centro holistico masaje y temazcal - 36000 Guanajuato

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Estos baños, han sido usados por diversas culturas indígenas de mesoamerica y Norteamérica con propósitos medicinales de desintoxicación por sudoración por las infusiones de hierbas. En maya es zumpul-ché y en mixteco, ñihi.

Contact centro holistico masaje y temazcal

Address :

36000, Quebradita 87, Zona Centro, 36000 Guanajuato, Gto., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +788
Website : https://cenholisticmasajeytemazcal.negocio.site/
Categories :
City : Gto.

36000, Quebradita 87, Zona Centro, 36000 Guanajuato, Gto., Mexico
Carmen Jimenez on Google

Gracias por la experiencia única y maravillosa 100% recomendado
Thank you for the unique and wonderful experience 100% recommended
Viva Méxicoメキシコ万歳! on Google

Visitamos el temazcal el día de ayer. Si no quieres leer mi reseña, la resumo en una frase: "Es un temazcal para turistas o principiantes" Primero, en todos mis años de experiencia, jamás me habían pedido frotar barro en mi cuerpo, es un detalle bastante interesante, ya que la idea es sentir la tierra de nuevo en tu cuerpo, lamentablemente el momento en el que deciden hacerlo no me parece el mejor, ya que manipulas el barro con tus manos e inmediatamente después te dicen que tomes una taza para utilizar agua para otra actividad, ergo, ti taza queda llena de barro y el agua frente a tí también, lo cual es un desastre, porque no te dicen que en esa taza terminarás bebiendo té, mismo que termina teniendo un delicioso sabor terroso por obvias razones. Segundo, en mi experiencia son cuatro puertas ( no hay múltiples puertas, es así como se le dice a la acción de cerrar el temazcal), cada puerta tiene un simbolismo especial y es cada vez más caliente, pero en el temazcal de ayer fueron solo tres, siendo la segunda la más cercana a la intensidad real, lamentablemente, la guía no explicó el simbolismo de salir de forma prematura del temazcal e incluso invitó a los presentes a salir del temazcal para respirar aire fresco, vaya error, ya que el temazcal una vez iniciando y cerrando la primera puerta, se convierte en el vientre de la madre tierra y salir de forma prematura simboliza una interrupción de la gestación, algo que se evita a toda costa y jamás se invita a hacer, además las personas interrumpidas ya no deben ingresar de nuevo, ellos decidieron salir antes, ya no pueden regresar. Tercero, el aramara (agua sagrada) ingresa junto con las abuelas y se queda al lado del shamán, sólo él decide cuándo y cuánta agua rocía en las abuelas ( las rocas volcánicas que se calientan y se vuelven el corazón del temazcal), pero en este caso, había agua fría de sobra y cualquiera podía tirar aramara a las abuelas e incluso, tenían permitido tomar agua fría de los contenedores y tirarla en su cuerpo para poder refrescarse, esto último me pareció poco ortodoxo, ya que el sentido del calor es perderle el miedo y con el agua fría no es posible, resultado, en la primera puerta me dió frío, ya que un participante, ya bastante veterano, tiró tanta agua qu primero fue muy caliente, pero después se volvió muy frío, esto rompe completamente el rito. Cuarto, desconozco cómo estaban otros sitios del círculo, pero en mi parte, el suelo era irregular, lo cual era súper incómodo y lastimaba, mi compañera parecía tener los mismos inconvenientes, además de que decidieron alfombrarlo con ramas de un árbol que parecía pirul, y picaba. En definitiva, necesitan poner atención en esta parte, ya que como dije al principio, es un servicio dirigido para turistas curiosos, por lo que las instalaciones dejan mucho que desear, así como la higiene en general, ya que podíamos haber lavado nuestras manos, pero solo nosotros lo híbamos a hacer y el guía nos dijo que prefería que usáramos sólo gel, qué!!!???? Nadie se lavó las manos y solo dos usamos gel, y entre los ritos nos pasamos cosas de mano en mano a la usanza de la metafísica, lo cuál nos hizo propensos a una infección, ya que muchos delos participantes eran extranjeros y éramos 12 personas en un sitio minúsculo. No me mal entiendan, yo personalmente pertenezco al camino rojo y se que es lo normal estar tan cerca, pero este temazcal es muy pequeño, incómodo y te hacen hacer cosas que normalmente no se hacen, entonces, deberían tener especial cuidado con todo lo arriba mencionado. Terminando con las áreas de oportunidad, lo rescatable es la ubicación, es excelente aunque no de fácil acceso, pero fue una vista diferente para nosotros que ya conocemos bastante la ciudad, también el sitio es muy lindo y puedes recibir masaje, aunque no preguntamos los precios, después del temazcal te ofrecen fruta, obviamente no comimos nada, como dije, nadie se lavó y además manipulamos barro, sal y sábila, creo que sí pusieran frutas que fueran individuales sería mucho más higiénico
We visited the temazcal yesterday. If you don't want to read my review, I'll summarize it in one sentence: "It is a temazcal for tourists or beginners" First, in all my years of experience, I had never been asked to rub mud on my body, it is a very interesting detail, since the idea is to feel the earth again in your body, unfortunately the moment in which they decide to do it does not seem to me the best, since you manipulate the mud with your hands and immediately after they tell you to have a cup to use water for another activity, ergo, your cup is full of mud and the water in front of you too, which is a disaster, because they don't tell you that in that cup you'll end up drinking tea, which ends up having a delicious earthy taste for obvious reasons. Second, in my experience there are four doors (there are not multiple doors, this is how the action of closing the temazcal is called), each door has a special symbolism and is getting hotter, but in yesterday's temazcal they were only three, the second being the closest to the real intensity, unfortunately, the guide did not explain the symbolism of leaving the temazcal prematurely and even invited those present to leave the temazcal to breathe fresh air, what a mistake, since the temazcal Once the first door is started and closed, it becomes the womb of Mother Earth and leaving prematurely symbolizes an interruption of pregnancy, something that is avoided at all costs and is never invited to do, in addition to interrupted people no longer They must enter again, they decided to leave earlier, they can no longer return. Third, the aramara (sacred water) enters together with the grandmothers and stays next to the shaman, only he decides when and how much water he sprinkles on the grandmothers (the volcanic rocks that heat up and become the heart of the temazcal), but in In this case, there was plenty of cold water and anyone could throw aramara at the grandmothers and they were even allowed to drink cold water from the containers and throw it on their body to cool off, the latter seemed unorthodox, since the sense of heat is Losing your fear and with cold water is not possible, result, in the first door I got cold, since a participant, already quite veteran, threw so much water that first it was very hot, but later it became very cold, this breaks completely the rite. Fourth, I don't know how other places in the circle were, but in my part, the ground was uneven, which was super uncomfortable and hurt, my partner seemed to have the same drawbacks, besides they decided to carpet it with branches of a tree that looked like lollipop, and it itched. In short, they need to pay attention to this part, since as I said at the beginning, it is a service aimed at curious tourists, so the facilities leave much to be desired, as well as hygiene in general, since we could have washed our hands, But only we were going to do it and the guide told us that he preferred that we only use gel, what !!! ???? Nobody washed their hands and only two of us used gel, and between the rites we passed things from hand to hand in the manner of metaphysics, which made us prone to infection, since many of the participants were foreigners and there were 12 people in a tiny site. Don't get me wrong, I personally belong to the red road and I know that it is normal to be so close, but this temazcal is very small, uncomfortable and they make you do things that are not normally done, so you should take special care with everything above mentioned. Ending with the areas of opportunity, the redeemable thing is the location, it is excellent although not easily accessible, but it was a different view for us who already know the city quite a bit, also the site is very beautiful and you can receive a massage, although we did not ask the prices, after the temazcal they offer you fruit, obviously we did not eat anything, as I said, nobody washed and we also handled mud, salt and aloe vera, I think if they put individual fruits it would be much more hygienic
Kevin Poore on Google

Amazing experience. Highly recommended and well worth your time and money. Thank you so much!:)
Andrew Certo on Google

Up a steep climb, with a beautiful view of Guanajuato is Rosario’s massage and temezcal. My girlfriend and I did both the massage and Temezcal ceremony. It was a great massage and the Temezcal experience was intense! Not for the faint of heart. If you do it, please read about it. Rosaria does not speak English, but speaks Spanish slowly and clearly for those of us that are not so fluent. At the start of the ceremony we got naked, put mud on our bodies and went into the Temezcal and the heat started. All you have to do is relax and let the heat soak into you, and let Rosaria sing and hit the drum. Its a challenge, but well worth it. I am generally uncomfortable with nudity and had no problem with it. I highly reccomend trying it. Rosaria has been leading Mayan Temezcal ceremonies for over 25 years and took it easy on us. But I will try to face a hotter ceremony next time. Had an out of body experience, thank you Rosaria!
Nikolay Derkach on Google

I’ve had many massages here and did a few Tamezcal ceremonies. I’d highly recommend this place. Rosario is amazing!
kfree187 on Google

My wife and I shared a private ceremony together at this beautiful retreat located in the historic part of the city. If you are looking for an authentic Temazcal experience look no further. Our guide and her partner were fantastic as they lead us through the traditional ritual with words of wisdom and music. The experience was not easy but it is truly worth it.
J. Hall on Google

My girlfriend and I have a wonderful experience at this healing center. We chose to do the massage and the temazcal experience. You're getting a relaxing massage and a traditional temazcal experience. We were lucky enough to have a english translator that added to Rosario's masterful guidance. I'd recommend you read up on temezcals if you're new to the experience so you can understand the spiritual "letting go" or rebirth thought that goes into the practice, it will make you withstand and appreciate the intensity of the ritual. Like others have said, look no further.
Hannah Peters on Google

we spontaneously decided to get messages during our visit to Guanajuato over día de muertos and we’re so happy we did! Rosario and Edjaul were kind and eager to ensure we had a relaxing experience at their center. Edjaul greeted us at the steps of the University of Guanajuato, and we walked up the hill (10 mins or so straight up) to their holistic wellness center. it’s perfectly located, so you get a gorgeous view of the city as you arrive. We each requested a relaxing massage, and Rosario and Edjaul definitely delivered. we highly recommend visiting this spot if you’re looking to support local, family-owned businesses in Guanajuato, and if you’re eager to relax!

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