Citibanamex branch Riviera Maya - 77710 Playa del Carmen

2.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Citibanamex branch Riviera Maya

Address :

30 Avenida Nte. S/N, Centro, 77710 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
Categories :
City : Q.R.

30 Avenida Nte. S/N, Centro, 77710 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico
Gildardo Ayala on Google

Falta un mejor manejo de personal casi 16 personas en el lugar y solo 2 trabajando.
Need better staff management almost 16 people on site and only 2 working.
Liz Mendez on Google

Horrible servicio llegué mucho antes que otros clientes y fui la última en qué me atendieron
Horrible service I arrived much earlier than other customers and I was the last to be served
Kaisha Santiago on Google

Me ofrecieron una tarjeta de crédito, llené la solicitud y fui aceptada. Fui a la sucursal con todos mis documentos, incluyendo mi pasaporte y mi tarjeta de residencia legal permanente -por ser extranjera-. Después de esperar como 40 min me dicen que no pueden aceptarme ese tipo de pasaporte porque está en sus políticas, cuando en otros momentos (otras sucursales) me han aceptado la prórroga sin problema. Dijeron que para tarjetas, apertura de cuentas y ventas no pueden aceptar ese tipo de pasaporte que expide mi país y cuando expliqué que es la identificación que uso para todo y siempre me funciona, la ejecutiva (que claramente no sabe que también cada país tiene sus políticas para la expedición de identificaciones) dice que el banco no lo acepta y ya, pero... Acaso el banco tiene una politica para cada uno de los países? Seguramente no. Anyway, desde que llegué a mi he estado usando este banco, pero con esa ignorancia ya no puedo seguir siendo cliente. A ver si me permiten cerrar la cuenta usando ese pasaporte.
They offered me a credit card, I filled out the application and was accepted. I went to the branch with all my documents, including my passport and my permanent legal residence card -because I was a foreigner-. After waiting about 40 minutes they tell me that they cannot accept that type of passport because it is in their policies, when at other times (other branches) have accepted the extension without problem. They said that for cards, account opening and sales they cannot accept that type of passport that my country issues and when I explained that it is the identification that I use for everything and it always works for me, the executive (who clearly does not know that each country also has its own policies for the issuance of identifications) says that the bank does not accept it and that's it, but ... Does the bank have a policy for each of the countries? Probably not. Anyway, since I came to me I have been using this bank, but with that ignorance I can no longer remain a customer. Let's see if they allow me to close the account using that passport.
Isabel Lapuente on Google

Pésimo servicio, siendo cliente citibanamex, tardan horas en atenderte siquiera, los turnos no tienen coherencia, el personal anda por toda la sucursal haciéndose tonta porque ni te resuelven nada, ni te atienden, más de una hora esperando para un tramite que no tiene ciencia y eso que nisiquiera había tanta fila de espera
Terrible service, being a citibanamex client, they take hours to attend to you, the shifts are not consistent, the staff goes around the branch being silly because they don't solve anything, they don't attend you, more than an hour waiting for a procedure that has no science and that there was not even so much waiting line
Ana Luisa Saldaña on Google

Pésimo servicio, te hacen tomar turno para que no lo respeten y todavía te echen la culpa de que ya pasó tu turno. La señorita Laura Yerbes, te atiende de una manera prepotente y no tienen ni siquiera los plásticos que se necesitan. Más de una hora para que me dijeran que van a mandar la tarjeta a domicilio. Las demás asesoras, solo andan paseandose y platicando entre ellas.
Terrible service, they make you take a turn so that they don't respect it and still blame you that your turn has already passed. Miss Laura Yerbes, attends you in an arrogant way and they don't even have the plastics that are needed. More than an hour for them to tell me that they are going to send the card to my home address. The other advisers are just walking around and talking to each other.
Jorge Fernando Reyna Hernández on Google

El personal que atiende es muy amable y siempre son puntuales en abrir. Hace falta rapidez aunque mucha gente también va sin llevar sus documentos correctos. El mejor momento para ir es lejos de la quincena o sábado temprano.
The serving staff is very friendly and they are always on time to open. Speed ​​is needed, although many people also go without having their correct documents. The best time to go is off the fortnight or early Saturday.
zuleyma canche on Google

Esta sucursal era de los mejores para mí, la última vez que acudí me sorprendí del mal servicio que tenían, con anterioridad habia una chica de atención a clientes muy amable, pero ya no está. Ahora su servicio no es bueno, me atendieron muy mal desde la entrada, hice fila por horas fuera de la sucursal y después de esperar no me quisieron atender. Llevo años con este banco pero desde esa experiencia y las vueltas que me hace dar ya, decidí cambiar.
This branch was one of the best for me, the last time I went I was surprised at the bad service they had, previously there was a very friendly customer service girl, but she is gone. Now their service is not good, they treated me very badly from the entrance, I stood in line for hours outside the branch and after waiting they did not want to assist me. I have been with this bank for years but from that experience and the turns it makes me take, I decided to change.
Jennifer Cochrane on Google

The atm fee is fair and the machines convert to english . Great atm service

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