Centro Médico SEMSA, S.C. Sucursal Concordia - 66600 Cd Apodaca

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Centro Médico SEMSA, S.C. Sucursal Concordia

Address :

Av. Concordia 3646, Apodaca Centro, 66600 Cd Apodaca, N.L., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8887
Website : https://www.semsamedic.mx/
Categories :
City : N.L.

Av. Concordia 3646, Apodaca Centro, 66600 Cd Apodaca, N.L., Mexico
Fran Gonzalez on Google

Hola a todos, el servicio médico es bueno, lastima que lo tiran todo por la deriva con el trato de personal de escritorio, malos tratos, mal capacitados y falta enfoque al servicio, ojalá cambien.
Hello everyone, the medical service is good, it's a pity that they throw everything away with the treatment of desk staff, mistreatment, poorly trained and lack of focus on service, I hope they change.
Mitzi Talina Martínez Trevino on Google

Excelente servicio por parte de la Dra. Rosy siempre amable y atenta. Hace chequeos súper completos a los niños y tiene registro de todo. En recepción pues cada quien como trate a la gente. En lo personal siempre han sido amables a pesar de estar ocupadas.
Excellent service from Dr. Rosy always friendly and attentive. He does super complete checkups on the children and has a record of everything. At the reception, each one how he treats people. Personally they have always been friendly despite being busy.
Alfredo González on Google

Mala atención por parte del personal, si tienen o pueden tomar otras opciones como consultas generales o de urgencias(sin afán de ofender a nadie, pero siendo muy sincero) les recomiendo buscar otras opciones, espero no les pase una experiencia como la mía donde simplemente te ignoran y no comprendo que clase de atención médica sé de en este lugar.
Bad attention from the staff, if they have or can take other options such as general or emergency consultations (with no intention of offending anyone, but being very sincere) I recommend looking for other options, I hope an experience like mine does not happen to them where simply They ignore you and I don't understand what kind of medical care I know of in this place.

Es una lástima que la MÁS QUE EXCELENTE ATENCIÓN PERSONALIZADA, tanto de los médicos generales como de los de especialidades, se vea empañada por el trato un poco tanto hostil por parte del personal de la recepción. He leído los anteriores comentarios y algunos coinciden en el mismo punto. Es de todos sabido que la situación mundial pone en jaque el manejo de emociones, estrés y de más, especialmente recae en el personal de salud, pero, considero muy personalmente, que estas acciones y/o actitudes no son justificadas. Un poco de empatía mutua y humanización también sanan. Soy paciente en esta clínica desde hace 21 años, los sigo desde que se ubicaban en la calle Reforma y hasta hoy he tenido esta amarga y lamentable experiencia, no por única vez, ya son tres ocasiones. Ojalá que en lo futuro se optimice únicamente en este rubro, por lo demás mis respetos y eterno agradecimiento en especial al Dr. Julio César Treviño González. Me quito el sombrero.
It is a pity that the MORE THAN EXCELLENT PERSONALIZED ATTENTION, both of the general practitioners and those of specialties, is tarnished by the somewhat hostile treatment by the reception staff. I have read the previous comments and some agree on the same point. It is well known that the world situation puts in check the management of emotions, stress and more, especially falls on health personnel, but I personally consider that these actions and/or attitudes are not justified. A little mutual empathy and humanization also heal. I have been a patient at this clinic for 21 years, I have been following them since they were located on Reforma Street and until today I have had this bitter and unfortunate experience, not for the only time, there are already three occasions. Hopefully in the future it will be optimized only in this area, otherwise my respects and eternal gratitude especially to Dr. Julio César Treviño González. I take my hat off.
Mia Gonzalez on Google

Pésima atención, lleve a un familiar con una severa hipotensión y arritmia alta, y no le deban la atención, porque en su protocolo de urgencia, eso no es grave, obviamente nos retiramos del lugar, no le hicieron nada, ahhh pero eso sí cobraron!!! Repito pésima atención.desde recepción hasta el médico que solo se andaba paseando..... Veo su respuesta y sigue siendo pésima, no traten de dar excusas, no lo revisaron, no lo atendieron, ni el "médico" ni en recepción nos pidieron autorización de nada, el "médico" quiso darme clases de protocolo en el hospital y no veía grave a mi paciente, le comento lo traslade a la Oca y ahí si saben atender de urgencia, estuvo en terapia intensiva, porque obviamente si saben de gravedad en las personas, no intenten dar excusas cuando no las hay, si continuo escribiendo, es para que más personas no pasen por el pésimo servicio que yo pasé. Porque para cobrar si son buenos, no hicieron nada y cobraron por su mal atención.
Terrible attention, take a family member with severe hypotension and high arrhythmia, and they don't pay attention to him, because in his emergency protocol, that's not serious, obviously we left the place, they didn't do anything to him, ahhh but they did charge for that !!! I repeat terrible attention. From reception to the doctor who was just walking around..... I see your response and it's still terrible, don't try to make excuses, they didn't review it, they didn't attend to it, neither the "doctor" nor at reception asked us for authorization of anything, the "doctor" wanted to give me protocol classes at the hospital and didn't I saw my patient serious, I told him I transferred him to the Oca and there they know how to treat urgently, he was in intensive care, because obviously if they know how serious people are, don't try to give excuses when there aren't any, if I continue writing, it's so that more people do not go through the lousy service that I went through. Because to charge if they are good, they did nothing and charged for their bad attention.
Fabiola BO on Google

Pésimo servicio, todo asumen que es un síntoma de COVID y te revisan en la calle y te mandan por fuera como si fueras leproso . Ni para que tienen la sala de espera y consultorios , si ni los usan y te van a atender en la calle. NO vuelvo a pararme ahí! No vayan!
Terrible service, everyone assumes that it is a symptom of COVID and they check you on the street and send you out as if you were a leper. Not even why do they have the waiting room and consulting rooms, if they don't even use them and they will attend to you on the street. I will NOT stand there again! Do not go!
Antonio Muñoz on Google

Muy mala atención de las recepcionistas. Y peor aún del "pediatra". Ya que la atención que brindo de apenas 3 min sin tomar ni siquiera temperatura por ejemplo. Adicional a esto, nos lleno una receta la cual no describe ni su nombre ni cédula profesional ni ningún dato que acredite que es doctor. Nada recomendable.
Very poor service from the receptionists. And worse still from the "pediatrician". Since the attention I provide for just 3 minutes without even taking a temperature, for example. In addition to this, he filled us with a prescription which does not describe his name or professional license or any information that proves that he is a doctor. Nothing recommended.
gilberto Hernández on Google

Centro medico privado que cuenta con algunas especialidades, ubicado a 10 min del centro de Apodaca, la ruta 221 CONCORDIA te deja enfrente y la tomas en el centro de Apodaca, por el BBVA ,en mi experiencia tanto el dentista como el traumatólogo son recomendables, lamentablemente la atención del personal de enfermería y recepciónistas deja que desear (algunos). Lugar limpio y ordenado , el tiempo de espero es aceptable.
Private medical center that has some specialties, located 10 minutes from the center of Apodaca, route 221 CONCORDIA leaves you in front and you take it in the center of Apodaca, by BBVA, in my experience both the dentist and the traumatologist are recommended, unfortunately the attention of the nursing staff and receptionists leaves something to be desired (some). Clean and tidy place, waiting time is acceptable.

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