Citibanamex Chapala - 45900 Chapala

1.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Citibanamex Chapala

Address :

Priv. Francisco I. Madero 222, Centro, 45900 Chapala, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
Categories :
City : Jal.

Priv. Francisco I. Madero 222, Centro, 45900 Chapala, Jal., Mexico
Georgina Gutiérrez on Google

Mientras no vaya en fin de mes y no se caiga el sistema, todo está bien. Las cajeras se esmeran por brindar una buena atención.
As long as I don't go at the end of the month and the system doesn't crash, everything is fine. The cashiers strive to provide good service.
LEIA on Google

Pongo 1 estrella, porque no hay opción de no poner ninguna. Esta sucursal de Citibanamex es por mucho la peor sucursal de Jalisco, sino de México. Las autoridades sanitarias deberían clausurarlos, ya que solamente abren dos dias por semana lo cual provoca aglomeración de personas afuera de la sucursal; incrementando la posibilidad de contagio. Ni decir, la cantidad de extranjeros que acuden a ella, siendo la unica en 70 km a la redonda. La espera para hacer una transacción puede tomar de 1 a 2 horas. Es necesario hacer fila, afuera, en el sol. Las medidas que han tomado ante la contingencia sanitaria muestran la rapacidad de estas transnacionales en su afan de obtener la máxima ganancia ponen en peligro al consumidor.
I put 1 star, because there is no option not to put any. This Citibanamex branch is by far the worst branch in Jalisco, if not Mexico. The health authorities should close them, since they only open two days a week, which causes crowds outside the branch; increasing the possibility of contagion. Needless to say, the number of foreigners who come to it, being the only one in 70 km around. The wait to make a transaction can take 1 to 2 hours. It is necessary to line up outside in the sun. The measures they have taken in the face of the health contingency show the rapacity of these transnational companies in their desire to obtain the maximum profit, putting the consumer in danger.
robertronics robertronics on Google

Hoy 4 de febrero 2022, cereado ! Ni un solo aviso, ni disculpas ni nada. El cajero,sin dinero, y bien puerco, lleno de basura.. Que verguenza !!!
Today February 4, 2022, cereado! Not a single notice, no apologies or anything. The cashier, without money, and well pork, full of garbage.. What a shame !!!

En Google dice abierto, di la vuelta para cambio de cheque y después de 24 kilómetros recorridos resulta q está cerrado, no tiene indicaciones ni empleados q den respuesta, ademas el cajero está sin dinero!!!
In Google it says open, I turned around to cash the check and after 24 kilometers it turns out that it is closed, it has no indications or employees who give an answer, also the ATM is out of money!!!
Gino Sialino on Google

In questa banca c'è sempre un grande affollamento di persone a tutte le ore. Anche se è la banca più importante di Chapala ed è quella che ha più clienti non è normale che si debba passare sempre da una a due ore in coda. Dovrebbero sapersi organizzare in modo da essere più veloci nelle operazioni di cassa.
In this bank there is always a large crowd of people at all hours. Although it is the most important bank in Chapala and it is the one that has the most customers, it is not normal that we should always go from one to two hours in a queue. They should know how to organize themselves so as to be faster in cash transactions.
ItesoTube Chava Castillo on Google

Es el peor banco de Citibanamex, filas de 3.5 horas para las 2 cajas que hay, y no hay cajero ATM inteligente como en BBVA. Entonces tienes que hacer una fila de aproximadamente hora y media para pasar con un ejecutivo. ??
It is the worst bank in Citibanamex, lines of 3.5 hours for the 2 boxes there are, and there is no smart ATM like in BBVA. So you have to stand in line for about an hour and a half to get through with an executive. ??
Jose Luis Millan on Google

Pésimo servicio, el día de hoy cerraron la sucursal desde antes de las 3pm. Muchísima gente afuera (en su mayoría 3ra edad esperando pensión) todos esperando a ver si abrían o que estaba pasando. No tienen la atención de poner mínimo un letrero en la puerta para saber si van o no a abrir. Los empleados adentro solo veían de lejos que todos estábamos afuera pero no hicieron nada. Mínimo tengan la atención de poner un letrero si no van a abrir la sucursal.
Terrible service, today they closed the branch before 3pm. Lots of people outside (mostly senior citizens waiting for pension) all waiting to see if they would open or what was going on. They do not have the attention to put at least a sign on the door to know if they are going to open or not. The employees inside only saw from afar that we were all outside but they did nothing. At least have the attention to put up a sign if they are not going to open the branch.
Heather Davies on Google

I was not a fan of having to book an appointment to open a bank account in Canada but..... it sure beats having to make repeat visits and wait a minimum of an hour and a half to two and a half hours to see the one poor man tring to look after so many people. More customer service people and or book appointments would probably help. Update: After 4 visits we now have an account. One more visit and I will hopefully be added to the account. We don’t have to wait at customer service this time and can just bring all my documentation for the bank teller. The young man, Antonio, that helped us was amazing and I wonder how long he will stay. If I had to deal with everything he deals with in a day, and have no help, I’d be looking for a new job. That said I hope that now we are clients things start to work better.

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