Cinépolis - Puebla

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Cinépolis

Address :

Blvd. Capitán Carlos Camacho Espíritu 7736, San José Xilotzingo, Puebla, Pue., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +89888
Website :
Categories :
City : Pue.
Description : Movie theater chain, offering state-of-the-art sound & projection technology.

Blvd. Capitán Carlos Camacho Espíritu 7736, San José Xilotzingo, Puebla, Pue., Mexico
Dany Leksok on Google

No tienen cinefila, asi que tendras que esperar de 10 a 20 minutos en la fila para poder comprar, y les vale madre la fila de boletos por que no hay nadie quien cobre, asi que tienes que formarte en dulceria incluso si solo quieres los boletos, Me dieron un ticket con promoción de 2x1 en mi siguiente película y cuando fui no me lo respetaron, el gerente dijo que el ticket solo es informativo lo cual ni sentido tiene, muy mal todo
They don't have a movie theater, so you'll have to wait 10 to 20 minutes in line to buy, and they don't care about the line of tickets because there's no one to charge, so you have to train in a candy store even if you just want the tickets , They gave me a ticket with a 2 for 1 promotion in my next movie and when I went they did not respect it, the manager said that the ticket is only informative which makes no sense, everything is very bad
Irma Quijano Marín on Google

Los precios que maneja son accesibles, las salas son de capacidad media, el personal es atento en general su servicio es bueno, pero le doy tres estrellas pues la demanda de clientes los rebasó y no tienen suficiente personal para dulceria así que tardas demasiado tiempo formado.
The prices it manages are accessible, the rooms are of medium capacity, the staff is attentive in general, its service is good, but I give it three stars because the demand of clients exceeded them and they do not have enough staff for candy stores, so it takes too long to train. .
Flor Iliana Cazabal Téllez on Google

Estan muy bonitas sus salas, el audio muy bueno ,pero el personal es muuy malo, después de ir como 5 veces para intentar conseguir una tarjeta, el día de ayer me la vendieron, tras mucha espera y ser ignorada, cuando pase a dulcería me dijeron que no se había activado y mis puntos por la compra de una familia de 7 personas se perdió. Pésimo servicio :(
Its rooms are very nice, the audio is very good, but the staff is very bad, after going about 5 times to try to get a card, yesterday they sold it to me, after a long wait and being ignored, when I went to the candy store I They said that it had not been activated and my points for the purchase of a family of 7 people was lost. Terrible service :(
Gustavo Oropeza on Google

Los de la taquilla deberían de evitar que la gente se pongan tan serca (osea que tengan la sana distancia) , porque durante la película había una persona que estaba tociendo y creo que tenía COVID y ahora yo lo tengo y no salgo para nada de mi casa y evito el contacto con personas ajenas a mi y desinfecto todo antes de tocarlo. No es paranolla ni nada de eso pero todavía hay gente que no se a vacunado y algunos que piensan que ya vacunados no les puede dar y o son asintomáticos o lesda leve y siguen saliendo aunque tengan COVID. Yo ya me vacune pero aún haci hay variantes que te da aunque estés vacunado. P.D: se que no es el problema de los de la taquilla pero si díganles a los que compran los boletos que no eliga las butacas que están pegados a los otras personas.
Those at the box office should prevent people from getting so close (that is, they have a healthy distance), because during the movie there was a person who was coughing and I think he had COVID and now I have it and I don't leave my side at all house and avoid contact with people outside of me and disinfect everything before touching it. It is not paranola or anything like that, but there are still people who have not been vaccinated and some who think that once vaccinated they cannot get it and they are either asymptomatic or mild and continue to come out even if they have COVID. I already got vaccinated but there are still variants that it gives you even if you are vaccinated. PS: I know it's not the box office's problem, but tell those who buy the tickets not to choose the seats that are next to other people.
Lizzet Alejandra Pons Moreno on Google

La sala y todo esta bien y limpio sin embargo a la hora de atender en dulceria es un servicio deficiente, fui a la funcion de Dr strange hace dos semanas y habia 9 personas delante de mi y solo una persona atendiendo super lento,con toda la calma del mundo,en la fila no hay sana distancia ni fluidez,hay grupos de amigos que entran y salen de la fila y nadie que controle eso , no lleve celular ese dia si no habria tomado fotos de como estaban atendiendo ,mejoren eso y todo perfecto
The room and everything is fine and clean, however when it comes to attending the candy store it is a poor service, I went to the Dr Strange function two weeks ago and there were 9 people in front of me and only one person attending super slow, with all the Calm in the world, in the queue there is no healthy distance or fluidity, there are groups of friends who enter and leave the queue and nobody controls that, do not carry a cell phone that day if you would not have taken photos of how they were attending, improve that and everything perfect
Jennilopp on Google

Es la segunda vez que voy, la segunda vez que el trato es deficiente y la última vez que veo una película en este cine. Había un cabello en mis palomitas y su solución era quitar solo "esa parte" y rellenar el contenedor. Preferíamos ir a este cine porqué nos "quedaba mas cerca" pero es mucho mejor la atención de cinepolis de Plaza Crystal. Los sanitarios están en la parte de arriba, que a mi parecer es poco funcional, no hay un orden en comprar boletos y la dulceria, es más, ni cajero encontramos en el área de los boletos. Y ya no existe nada respecto a una sana distancia entre los asientos dentro de las salas.
It is the second time that I go, the second time that the treatment is poor and the last time that I see a movie in this cinema. There was a hair in my popcorn and their solution was to just remove "that part" and refill the bin. We preferred to go to this cinema because it was "closer" to us, but the attention of Plaza Crystal's cinepolis is much better. The toilets are in the upper part, which in my opinion is not very functional, there is no order in buying tickets and the candy store, moreover, we did not find a cashier in the ticket area. And there is no longer anything about a healthy distance between the seats inside the rooms.
Ariel Roca on Google

Fui a la primera función, llegué 20 minutos antes y aún estaba cerrado, tuve que esperar a que hicieran lo administrativo y me atendieron sin embargo el queso de los nachos estaba frío y me preguntaron si gustaba que me los mandaran a la sala. No me lo mandaron en 30 minutos por lo cual tuve que salir a pedirlo, además de eso no hay quejas. Esta muy limpio tanto salas como sanitarios y el personal siempre se ha portado amable
I went to the first show, I arrived 20 minutes early and it was still closed, I had to wait for them to do the administrative stuff and they attended me, however the cheese on the nachos was cold and they asked me if I wanted them to be sent to the room. They did not send it to me in 30 minutes so I had to go out and ask for it, other than that there are no complaints. It is very clean both rooms and toilets and the staff has always been friendly

The place is nice and clean.

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