Ciclopista Ixtapa - Ixtapa Zihuatanejo

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ciclopista Ixtapa

Address :

P.º de las Garzas, Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, Gro., Mexico

Categories :
City : Gro.

P.º de las Garzas, Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, Gro., Mexico
Alberto Mayo on Google

Excelente recorrido ya sea en bicicleta, para correr o una caminata en familia. No olvidar llevar nuestro termo de agua.
Excellent tour whether it's biking, running or a family walk. Do not forget to bring our thermos of water.
Antonio Rivera on Google

Es una experiencia de las que debes vivir si visitas Ixtapa, ya sea corriendo, en patines o en bici, es muy bonito el recorrido, solo se recomienda sea temprano, porque el calor está bueno!!!
It is an experience that you must live if you visit Ixtapa, whether running, rollerblading or cycling, the route is very beautiful, it is only recommended to be early, because the heat is good !!!
Sareni Ruiz Montoya on Google

La ciclopista de Ixtapa es una de las ciclopistas más bonitas que he visto. El paisaje que hay al terminar la zona hotelera es increíble. Los sonidos de los animales que viven en el estero así como la fauna que puedes ver (algunos tejones traviesos) no tienen punto de comparación. Sí comienzas el recorrido desde el inicio, en la Marina de Ixtapa y terminas hasta la ultimo sitio que es Playa Linda haces un recorrido de alrededor de 40 min de ida y otros 40min de regreso en bicicleta. Así que si no cuentas con mucho tiempo no es muy buena idea recorrerla a pie. Del mismo modo, dentro de la ciclopista hay una desviación donde inicia una ciclopista de montaña y otra desviación que lleva a un mirador. Si quieres ir al mirador hay un guardia al inicio de la pendiente que sin problema puede cuidar las bicis. Eso sí, si planeas ir al mirador ve preparad@ con ropa deportiva, muchoooo repelente de moscos porque hay demasiados, una botella de agua porque pierdes muchos líquidos por el calor y la subida y sobretodo buena actitud porque la pendiente si está un poco inclinada. Pero la vista en el Mirador vale mucho la pena. Incluso hay bancas y mesas donde se puede tomar un almuerzo si es que llevas comida. En cuanto a la seguridad, en cuanto termina la zona hotelera se pueden ver bastantes agentes de seguridad que están al pendiente de que todo marche bien, sin embargo, hay que estar al pendiente y de preferencia no ir sol@ ya que hay muchos ocasiones que no hay mucha gente en la ciclopista y está un poco solo. En cuanto a la renta de bicicletas hay algunos sitios cerca de los restaurantes de la Marina donde puedes rentar, también rentan enfrente de las hamburguesas Ruben's. Sin embargo, sí no eres mucho de bicicletas, la ciclopista también es excelente para correr, trotar o simplemente caminar y observar la zona hotelera.
The Ixtapa bike path is one of the most beautiful bike paths I have ever seen. The landscape at the end of the hotel zone is incredible. The sounds of the animals that live in the estuary as well as the fauna that you can see (some mischievous badgers) have no point of comparison. If you start the tour from the beginning, in the Marina of Ixtapa and end up to the last place which is Playa Linda, you do a journey of around 40 min one way and another 40 min back by bike. So if you don't have a lot of time, it's not a very good idea to walk around it. In the same way, within the cycle path there is a deviation where a mountain bike path begins and another deviation that leads to a viewpoint. If you want to go to the viewpoint there is a guard at the beginning of the slope who can easily take care of the bikes. Of course, if you plan to go to the viewpoint, be prepared with sports clothes, a lot of mosquito repellent because there are too many, a bottle of water because you lose a lot of liquids due to the heat and the climb and above all, a good attitude because the slope is a little steep. But the view at the Mirador is well worth it. There are even benches and tables where you can have lunch if you bring food. Regarding security, as soon as the hotel zone ends you can see quite a few security agents who are on the lookout that everything goes well, however, you have to be vigilant and preferably not go alone since there are many occasions that There aren't many people on the bike path and he's a bit lonely. As for bicycle rental, there are some places near the Marina restaurants where you can rent, they also rent in front of Ruben's hamburgers. However, if you are not much into bicycles, the bike path is also great for running, jogging or just walking and observing the hotel zone.
Amber Amato de Guerrero on Google

Wonderful experience!!! We rode the entire length of the trail - much to see and enjoy along the way including… crocodiles! Beautiful flowers, birds and butterflies everywhere, well maintained trails, and a joy to experience animals in their natural habitat
Jeff Murphy on Google

more fun than a barrel of crocodiles
CHAMONIX on Google

tried the trail this afternoon. amazing both ways downhill most of the time, very short stretch needs efforts. finished quickly, started at marina, ended at playa linda. most shady but no much to see, didnt find the lookout point, a bit disappointed
Jason Miles on Google

9.5km paves bike path. Everything from jungle travel, alligators, and coati. Head to La Palapa for drinks, food, and parasailing.
Diyonne Raines on Google

There is an amazing deep forest bike ride from the town of Ixtapa to Playa Linda. Maybe 8km.There's a bike rental shop on the bike path next to the restaurant Soleiados near the Marina. You can rent bikes and ask for a guide if needed.. Leave from there, follow the bike path around to the left, up and down a few hills and at one point you will cross the street into the "Crocodile jungle". Take the path all the way to Playa Linda. Get off your bike at the natural Croc habitat and around the corner you can feed the iguanas some mangos from the mango cart. They are friendly. Definitely bring water & pesos.

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