Citibanamex Álamos - 76160 Santiago de Querétaro

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Contact Citibanamex Álamos

Address :

Olmo 2, Alamos 2da Secc, 76160 Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
Categories :
City : Qro.

Olmo 2, Alamos 2da Secc, 76160 Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., Mexico
Sanando y Moviendo a México S A de C V on Google

El cajero automático no me dió mi dinero por segunda vez, esta vez se trataba de una cantidad fuerte, la señorita de las afores vió mi problema del otro lado del cristal, no me hizo caso cuándo le pedí ayuda en varias ocasiones, por el contrario, se comenzó a burlar de mi, así que opté por tratar de sacar el dinero por la fuerza, toda vez que si daba la vuelta para quejarme del problema, podían robarme el dinero porque luego le ponen unas placas de metal, el plástico de la salida del dinero se rompió y se activó la alarma del cajero, al bloquearse fue que entré al banco, pero fue entonces que la muchacha le avisó al gerente Marco Antonio Ruiz, el me denunció con las autoridades, tuve que pagar por daños y perjuicios, perdí todo el día de mi 11o aniversario de bodas, nunca olvidaré a Banamex ni a su nefasto personal, tampoco volveré a esa sucursal. The ATM didn't give me my money for the second time, this time it was a strong amount, the lady of the Afores saw my problem on the other side of the glass, she ignored me when I asked for help several times, on the contrary, she began to make fun of me, so I opted for trying to take the money by force, since if I turned around to complain about the problem, they could steal my money because sometimes people puts some metal plates, the plastic of the money out broke and the alarm on the Cashier was activated, when it got blocked, I went to the bank, but it was then that the girl told to the manager Marco Antonio Ruiz, he denounced me to the authorities, I had to pay for damages, I lost the whole day of my 11th wedding anniversary, I will never forget Banamex or his ill-fated staff, nor will I return to that bank. 自动柜员机第二次没给我钱,这次是一笔很大的金额,Afores 的女士在玻璃杯的另一边看到了我的问题,当我多次请求帮助时她忽略了我,相反 他开始取笑我,所以我选择用武力来取钱,因为如果我转过身来抱怨这个问题,他们就可以偷钱,因为他们放了一些金属板,塑料的 钱被打破,收银员的闹钟被激活,当它被阻止时,我进入了银行,但是那时女孩告诉经理 Marco Antonio Ruiz,他向当局谴责我,我不得不支付赔偿金, 我失去了11周年结婚纪念日的一整天,我永远不会忘记Banamex或他命中注定的工作人员,我也不会回到那个分支。
The ATM did not give me my money for the second time, this time it was a strong amount, the lady of the afores saw my problem on the other side of the glass, she ignored me when I asked her for help several times, on the contrary , they started making fun of me, so I opted to try to take the money by force, since if I turned around to complain about the problem, they could steal my money because then they put some metal plates, the plastic of the The money was broken and the cashier's alarm was activated, when it was blocked, I went to the bank, but it was then that the girl notified the manager Marco Antonio Ruiz, he denounced me to the authorities, I had to pay for damages, I lost all day of my 11th wedding anniversary, I will never forget Banamex or his nefarious staff, nor will I return to that branch. The ATM did not give me my money for the second time, this time it was a strong amount, the lady of the Afores saw my problem on the other side of the glass, she ignored me when I asked for help several times, on The contrary, I began to make fun of it, so I opted for trying to take the money by force, since if I turned around to complain about the problem, they could steal my money because sometimes people put some metal plates, the plastic of The money out broke and the alarm on the Cashier was activated, when it got blocked, I went to the bank, but it was then that the girl told to the manager Marco Antonio Ruiz, I have denounced me to the authorities, I had to pay for damages, I lost the whole day of my 11th wedding anniversary, I will never forget Banamex or his ill-fated staff, nor will I return to that bank. A 柜员机 第二 次 没 给 我 钱, 这次 是 一笔 很大 的 金额, Afores 的 女士 在 玻璃杯 的 另 一边 看到 了 我 的 问题, 当 我 多次 请求 帮助 时 她 忽略 了 我, 相反 他 开始取笑 我, 所以 我 选择 用 武力 来 取钱, 因为 如果 我 转过身 来 抱怨 抱怨 问题, 他们 就 可以 偷钱, 因为 他们 放 了 一些 金属 板, 塑料 的 钱 被 打破, 收银员 的 闹钟 被 激活, Antonio 它 被 阻止 时, 我 进入 了 银行, 但是 那时 女孩 告诉 经理 Marco Antonio Ruiz, 他 向 当局 谴责 我, ​​我 不得不 支付 赔偿 金, 我 失去 了 11 周年 结婚 纪念日 的 一 整天, 我 永远 不会 忘记 Banamex 或 他 命中注定 的 工作 人员, 我 也 不会 回到 那个 分支.
Rogelio Orozco on Google

En general Banamex es un banco donde las esperas son largas, especialmente si necesitas hablar con un ejecutivo.
In general, Banamex is a bank where the waits are long, especially if you need to speak with an executive.

Indica que hoja abre al público,sin embargo está cerrado. Me vine desde el otro lado de la ciudad en bicicleta y llegué y no puedo hacer el trámite que necesitaba. Una lastima que no tengan buena información en la red.
Indicates which page is open to the public, however it is closed. I came from the other side of the city by bicycle and I arrived and I cannot do the paperwork I needed. A pity that they do not have good information on the network.
Rosa Toriz on Google

Esta es una de las pocas sucursales que abre el Sabado y siento que a comparacion del Banamex de la zona centro aqui te proporcionan muy Buena atencion. Como los Sabados es cuando mas clientes se juntan la sucursal estaba llena, saque turno para cajas y servicio a clientes. En cajas mas o menos tardé como media hora y en Servicio al cliente casi una hora (y eso que habia 3 atendiendo), pero valió la pena estar esperando, tenía 5 problemas desde hace un buen rato, los cuales en servicio al cliente quedó todo arreglado ... Es mi sucursal favorita, aunque me quede lejos.
This is one of the few branches that opens on Saturday and I feel that compared to the Banamex in the downtown area, they provide you with very good attention. As Saturdays is when more customers come together the branch was full, take turns for boxes and customer service. In boxes more or less took about half an hour and customer service almost an hour (and that had 3 attending), but it was worth waiting, had 5 problems for a while, which in customer service was all arranged ... It's my favorite branch, although I stayed away.
Iván Montero on Google

Leí las opiniones y me aventuré a ver si es verdad lo que decían, a mi parecer el servicio fue rápido, cuando entre había una cola especial para hacer depósitos/retiros y eso ayuda a agilizar los movimientos bancarios. Servicio a clientes a lo mejor es lento pero es entendible por el trato prioritario a los que van a depositar. Si quieren un ejemplo de servicio tardado, vayan a una sucursal de cdmx y ahí si puedes hacerte más de una hora solo para poder hacer un depósito. Aquí me tarde 20 minutos por mucho.
I read the opinions and I ventured to see if what they said is true, in my opinion the service was fast, when there was a special queue to make deposits / withdrawals and that helps to speed up banking movements. Customer service may be slow but it is understandable due to the priority treatment of those who are going to deposit. If you want an example of delayed service, go to a CDMX branch and there if you can make yourself more than an hour just to make a deposit. Here it took me 20 minutes by far.
Oscar Daniel on Google

Cerrado. Estamos 10 personas esperando la apertura. Horarios indican que sí. Una nota al menos para saber. Super pésimo servicio. 0 estrellas!!!
Closed. We are 10 people waiting for the opening. Schedules indicate yes. A note at least to know. Super lousy service. 0 stars !!!
Giancarlo Gaming on Google

La atención fue extremadamente rápida El trámite fue con ejecutivo, fue muy amable, me explicó todo el proceso y ofreció su ayuda para guiarme en todos los procesos, siempre preguntando si tenía alguna duda. Le pongo 4 estrellas porque sus cajeros están muy deficientes.
The attention was extremely fast The procedure was with an executive, he was very kind, he explained the whole process to me and offered his help to guide me in all the processes, always asking if I had any questions. I give it 4 stars because their ATMs are very deficient.
Claudia Tellez on Google

Por qué no da la opción de dar menos estrellas Pero que pésimo servicio de todos, bueno el mas decente fue el Chico que atiende a la entrada de ahí en fuera nefastos incluida la “gerente” Es el peor banco que pueda existir
Why don't you give the option to give less stars? But what a lousy service of all, well the most decent was the Guy who attends the entrance out there disastrous including the "manager" It is the worst bank that can exist

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