clinica del pie diabetico - 44320 Guadalajara

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Contact clinica del pie diabetico

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C. Nudo de Cempoaltepetl 398, Colonia Belisario Domínguez, 44320 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9997
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City : Jal.

C. Nudo de Cempoaltepetl 398, Colonia Belisario Domínguez, 44320 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
Armando Clara on Google

La verdad muy humano el Dr con su hospital en ampliación, salvo el pie de mi padre recomke do ampliamente al Dr Joseph Romero Palafox
The truth is very human, Dr. with his hospital in expansion, except for my father's foot, I widely recommend Dr. Joseph Romero Palafox
Kimberly diaz on Google

Pésimo doctor pésimo servicio pésimas enfermeras, tiene un lugar muy comprimido no tiene un lugar adecuado donde realizar las curaciones de heridas abiertas el doctor está muy sucio su sanidad es reprobable tanto de él como del establecimiento y su equipo médico lucra con la esperanza y la necesidad de las personas pone por encima el dinero que sus pacientes, vas con una herida pequeña y conforme pasa el tiempo no se ve mejoria a simplemente se agranda aún más el problema y el lucro aumenta, te tiene ahí durante horas y tienes que ir durante tiempo prolongado (meses o incluso años)ahí es donde empieza su negocio y no hay ninguna mejora, además de que utiliza el truco de poner su clínica como anuncio para que salga como primera opción y la gente cree que es la mejor cuando no es cierto no caigas en su ENGAÑO, ES UN VIVIDOR SIN ÉTICA, NO MERECES EL TÍTULO DE "DOCTOR"
Terrible doctor, terrible service, terrible nurses, he has a very compressed place, he does not have an adequate place to treat open wounds, the doctor is very dirty, his health is reprehensible both for him and for the establishment, and his medical team profits from hope and need. of people put the money above their patients, you go with a small wound and as time goes by you don't see any improvement, the problem simply gets bigger and the profit increases, you are there for hours and you have to go for a long time prolonged (months or even years) that is where his business starts and there is no improvement, besides he uses the trick of putting his clinic as an advertisement so that it comes out as the first option and people believe that it is the best when it is not true no don't fall for his DECEPTION, HE IS A LIVER WITHOUT ETHICS, YOU DON'T DESERVE THE TITLE OF "DOCTOR"
Esther Bernache on Google

Tengo 4 dias asistiendo, lo que un angiologo del imsss no pudo solucionar el doctor lo arreglo sabe lo que hace
I have been attending for 4 days, what an angiologist from the imsss could not solve, the doctor will fix it, he knows what he is doing
Pedro Avulez on Google

Independiente de lo que cobre la verdad es que ami mamá le salvo su pie , entendemos que los medicamentos son caros y son de patente el doctor tiene mucho estudio y es una persona sencilla en su vestimenta nada tiene que ver con su conocimiento
Regardless of what he charges, the truth is that my mom saved her foot, we understand that the medicines are expensive and are patent-protected, the doctor has a lot of study and is a simple person in his clothes, it has nothing to do with his knowledge
naalanizz naalanizz on Google

En mi experiencia, pésimo servicio, mi mama acudió con una herida, inicialmente pequeña y limpia. Nos informaron por teléfono que el precio de la consulta $800 y que la verían 2 veces por semana, estando en el consultorio nos dijeron que $5,000 que porque le iban a poner suero con antibiótico para prevenir cualquier infección. A mi mamá ya tenemos 5 días llevándola, nos están cobrando $5,000 diarios, No nos pesa el dinero, si viéramos avances, pero mi mama trae peor su herida, al día de hoy mi mama ya trae infección y pus, situación que inicialmente no tenía, el doctor es muy descuidado en su higiene personal, trae barba larga, no usa cubre bocas, se arrima el bote de la basura con la mano y así sigue manipulando la herida de mi mamá, estamos muy desilusionados, decepcionante su trabajo, no tiene un lugar profesional para las curaciones, hace las curaciones en un banquito, en su última cita la tuvo casi 6 horas. Y platicando con los pacientes que van, la mayoría ya tienen asistiendo 9 meses, 1 año, 2 años, y les vez su pie y hasta partes negras tienen. Me ponen a pensar, así van a traer a mi mamá, mejor me la voy a llevar a otro lado. El personal ciertamente es amable, mal harían si no, pues están cobrando bastante bien, pero lo que uno busca son resultados. Quien tenga para estar pagando 5000 diarios, durante años, y sin resultados favorables, pues suerte. Espero no se ofendan con esta crítica y lo tomen como crítica constructiva, para poner más atención en sus hábitos de higiene. Y para que las personas que acudan por primera vez tengan algo de contexto.
In my experience, terrible service, my mother came with a wound, initially small and clean. They informed us by phone that the price of the consultation was $800 and that they would see her twice a week, while in the office they told us that $5,000 because they were going to give her an antibiotic serum to prevent any infection. We have been taking my mother for 5 days, they are charging us $5,000 a day, the money does not weigh us down, if we saw progress, but my mother's wound is worse, to this day my mother already has an infection and pus, a situation that she did not initially have , the doctor is very careless in his personal hygiene, he has a long beard, he does not use a face mask, he holds the garbage can close with his hand and thus he continues manipulating my mother's wound, we are very disappointed, his work is disappointing, he does not have a professional place for cures, he does the cures on a stool, in his last appointment he had almost 6 hours. And talking with the patients who go, most of them have already been attending for 9 months, 1 year, 2 years, and you see their feet and they even have black parts. They make me think, if they're going to bring my mom, I'd better take her somewhere else. The staff is certainly friendly, they would be wrong if they weren't, since they are charging quite well, but what one is looking for are results. Whoever has to be paying 5,000 a day, for years, and without favorable results, then good luck. I hope you are not offended by this criticism and take it as constructive criticism, to pay more attention to your hygiene habits. And so that people who come for the first time have some context.
Alberto Lara on Google

Mi historia de terror de aquí para allá , hace 12 meses asisti con los doctores de Angimedikal!, en el momento que voy a consulta ni me miraba a los ojos el doctor encargado su consulta duro 15 minutos y me recetó unas pomadas , y me dijo que me amputaría hasta la cadera, me regañó por mis malos hábitos, hasta que encontré al Dr joseph Palafox, el me retiro solo mi dedo afectado todo con profesionalismo, y es día que no se me ha vuelto a complicar, tiene gente de toda la República, viene. De todas partes aveces si hay que hacer tiempo esperando pero vale 100 Porciento la pena, desde que llegas a su hospital , te preguntan si gustas algo de tomar y te toman todos los signos vitales, posteriormente el doctor te revisa y te da su punto de vista, no lo quieran desprestigiar porque es más la gente que lo apoya, que la otra que nomas anda chapulíneando diciendo mentiras . Recomendado al cien
My horror story from here to there, 12 months ago I attended the Angimedikal doctors! At the time I went to the consultation, the doctor in charge didn't even look me in the eye, his consultation lasted 15 minutes and he prescribed me some ointments, and told me that he would amputate me up to the hip, he scolded me for my bad habits, until I found Dr. Joseph Palafox, he removed my affected finger all with professionalism, and it is a day that it has not been complicated again, he has people from all over the Republic, it's coming. From everywhere, sometimes if you have to spend time waiting but it is 100 percent worth it, since you arrive at their hospital, they ask you if you like something to drink and they take all your vital signs, later the doctor checks you and gives you his point of view, they do not want to discredit him because there are more people who support him than the other who are just messing around telling lies. recommended a hundred
Guadalupe Robledo cancino on Google

Magnífico servicio y atención. El Dr. Joseph el más profesional que he conocido. Me salvó mi pie derecho y controló mis niveles . Estoy sana y feliz gracias a él. Dios lo bendiga para que siga salvando más personas. Lo hace sentir a uno como en familia y con la confianza de que estás en buenas manos. Gracias Dr.
Magnificent service and attention. Dr. Joseph the most professional I have ever met. He saved my right foot and controlled my levels. I am healthy and happy thanks to him. God bless you to continue saving more people. It makes you feel like family and with the confidence that you are in good hands. thanks dr
Evelyn Aceves on Google

El mejor doctor que e conocido, salvo el pie de mi papá solo retiro el dedo afectado! Tiene muchísima gente por lo tanto hay ocasiones en que uno tiene que esperar pero vale la pena… los que se quejan del tiempo de espera no han ido al imss ahí si qué pasa y pasa el tiempo y aparte de no hacer nada la única solución que te dan es la amputación de toda la pierna!!! Ampliamente recomendado
The best doctor I have ever known, except for my dad's foot, I only remove the affected toe! It has a lot of people, therefore there are times when one has to wait but it is worth it... those who complain about the waiting time have not gone to the imss there if what happens and time goes by and apart from doing nothing the only solution that they give you is the amputation of the whole leg!!! widely recommended

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