CI Banco - 83200 Hermosillo

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Contact CI Banco

Address :

Metrocentro Blvd. Luis Donaldo Colosio esq, C. Real del Arco Col, 83200 Hermosillo, Son., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +78
Categories :
City : Son.

Metrocentro Blvd. Luis Donaldo Colosio esq, C. Real del Arco Col, 83200 Hermosillo, Son., Mexico
German Garcia on Google

Isaac Olivarria on Google

MI EXPERIENCIA 1. Yo saqué un carro 2020 en la Peugeot Hermosillo (porque la tasa con ellos era atractiva), llevo 6 recibos pagados puntuales (6 meses) y sólo me han dado 2 estados de cuenta de los 6. Lo he reportado varias veces tanto en sus sucursales como en su call center y nada. También me comentan que ellos no pueden IMPRIMIR mi estado de cuenta. 2. NO PUEDES domiciliar los pagos de tu mensualidad del carro. Mi carro anterior lo pagaba a Inbursa con una cuenta Banorte sin problemas, y en 4 años del crédito, jamás tuve problemas ni tuve que ir al banco por ese tema. 3. MI ESPOSA sacó un carro Hyunda con ellos a 3 años, cuando le tocaba pagar el segundo año del seguro fue y LO PAGO DE CONTADO en el tiempo que nos indicaron en CI BANCO COLOSIO-UNISON y !Oh Sorpresa! le empezaron a cobrar otro seguro igual en la mensualidades de Mayo, Junio, Julio, Agosto y Septiembre, fue todo un VIACRUCIS para que nos arreglaran esto, de hecho nos OBLIGARON a pagar la mensualidad regular + ese seguro extra, es decir, el carro por varios meses tuvo 2 seguros, del mismo banco y de la misma aseguradora. Y LO PEOR, cuando solucionaron NO NOS REGRESARON nuestro dinero, LO DEJARON en una "cuenta" para de ahí cobrarse las siguientes mensualidades. 4. EN LA SUCURSAL METRO CENTRO me atendió amablemente un asesor el martes 10 de Marzo, le expuse mi caso, le comenté que tengo meses batallando con eso, intercambiamos teléfonos y hasta la fecha le he llamado varias veces y no ha podido resolver algo tan simple como imprimirme mis ESTADO DE CUENTA de mi crédito automotriz. EN RESUMEN: no se merece 1 estrella.
MY EXPERIENCE 1. I took out a 2020 car in the Peugeot Hermosillo (because the rate with them was attractive), I have 6 paid receipts on time (6 months) and they have only given me 2 account statements of the 6. I have reported it several times both in your branches and your call center and nothing. They also tell me that they cannot PRINT my statement. 2. YOU CANNOT direct debit your car monthly payments. My previous car was paid to Inbursa with a Banorte account without problems, and in 4 years of credit, I never had problems or had to go to the bank for that matter. 3. MY WIFE took out a Hyunda car with them for 3 years, when she had to pay the second year of the insurance it was and I PAY IT IN CASH in the time indicated in CI BANCO COLOSIO-UNISON and! Oh Surprise! They began to charge him another equal insurance in the monthly payments of May, June, July, August and September, it was quite a VIACRUCIS to fix this for us, in fact they FORCED us to pay the regular monthly payment + that extra insurance, that is, the car for several months he had 2 insurances, from the same bank and from the same insurer. AND THE WORST, when they solved they DID NOT RETURN US our money, they left it in an "account" to collect the following monthly payments from there. 4. AT THE METRO CENTRO BRANCH I was kindly assisted by an advisor on Tuesday, March 10, I explained my case, I commented that I have been struggling with it for months, we exchanged phones and to date I have called him several times and he has not been able to solve something so simple how to print my STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT of my automobile credit. IN SUMMARY: it does not deserve 1 star.
Donnie Manasco on Google

The phone number doesn't have the Mexico code in front of it. I've suggested an info edit several times. I get at least 20 calls a day from Mexico for this bank. Please do something about it Google

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