Christ Medical Pharmacy - 14250 Ciudad de México

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Contact Christ Medical Pharmacy

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Av. de Las Torres 6, Miguel Hidalgo 2da Secc, Tlalpan, 14250 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

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City : CDMX

Av. de Las Torres 6, Miguel Hidalgo 2da Secc, Tlalpan, 14250 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Carmen Mendoza Landeros on Google

dulce hurtado on Google

Pequeña Galletita on Google

Karina Vazquez on Google

yaremi flores solis on Google

Excelente farmacia, buena atención Servicio completo, buenos médicos y capacitados abierto para todo el público, Con medicamentos de excelente calidad.
Excellent pharmacy, good service Full service, good doctors and trained open to the public, With medications of excellent quality.
luis Rodriguez on Google

el médico De Eduardo es excelente médico me diagnóstico algo que ningun otro médico me diagnóstico mis respetos para el dr Eduardo
Eduardo's doctor is an excellent doctor, he diagnosed me something that no other doctor has diagnosed me. my respects to dr Eduardo
Justincase on Google

El doctor cero profesional, diciendo que se fingen los síntomas cuando son reales solo porque se predispuso al decirle que se requería la receta para el trabajo. Inclusive cuestionó el hecho de que no se tengan prestaciones en el lugar en el que laboro, digo eso es algo que no le debería interesar. Desde que le dije buenas tardes tuvo una actitud prepotente y sarcástica y no fue pare decirme: pasa, siéntate, cuéntame que tienes. Yo le tuve que decir si me podía pasar y sentar. Ah y si no compras ahí la medicina te cobran $70 de la consulta y eso no te lo comentan al principio. (Aunque amablemente me lo pasaron a precio de $35) Pero con su actitud y cobrar $70 se me hace un abuso. La verdad hasta los gratuitos de farmacias del ahorro tienen mejor atención que ellos, solo fui ahí por la urgencia pero jamás vuelvo a ir. Nunca en toda mi vida me habían tratado de esa manera y como mentirosa sin fundamentos, todavía me dice: tienes la presión un poco alta pero no vayas a ir a decir que te dije que eres hipertensa, como si buscara yo un pretexto para faltar. Si el señor supiera que trabajo de 9 am a 8 pm de L a V se daría cuenta de que realmente trabajo y que no tengo porque fingir nada. Cero recomendado
The doctor zero professional, saying that symptoms are faked when they are real only because he predisposed himself by telling him that the prescription was required for the job. He even questioned the fact that there are no benefits in the place where I work, I say that is something that should not interest him. Since I said good afternoon to him, he had an arrogant and sarcastic attitude and it was not to say to me: come in, sit down, tell me what you have. I had to tell him if he could come over and sit down. Oh, and if you don't buy the medicine there, they charge you $ 70 for the consultation and they don't tell you about that at the beginning. (Although they kindly gave it to me at a price of $ 35) But with his attitude and charging $ 70 it is an abuse to me. The truth is that even the free savings pharmacy have better care than them, I only went there for the urgency but I never go again. Never in my entire life had I been treated that way and as an unfounded liar, she still tells me: your blood pressure is a bit high but don't go and say that I told you that you are hypertensive, as if I were looking for a pretext to be absent. If the gentleman knew that I work from 9 am to 8 pm from Monday to Friday, he would realize that I really work and that I don't have to pretend anything. Zero recommended
Carlos Flores Ramirez on Google

La farmacia normalmente cuenta con todo lo necesario y los precios están dentro del promedio. Siempre es posible encontrar a un médico para realizar una consulta médica. La atención y servicio son muy buenos. El gran gran inconveniente es que si no se compra el medicamento que asigna el médico en la consulta, el precio de la consulta se eleva a $70 y si se compra es de $30. Esta situación no se explica a detalle hasta que ya es momento de pagar por lo que puede generar varios inconvenientes. El problema no es el precio de la consulta si no, no avisar y explicar a los usuarios antes de pasar a consulta.
The pharmacy usually has everything you need and the prices are within average. It is always possible to find a doctor for a medical consultation. The attention and service are very good. The great big drawback is that if the medicine assigned by the doctor in the consultation is not purchased, the price of the consultation rises to $ 70 and if it is purchased it is $ 30. This situation is not explained in detail until it is time to pay for what can generate several inconveniences. The problem is not the price of the consultation, if not, do not warn and explain to users before proceeding to consultation.

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