centro de rehabilitacion alfa y omega - 55870 Acolman

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Contact centro de rehabilitacion alfa y omega

Address :

Calz. de Los Agustinos 2, Centro, 55870 Acolman, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
Categories :
City : Méx.

Calz. de Los Agustinos 2, Centro, 55870 Acolman, Méx., Mexico
Jorge Gonzalez rodriguez on Google

Stell Estrella on Google

Reyna Garcia on Google

Esposas en este lugar turturaron a mi esposo, lo golpiavan y los alejan de sus familias. Les quitan comunicasion los levantan como si fueran unos perros de la calle. Y si si no se esta bien sentados o callados entre varios los colpean. Les aseguro que de ayi solo salen mal. Ese lugar esta llenos de brujos puro maldad. Amigos que que estan adentro sepan que ustedes estan ayi porque imnajinense cuantas veses Dios se cayo de la cruz y el ciguio no se den por vensidos pero tampoco dejen que los traten como inhumanos. Ellos no son Dios para decidir tu vida TU tienes que cambiar para llevar el proceso facil. Amor tu ya sabes quien escribio esto Te Amo y Recuerda Que tenemos una pormesa antes DIOS. San miguel arcarde defiendenos en la lucha se nuestroampara contra la perversidad y ecechanos del demonio que Dios manifiesta sobre elsu poder en nuestra humilde suplica y tu oh princepe de la malicia celestial con el poder de Dios te ha conferido arrojalo a al infierno a satanas y a los demas espiritu maligno que venga por el mundo para la perdicion de las almas AMEN. Mi esposo esta aqui estamos casados por la iglesia y su hermano y mama desidieron por ellos mismos encerrarlo sin mi consentimiento. Yo sabia que andaba mal pero havias quedado de acuerdo con mi esposo y hermano llevarlo a una relabilitasion cristiana. Yo no se como son las reglas de mexico pero si porfavor les agradeseria que puedo hacer. Si puedo ir a sacarlos estoy en estados unidos y nos casamos aqui en u.s.a tambien los que conducen el programa no son certificados por la assosiasion de doctores para poder ayudar a su ser querio. Solo que lo compren falsos!!!!!
Wives in this place turtured my husband, they beat him and they take them away from their families. They take away comunicasion they raise them as if they were street dogs. And if it is not well sitting or silent among several colpean. I assure you that ayi only go wrong. That place is full of witches pure evil. Friends who are inside know that you are there because imnajinense how many times you see God fell from the cross and the ciguio do not take for granted but do not let them treat you as inhuman. They are not God to decide your life YOU have to change to make the process easy. Love you already know who wrote this I love you and remember that we have a pormesa before GOD. San miguel arcarde defend us in the fight we stand against the perversity and ecechanos the demon that God manifests on his power in our humble supplication and your oh princepe of the celestial malice with the power of God has conferred throw you to hell to satanas and other malignant spirit that comes for the world for the perdition of the souls AMEN. My husband is here we are married by the church and his brother and mother decided to lock him up without my consent. I knew that it was wrong but you have agreed with my husband and brother to take it to a Christian relabilitasion. I do not know how the rules of Mexico are, but if you would please, what can I do? If I can go to take them out I am in the United States and we get married here in u.s, also those who lead the program are not certified by the assosiasion of doctors to be able to help their loved ones. Only that they buy false!
ares03joey on Google

Al propietario de esta madre solo lucra y no une familias, te cuerdas Javier que dijiste que mi hermano hiba a quedar lisiado por el accidente que tuvo en moto?? Pues no fue así, todo lo ke digas y sale de tu boca se regresa 70 veces 7 mi familia, mis hijos, mis padres y hermanos estamos bien y no es gracias a tu grupillo. Cuéntales cómo tratas a la gente dices que es un grupo honesto y robas a familias
The owner of this mother only profits and does not unite families, do you think Javier, that you said that my brother was going to be crippled by the accident he had on a motorcycle? Well it was not like that, everything you say and it comes out of your mouth comes back 70 times 7 my family, my children, my parents and brothers we are fine and it is not thanks to your group. Tell them how you treat people you say it's an honest group and you steal from families

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