Clark Fixtures Sales Office - 76090 Santiago de Querétaro

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Clark Fixtures -

Clark Fixtures is an industry leader that builds accurate fixtures that enable our customers to manufacture quality parts.

About Clark Fixtures Sales Office

Historical Pictures 2

Our History

November 21, 2019

T.R. Clark Man­u­fac­tur­ing, Inc was estab­lished in 1978. By uti­liz­ing an enve­lope tol­er­ance con­cept Tom Clark devel­oped a full-con­tour, hard fix­tur­ing approach to solve the dif­fi­cult prob­lem of how to quick­ly, eas­i­ly and con­fi­dent­ly ensure the accu­ra­cy of a bent tube/​hose or 3D shaped part. This con­cept ensured that no part of the prod­uct was out­side its allow­able posi­tion­al tol­er­ance. Basi­cal­ly, it pro­vid­ed for a poka-yoke method of verification.

In 1986, with the help of a Bowl­ing Green State Uni­ver­si­ty math­e­mat­ics pro­fes­sor, Clark devel­oped a CAD/CAM sys­tem to pro­duce check fix­tures in a more pre­cise and effi­cient manner.

In 1997, in keep­ing with our vision for con­tin­u­ous improve­ment, T.R. Clark Man­u­fac­tur­ing pur­sued and received ISO9002 reg­is­tra­tion. In 1999 we received ISO9001:2000 reg­is­tra­tion along with AS9000 com­pli­ance. Today we are ISO9001:2015 Cer­ti­fied, our Qual­i­ty lab is ISO-IEC17025:2005 accred­it­ed and ITAR registered. 

In 1998, after twen­ty years of refin­ing our process­es, the com­pa­ny’s name and logo changed to Clark Fix­ture Tech­nolo­gies, Inc. The name change would help us demon­strate our com­mit­ment to the tech­nolo­gies involved in build­ing accu­rate and func­tion­al qual­i­ty ver­i­fi­ca­tion tool­ing — check fix­tures. It is our desire and goal to — Design Inno­v­a­tive Fix­tures to Make Qual­i­ty the Standard.

Today we ser­vice cus­tomers in eleven coun­tries and com­mu­ni­cate our prod­ucts and ser­vices via our sales rep­re­sen­ta­tives, web­site, and sales lit­er­a­ture. We also par­tic­i­pate in inter­na­tion­al and indus­try focused trade shows and have pub­lished arti­cles on per­ti­nent sub­jects in indus­try trade publications.

In 2006 Clark Fix­ture Tech­nolo­gies estab­lished a facil­i­ty in Mex­i­co to bet­ter serve our cus­tomers there. With the great influx of auto­mo­tive com­pa­nies work­ing in Mex­i­co, we felt for the sake of com­mu­ni­ca­tion and ser­vice, we need­ed to estab­lish a facil­i­ty that would be run sim­i­lar to our USA facil­i­ty but man­aged local­ly. This facil­i­ty has since grown and become a pre­mier sup­pli­er with­in Mex­i­co. It car­ries all of the same cer­ti­fi­ca­tions and depart­ments as the cor­po­rate office and is sup­port­ed by a nation­wide sales team that has tremen­dous expe­ri­ence in the auto­mo­tive industry. 

Our growth with­in the auto­mo­tive indus­try has expand­ed to aero­space and space. As an approved sup­pli­er to NASA and numer­ous oth­er com­pa­nies that have to remain name­less, we have appre­ci­at­ed the oppor­tu­ni­ty to be a part of some amaz­ing things. The Ori­on space cap­sule will fly around the moon, then take our first female astro­nauts to the sur­face of the moon. Some­day it will take astro­nauts to mars, and per­haps beyond. We have deeply appre­ci­at­ed being a part of the teams involved with the cap­sule and the rock­et that lifts it into space.

We are grate­ful for the past 40 years, and all the peo­ple we have met along the way.

At the end of 2020, Clark Fix­ture Tech­nolo­gies, Inc. renews its view to the future. The first step was to renew our logo. Our new logo sig­ni­fies our ever turn­ing for­ward motion.

Clark Fix­tures is excit­ed to be in busi­ness at this time in his­to­ry. We believe that we have much to con­tribute to your pur­suit of qual­i­ty ver­i­fi­ca­tion. In today’s glob­al and com­pet­i­tive mar­ket­place, it is essen­tial to have rela­tion­ships with sup­pli­ers that are advanc­ing as quick­ly as the mar­ket place.


Contact Clark Fixtures Sales Office

Address :

Blvd. Bernardo Quintana 7001-Torre 2, Centro Sur, 76090 Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., Mexico

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City : Qro.

Blvd. Bernardo Quintana 7001-Torre 2, Centro Sur, 76090 Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., Mexico

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