Centro de Mantenimiento Automotriz TRENA - 38020 Celaya

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Centro de Mantenimiento Automotriz TRENA

Address :

Valle del, Manzano 200 A, Valle de Girasoles, 38020 Celaya, Gto., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7
Categories :
City : Gto.

Valle del, Manzano 200 A, Valle de Girasoles, 38020 Celaya, Gto., Mexico
Dalem Barush on Google

Cuidado con este lugar. No le hicieron ningun diagnóstico y cobraron por ello además su secretaria es despota e inútil. Falta de compromiso por parte del encargado
Watch out for this place. They did not make any diagnosis and charged for it also his secretary is despotic and useless. Lack of commitment on the part of the manager
Sebastian Leon on Google

Solución inmediata
Immediate solution
Mayra Mosvilla on Google

Pésimo servicio, según realizaron un diagnóstico y cada vez que iba a recogerlo salía alguna falla nueva, no hicieron pruebas que confirmaran el resultado de su trabajo con la excusa de que algunos clientes se quejan por ver su auto a los alrededores del "taller".. tanto que al salir del taller se me quedo a media cuadra y me querían cobrar por realizarle un nuevo escaneo para ver si así veían cual era la falla ??no pierdan su tiempo y dinero... Nota tan no dejaron el carro funcionando que lo recogí con grua ya que solo buscan sacarle dinero al cliente.
Bad service, as they made a diagnosis and every time I went to pick it up, some new fault came out, they did not do tests that confirmed the result of their work with the excuse that some customers complain about seeing their car around the "workshop". So much so that when I left the workshop I was half a block away and they wanted to charge me for a new scan to see if they could see what the fault was. Do not waste your time and money ... Note so they did not leave the car running. I picked it up with a crane because they only want to take money from the customer.
Liliana Tercero on Google

No cotizaron hasta que ya habían "hecho el trabajo" y muy caro, tardaron 4 semanas más de las que habían dicho, entregaron el carro con un golpe y con fallas que no tenia cuando se llevó.... muy mal servicio.
They did not quote until they had "done the job" and it was very expensive, it took 4 more weeks than they had said, they delivered the car with a blow and with faults that it did not have when it was taken ... very bad service.
Edgar Dominguez on Google

Buena atención, el servicio está un poco saturado y la última vez me pusieron bujias de cobre en lugar de doble platino
Good attention, the service is a bit saturated and last time they put copper plugs instead of double platinum
brayan gonzalez on Google

Pésimo servicio la vez que lleve mi coche a servicio general terminó sin catalizador con la bomba de gasolina floja y con la alarma desconectada esta vez lo llevaron ahí nuevamente por qué le pegaron a mi coche y no pueden tener una pieza bien ya tienen varios días y solamente dan largas no dan una buena cotización
Terrible service the time I take my car to general service it ended up without a catalyst with a loose fuel pump and with the alarm off this time they took it there again because they hit my car and they can't have a good part, they have already had several days and they only give long they do not give a good quote
Daniel Zamora on Google

Lleve mi carro a revisar las bujías e inyectores, me marcaron del taller trena para avisarme que había surgido un incidente, la persona que estaba trabajando mi carro abrió la puerta y una moto la golpeó, quedando inservible. Ellos se comprometieron a cambiarme la puerta, me trajeron un mes con el carro así, dándome largas y diciendo falsedades que la puerta ya la habían pedido que tal día les llegaba, que les llegó mal, que ahora sí ya la habían pedido, que ahora tal día les llegaba, así me dieron largas. Cuando finalmente me aseguraron que ya estaba la puerta les lleve el carro, tardaron un día y me lo entregaron, no hicieron cambio de puerta, solo enderezaron la que tenía y le pusieron pasta, me dejaron parte del chasis dañado todavía, y aparte de eso golpearon mi estero dejándolo inservible. El servicio de bujías fue bastante caro,me dijeron que cambiaron un cable de una bujía y en total me cobraron 1600, jamás volveré a ese taller y si quieren que personalmente les cuente y les enseñe cómo quedó el carro, con todo gusto lo hago. No suelo hacer esto,de hecho es la primera vez que escribo una mala reseña pero creo que es importante que sepan a donde llevan sus carros, no los cuidan, no responden ni se hacen responsable, y sobre todo, se la pasan mintiendo, perdieron mi confianza.
I took my car to check the spark plugs and injectors, they called me from the Trena workshop to let me know that an incident had arisen, the person who was working on my car opened the door and a motorcycle hit it, making it useless. They promised to change the door for me, they brought me a month with the car like this, giving me long and telling falsehoods that they had already asked for the door that such a day was coming, that they had arrived badly, that now they had already asked for it, that now such a day was coming, that's how they put me off. When they finally assured me that the door was already there, I took the car to them, it took them a day and they gave it to me, they did not change the door, they only straightened the one I had and put paste on it, they left me part of the chassis still damaged, and apart from that they hit my estuary rendering it useless. The spark plug service was quite expensive, they told me they changed a spark plug wire and in total they charged me 1600, I will never return to that workshop and if you want me to personally tell you and show you how the car turned out, I will gladly do it. I do not usually do this, in fact it is the first time that I write a bad review but I think it is important that they know where they take their cars, they do not take care of them, they do not respond or take responsibility, and above all, they spend it lying, they lost my trust.
Guadalupe Martínez on Google

Excelente atención explican a detalle y hacen pruebas antes de determinar si realmente es la falla
Excellent attention they explain in detail and do tests before determining if it really is the fault

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