Cerro De La Mask, an archaeological site - 81813 El Fuerte

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Cerro De La Mask, an archaeological site

Address :

81813 El Fuerte, Sin., Mexico

Categories :
City : Sin.

81813 El Fuerte, Sin., Mexico
Paola on Google

Excelente lugar, muy limpio y cuidado. Perfecto para realizar una buena caminata o hacer un poco de trail running.
Excellent place, very clean and cared for. Perfect for a good walk or a bit of trail running.
Adrian Larios on Google

Maravilloso un poco cansado la subida , pero vale la pena , impresionante
Wonderful a little tired the climb, but it's worth it, impressive
José C. on Google

Creo que llegar solo sí es un poco arriesgado pues hay muy poca señalización e incluso puede pasar por desapercibida. Yo llegué solo y me perdí por un camino apartado ?, lo mejor es preguntar. Si bien el camino desde el puente del venadario hacia el sendero del cerro es un poco largo, una vez que se llega a la cima la vista es muy bonita.
I think that arriving alone is a bit risky as there is very little signage and it can even go unnoticed. I arrived alone and got lost on a secluded path ?, it is best to ask. Although the path from the Venadario bridge to the hill path is a bit long, once you reach the top the view is very beautiful.
Guillermo Guerrero on Google

¿Quién realizó los petroglifos del Cerro de la Máscara? No se sabe con exactitud ¿Yoris? ¿Yoremes? ¿Aztecas que venían de paso? Hay muy poca investigación al respecto. Lo único cierto es que no encontrarás un sitio arqueológico igual a este. Para subir, basta con apuntarse en una libreta que Don Juan, el vigilante del Cerro, tiene en su casa y pagar una pequeña cuota de 5 pesos. Sigan las indicaciones y regresen antes de que oscurezca, ya que la salida por la Galera suele ser complicada.
Who made the petroglyphs of Cerro de la Máscara? It is not known exactly Yoris? Yoremes? Aztecs who were passing through? There is very little research on this. The only certainty is that you will not find an archeological site like this. To climb, just sign up in a notebook that Don Juan, the watchman of the Hill, has in his house and pay a small fee of 5 pesos. Follow the indications and return before dark, since the exit through the Galera is usually complicated.
Maga Lis Arcila on Google

Muy interesante y misterioso lugar. Cuidado por las personas de la comunidad de El Fuerte. El guía que me acompañó tiene conocimiento natural de la flora, de algunas " historias" del lugar.
Very interesting and mysterious place. Care for the people of the El Fuerte community. The guide who accompanied me has a natural knowledge of the flora, of some "stories" of the place.
Karla Bastida on Google

Es un lugar muy interesante, hermoso y muy natural. Tomamos el.tour y paseamos sobre.el.rio donde conocí varias aves y su asentamiento. Después realizamos un recorrido por la Flora y sus usos medicinales y otros no tan medicinales. Conocimos las piedras y su significado. Te recomiendo venir con guía para que te resulte más atractivo de lo contrario solo caminarás y no sabrás que pasó en ese sitio. Ven a las 4 p.m. para que veas el atardecer desde el río.
It is a very interesting, beautiful and very natural place. We took the.tour and walked on the.river where I met several birds and their settlement. Then we take a tour of the Flora and its medicinal uses and others not so medicinal. We got to know the stones and their meaning. I recommend you come with a guide to make it more attractive, otherwise you will only walk and you will not know what happened in that place. Come at 4 p.m. so you can see the sunset from the river.
Joel Negrete on Google

Nice trail but main ruins are closed to the public.
Joseph Lookabill (Joey) on Google

Beautiful spot with a view of the river and the petroglyphs are very interesting and diverse. Wish more was known about their history. It is not closed to the public, but there is a caretaker who watches over the site very carefully - you must ask him for permission as well as pay a small fee (10mxn) and sign your name. Because he can be hard to find it is easier to visit with a guide or a local, but not impossible by yourself. Just respect the area and the petroglyphs, don't leave trash, and for the love of god don't carve your name into the rocks like other idiots - otherwise these places may be lost or closed permanently.

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