Centro De Salud San Pedro Mártir - 76200 Santa María Magdalena

2.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Centro De Salud San Pedro Mártir

Address :

Segunda Privada Miguel Hidalgo, San Pedro Martir, 76200 Santa María Magdalena, Qro., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7
Categories :
City : Qro.

Segunda Privada Miguel Hidalgo, San Pedro Martir, 76200 Santa María Magdalena, Qro., Mexico
Monse Huerta on Google

Donde se hacen los análisis que te mandan hacer ??? Urge
Where are the analyzes that you are asked to do? Urges
Alberto Hernández G on Google

Muy buena atención por parte de todos médicos, enfermeras etc
Very good attention from all doctors, nurses etc
more more on Google

No saben ni mañana van a abrir
They do not know or tomorrow they will open
Eduardo Aguilar on Google

Muy eficiente y amable el personal tanto de atención como enfermeras etc..
Very efficient and friendly staff, both care and nurses, etc.
Lola S on Google

Fui buscando una cartilla de vacunacion y muy grosera la de recepción me dijo que no me iban a dar ninguna cartilla, que le tendría que volver a poner las vacunas a mi hijo arriesgando su salud. Qué les pasa??????
I went looking for a vaccination card and very rude the reception told me that they were not going to give me any primer, that I would have to give my son vaccines again risking his health. What's wrong with them ??????
Eduardo Hernández Morales on Google

Te hacen perder tu tiempo, hacen que vayas dos o tres veces por semana para que agendes tu cita, te dicen que si vas una semana antes para agendarla no pueden agendarla, el doctor te arrima el miembro reproductor cuando estás recostado.
They make you waste your time, they make you go two or three times a week to schedule your appointment, they tell you that if you go a week before to schedule it, they can't schedule it, the doctor brings the reproductive limb closer to you when you are lying down.
Angel Guess on Google

Hoy 30 de junio de 2020 me ha tocado ser testigo de el trato tan denigrante y humillante por parte de la directora hacia las personas que quisimos sacar una consulta, de forma prepotente, arrogante y grosera solo se limita a regañar a uno por todo, lejos de orientar y tratar de borrar esa mala imagen que tiene el Sector Salud con esas actitudes solo demerita y muestra total desprecio hacia la condicion humana de sus semejantes, de verdad no entiendo cómo está persona no tenga una cámara que grabé y de testimonio fiel de su comportamiento tan altanero, se hace ATENTO llamado a las autoridades correspondientes para dar seguimiento a la queja expuesta aquí, creo son muchísimas personas las que se quisieran expresar y no lo han hecho por MIEDO A REPRESALIAS , temor a perder la atención médica. Gracias por su atención.
Today June 30, 2020 I have had to witness such a denigrating and humiliating treatment by the director towards the people who wanted to get a consultation, in an arrogant, arrogant and rude way, it only limits itself to scolding one for everything, far away to guide and try to erase that bad image that the Health Sector has with those attitudes only demerits and shows total contempt for the human condition of their peers, I really do not understand how this person does not have a camera that I recorded and a faithful testimony of their such haughty behavior, an ATTENTIVE call is made to the corresponding authorities to follow up on the complaint presented here, I believe there are many people who would like to express themselves and have not done so because of FEAR OF RETALIATION, fear of losing medical attention. Thanks for your attention.
Laura aguilar on Google

Te hacen dar varias vueltas Y te terminan tratando mal y no te dan la atención que se necesita pésimo servicio ,muy groseros y prepotentes
They make you spin around And they end up treating you badly and they don't give you the attention that you need terrible service, very rude and pushy

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