieron a discutir conmigo y a decirme groserías lo cual es muy corriente de su parte por no mencionar poco profesional. En fin hablaré con profeco ya qué ni nota me quisieron dar del servicio, entregaron tarde y mal hecho y me faltaron cosas. Pero a esas 2 mujeres que me atendieron he de decir que son unas corrientes por su falta de atención al cliente y efectivamente P3nd3jas
The worst service, I had some wedding invitations made and they charged me for things that were not delivered and when I went to claim arriving I told them: Excuse me, I came because you gave me some invitations but I needed certain things. To which he responds superbly: no, I did put them on you with my own hands. And so they started arguing with me and saying rude things to me, which is very common of them, not to mention unprofessional. In short, I will speak with prophecy since they did not even want to give me a note about the service, they delivered late and poorly done and I lacked things. But to those 2 women who attended me I have to say that they are common due to their lack of customer service and indeed P3nd3jas

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