3.8/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

De La Pedrera 2929, Zona Capu, Puebla, Pue., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
Website : http://www.ss.pue.gob.mx/
Categories :
City : Pue.

De La Pedrera 2929, Zona Capu, Puebla, Pue., Mexico
Hibert Romagnoli on Google

Fui atendido por un medico cuya arrogancia apenas si es comparable con su incompetencia, su apellido es cermeño o Zermeño y atiende por las tardes entre semana. Receta sin escuchar sintomas ni voltear a ver al paciente, y suelta frases como yo si estudie, las enfermeras no estudiaron, o comentarios sarcasticos en relación a tu apariencia física. En una de sus consultas le comente que su anterior tratamiento no me habia ayudado lo que lo hizo enfurecer y tratarme de manera altanera y despectiva enfrente de sus pasantes, mujeres jovenes todas, me volvio a recetar sin escuchar mis sintomas, y al comentarle sobre otro de mis padecimientos y mostrarle una botella de liquido que me habia recetado un urologo, me respondio que no es chamán para adivinar el contenido, pero que me iba a mandar metronidazol para ver si le "pegaba". Este tipo de médicos que se sienten deidades y no dan una en su practica no deberian ni contar con una cédula profesional.
I was treated by a doctor whose arrogance is barely comparable to his incompetence, his last name is Cermeño or Zermeño and he attends in the afternoons during the week. Prescribe without listening to symptoms or turning to see the patient, and utter phrases like I did study, the nurses did not study, or sarcastic comments regarding your physical appearance. In one of his consultations, I told him that his previous treatment had not helped me, which made him angry and treat me in a haughty and contemptuous way in front of his interns, all young women, he prescribed me again without listening to my symptoms, and when I told him about another of my ailments and show him a bottle of liquid that a urologist had prescribed for me, he replied that he is not a shaman to guess the content, but that he was going to send me metronidazole to see if it would "hit" him. These types of doctors who feel like deities and do not give one in their practice should not even have a professional license.
moni alarcon amador on Google

Me sentí muy agusto desde la primera vez que fui y hasta ahorita todo bien
I felt very comfortable from the first time I went and until now everything is fine
Yenaiv Terr on Google

Te niegan el servicio de urgencia aunque estés embarazada.
They deny you the emergency service even if you are pregnant.
Hoster V. on Google

Viene a hacer un examen médico y puce la ubicación en el maps pero no es la ubicación correcta solo corrijan la ubicación
He comes to do a medical exam and I put the location on the maps but it is not the correct location just correct the location
Esteban Huerta on Google

Acudí a una consulta medica, el trato que recibí por parte de las recepcionistas fue excelente, a pesar de que este no era el lugar que me correspondía con respecto a mi domicilio, me dieron la ficha para tomar la consulta solo por esta ocasión, los tiempos de espera son los correctos, lo que no me pareció tan correcto fue la atención que me brindo el doctor Cermeño, no recuerdo exactamente cual es su apellido, bien, lo primero que tengo que decir es que atiende muuy rápido, antes de mi paso un chico y máximo tardo 3 o 4 minutos, cuando fue mi turno, le comente los síntomas que presentaba y enseguida empezó a escribir en la receta, personalmente esto no me agrado porque percibí que no puso atención a todo lo que le dije, mi turno también fue como de 5 minutos, en fin, espero que el doctor ponga mas atención a los pacientes porque he leído en otras opiniones que les ha hecho lo mismo.
I went to a medical consultation, the treatment I received from the receptionists was excellent, despite the fact that this was not the place that corresponded to me with respect to my home, they gave me the form to take the consultation only for this occasion, the Waiting times are correct, what did not seem so correct was the attention that Dr. Cermeño gave me, I do not remember exactly what his last name is, well, the first thing I have to say is that he attends very quickly, before my passage A boy and a maximum took 3 or 4 minutes, when it was my turn, I commented on the symptoms that I presented and immediately began to write in the recipe, personally I did not like this because I realized that he did not pay attention to everything I said, my turn It was also about 5 minutes, anyway, I hope the doctor pays more attention to the patients because I have read in other opinions that he has done the same to them.
Antonio Cerezo on Google

Excelente servicio, supera al imss. Solo falta mejorar la farmacia y falta de existencia
Excellent service, beats imss. Only need to improve the pharmacy and lack of existence
Amanda Vazquez on Google

Son buenos poniendo vacunas lo hacen rápido pero la atención de las consultas y del doctor Cermeño habla de su poco profesionalismo no sé si a alguien así se le puede llamar “doctor”, te atiende en 4 o 5 minutos máximo solo te pregunta a qué vas y nunca te revisa te da una receta suponiendo lo que tienes sin que te cheque como un médico de calidad debería hacerlo, hay varias personas estudiando medicina y haciendo fila para tener el lugar que este señor tiene porfavor hagan algo
They are good at giving vaccines, they do it quickly, but the attention to consultations and doctor Cermeño speaks of his lack of professionalism. I don't know if someone like that can be called a "doctor", he attends you in 4 or 5 minutes maximum, he only asks what you are going to do and he never checks you he gives you a prescription assuming what you have without him checking you as a quality doctor should do, there are several people studying medicine and lining up to have the place that this man has please do something
Patricia Hernández on Google

Para la persona que preguntó si mañana 5 de mayo habrá consulta de psicología, si hay solo debe llevar su CURP de la persona que necesite consulta para que se te brinde el servicio
For the person who asked if there will be a psychology consultation tomorrow, May 5, if there is, you should only bring your CURP of the person who needs consultation so that the service is provided to you

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