Clinica 2 ISSSTEP - 72440 Puebla

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Clinica 2 ISSSTEP

Address :

Calle 3 Sur No 5959, El Cerrito, 72440 Puebla, Pue., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7
Categories :
City : Pue.

Calle 3 Sur No 5959, El Cerrito, 72440 Puebla, Pue., Mexico
YIZUZ on Google

La atencion de los médicos es buena, pero sus instalaciones son pesimas
The attention of doctors is good, but its facilities are very bad
Raúl Labastida M on Google

Más que la atención es la admiración por el esmero de las asistentes, sin demeritar a los médicos, pues supe del caso de una asistente que fue asaltada en el transporte público y aún con eso llegó a atender a los derecho avientes...
More than the attention is the admiration for the dedication of the assistants, without demeriting the doctors, because I learned of the case of an assistant who was assaulted on public transport and even with that she came to attend to the law enforcement ...

Buena atención en mi vacuna contra la influenza
Good care on my flu shot
Silvana Villarce on Google

Las enfermeras son bien especiales en su carácter solo dos o tres se salvan por ser buena gente pero muchas de ellas no.
Nurses are very special in character only two or three are saved for being good people but many of them are not.
Mari Lara on Google

La verdad, se puede mucho tiempo llegas a las 7 de la mañana y a las 8 te dan fichas y ata las 10 o 11 te pasan a consulta, y lo mismo si vas en la tarde
The truth is, it can take a long time to arrive at 7 in the morning and at 8 they give you tokens and tie 10 or 11 they give you a consultation, and the same if you go in the afternoon
anonimous QFB on Google

Horrible experiencia de trabajo en este lugar como trabajador,hablando especificamente del area de farmacia que pertenece a una empresa externa FARMACOS DAROVI que surte a todas las farmacias del ISSSTEP hasta donde se(los empleados de farmacia no son trabajadores del instituto,no tienen los mismos derechos que los medicos , enfermeras o incluso personal de limpieza sindicalizados,estan subcontratados lo cual es ilegal pero estos siguen como si nada operando),porfavor no vayan a perder su tiempo en este lugar a pedir trabajo por su propio bienestar fisico y mental,no vale la pena en absoluto en cualquier cadena de farmacias te tratan mejor que aquí excepto farmacias del ahorro,los explotan de lo lindo con turnos de 7 am a 10 pm ,pero eso si no les pagan esas horas extras o les pagan cuando se acuerdan,no tienen mucho medicamento basico como metformina o diclofenaco para los derechohabientes lo que causa que todo el tiempo haya conflicto con ellos,es cosa de todos los dias estar peleando con la gente y se desquitan con los empleados como si ellos fueran los responsables del desabasto,a cada rato amenazan con demandar al instituto y jamas pasa nada,se salen con la suya los corruptos rateros,te dicen que quieres que se mueran los pacientes y no esta lejos de la realidad los tienen por muchos meses sin medicamento y sin solución,nadie sabe nada y se rumora que esta habiendo desvio de recursos y robo por parte de los responsables,,los jefes te truenan los dedos, son gente sin experiencia ,despotas y miserables no tienen mas de 28 años como la tal Carolina o un tal Alfredo(que tiene una cara de ratero y toda la pinta de un junior)con quien me toco hablar y muy hipocritamente me decia que quería que la gente se sintiera a gusto pero a la vez no quería que crecieran, a quienes no les importa no pagarte y pedirte que te quedes mas tiempo del que te toca,para ellos el factor humano es lo menos importante,los empleados son desechables y es muy normal tener empleados estresados,malhumorados,enfermos con COVID ahi tosiendo y cansados hasta el limite ,incluso trabajar mas de catorce horas al dia(cosa que me dijo la tal carolina es muy normal para ella)que debe ser una persona con serios problemas mentales pues grita y se da aires de grandeza todo el tiempo,siempre mira a los demas por abajo como si fuera de sangre azul o tocada por los dioses,cero empatia por los derechohabientes,no son nada organizados por lo que siempre tienen pendientes,no hay buena ventilacion ,tienen hasta ocho personas trabajando en un espacio minimo sin ventilacion y estorbandose entre ellos como un vil campo de concentracion,el ambiente es tenso y apesta a sudor , a cada rato corren al personal,por equivocarse en dar una pastilla de mas,por llegar tarde un par de minutos,por enfermarse,por protestar,por cometer el mas minimo error ,por cualquier motivo o estos simplemente renuncian no es un empleo seguro.especialmente supervisores de farmacia y auxiliares,a cada rato van a ver el empleo en computrabajo o indeed,ultimamente ya ni ponen donde es el empleo por la mala fama que tienen,bajo advertencia no hay engaño,lo mejor es dejar morir a esta empresucha explotadora que no respeta tu vida fuera del trabajo ni la salud de los derechohabientes.
Horrible work experience in this place as a worker, specifically speaking of the pharmacy area that belongs to an external company FARMACOS DAROVI that supplies all the pharmacies of the ISSSTEP as far as I know (the pharmacy employees are not workers of the institute, they do not have the same rights that doctors, nurses or even unionized cleaning personnel are subcontracted which is illegal but they continue as if nothing operating), please do not waste your time in this place to ask for work for your own physical and mental well-being, no It is absolutely worth it in any pharmacy chain they treat you better than here except savings pharmacies, they exploit them beautifully with shifts from 7 am to 10 pm, but that is if they do not pay them those overtime hours or they pay them when they remember, They do not have much basic medicine such as metformin or diclofenac for the right holders, which causes them to conflict all the time, it is an everyday thing to be fighting or with the people and they take it out on the employees as if they were responsible for the shortage, every so often they threaten to sue the institute and nothing ever happens, the corrupt thieves get away with it, they tell you that you want the patients to die And it is not far from reality they have them for many months without medication and without a solution, nobody knows anything and it is rumored that there is a diversion of resources and theft by those responsible, the bosses snap their fingers, they are people without experience , despots and miserable they are not more than 28 years old like this Carolina or a certain Alfredo (who has a thief's face and all the looks of a junior) with whom I had to talk and very hypocritically he told me that he wanted people to feel at ease but at the same time I did not want them to grow, who do not mind not paying you and asking you to stay longer than your turn, for them the human factor is the least important, employees are disposable and it is very normal to have employees stressed Yes, moody, sick with COVID there coughing and tired to the limit, even working more than fourteen hours a day (which that Carolina told me is very normal for her) that it must be a person with serious mental problems because she screams and shouts gives an air of greatness all the time, always looks at others from below as if it were blue blood or touched by the gods, zero empathy for the right holders, they are not organized at all so they always have pending, there is no good ventilation, they have up to eight people working in a minimum space without ventilation and interfering with each other like a vile concentration camp, the atmosphere is tense and stinks of sweat, every so often they rush to the staff, for making a mistake in giving an extra pill, for being late a couple of minutes, for getting sick, for protesting, for making the slightest mistake, for whatever reason or they simply quit, it is not a safe job, especially pharmacy supervisors and assistants, they will see the em every time pleo in computer work or indeed, lately they no longer put where the job is because of the bad reputation they have, under warning there is no deception, the best thing is to let this exploitative company die that does not respect your life outside of work or the health of the beneficiaries .
Vero Ruiz on Google

En fines de semana no atienden, no hay urgencias ni consultas. Los teléfonos uno no contestan y el otro lleva años sin servir.
On weekends they do not attend, there are no emergencies or consultations. The phones one do not answer and the other has not served for years.
Shane Morgan on Google

No hay enfermeras , Son señoras que consiguieron chamba de mostrador y no te saben dar informacion de los.signos vitalrs
There are no nurses, they are ladies who got counter jobs and do not know how to give you information about vital signs

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