CFE Federal Electricity Commission - 72980 Amozoc

2.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact CFE Federal Electricity Commission

Address :

Calle 3 Nte 611, San Miguel, 72980 Amozoc, Pue., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7
Categories :
City : Pue.

Calle 3 Nte 611, San Miguel, 72980 Amozoc, Pue., Mexico
Raùl RGB Potrero on Google

Pésimo Servicio Sus Empleados Muy Malos Lo Deberán De Quitar
Lousy Service Your Very Bad Employees Should Remove It
Luis Gonzalez R. on Google

Buena atencion en la sucursal me solucionaron pronto.
Good attention at the branch they solved me soon.

no contestan las llamadas, y se niegan a firmar los acuses... eso es incorrecto.
they don't answer calls, and they refuse to sign acknowledgments ... that's wrong.

Pesimo servicio las cajeras deberían cobrar y hacer su trabajo les molesta que pases con ellas a pagar tú recibo de luz siempre te mandan con la practi caja a que ahí hagas tus pagos de verdad una dependencia con un mal servicio
Very bad service the cashiers should charge and do their job it bothers them that you spend with them to pay your electricity bill they always send you with the practical box to make your payments there really a dependency with a bad service
Carlos Ortega on Google

Muy mal servicio... Te mantienen esperando por horas..... Si quieres hacer Algún trámite..
Very bad service ... They keep you waiting for hours ..... If you want to do Some procedure ..
Ave Fenix on Google

Nunca te resuelven nada; siempre es culpa del usuario, no son claros en los requisitos; te hacen dar vueltas, no cumplen sus horarios el cfematico tiene un horario y tampoco lo cumplen
They never solve anything for you; It is always the fault of the user, they are not clear on the requirements; they make you spin around, they don't keep their schedules the cfematico has a schedule and they don't keep it either
Fernando Alanis on Google

Horrible experiencia las empleadas son prepotentes y no saben explicar la primera vez que fui que me faltaban documentos volví a ir según con los documentos que me faltaban y me salieron con la babosada que no podían hacer el contrato por que era zona de riesgo, eso me lo podían haber dicho desde el principio, yo no entiendo se supone que a la hora que contratan personal deben tener actitud de servicio y pasan exámenes psicométricos pero creo que en esta sucursal ninguna señorita paso los exámenes y están ahí por recomendación ojala cambien el personal TENGAN EN CUENTA CUANTOS COMENTARIOS NEGATIVOS A SU PERSONAL.....PONGAN PERSONAL QUE REALMENTE VALORE EL TRABAJO
Horrible experience the employees are arrogant and do not know how to explain the first time I went that I was missing documents I went back according to the missing documents and they came up with the slob that they could not make the contract because it was a risk area, that was They could have said it from the beginning, I don't understand they are supposed to have a service attitude when they hire staff and pass psychometric tests but I think that in this branch no lady passed the exams and they are there by recommendation I hope they change the staff TENGAN INTO ACCOUNT HOW MANY NEGATIVE COMMENTS TO YOUR STAFF ..... PUT STAFF WHO REALLY VALUE THE WORK
Katy Palacios on Google

Debes acudir y ser preciso y especificar bien que trámite vas a realizar y llevar todos los documentos ya que son poco amables.y pacientes
You must go and be precise and specify well what procedure you are going to carry out and take all the documents since they are unkind and patient

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