Clínica Garayzar - 85457 Heroica Guaymas

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Contact Clínica Garayzar

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Blv. Diana Laura Riojas Plaza San Miguel, Marsella, 85457 Heroica Guaymas, Son., Mexico

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City : Son.

Blv. Diana Laura Riojas Plaza San Miguel, Marsella, 85457 Heroica Guaymas, Son., Mexico
Violeta Santamaria on Google

Excelente nutriólogo! comidas muy buenas, que ni parece que estas a dieta. Súper recomendado!
Excellent nutritionist! Very good meals, that you don't even seem to be on a diet. Super recommended!
Isa Garayzar on Google

Excelente nutriólogo, casi toda mi vida tuve sobrepeso y fui con diferentes nutriólogos, hace 5 años acudí con el, y desde entonces he estado en mi peso y sin rebote. El te enseña a comer, a cambiar tu estilo de vida, cosa que le estoy sumamente agradecida. Lo recomiendo bastante!
Excellent nutritionist, almost all my life I was overweight and I went with different nutritionists, 5 years ago I went with him, and since then I have been at my weight and without rebound. He teaches you to eat, to change your lifestyle, which I am very grateful to you. I recommend it!
Petty Sanchez on Google

Excelente, nunca avía logrado acompletar 2 semanas con una dieta y está se adaptado perfecta para mí, muy agradecida, excelente trato muy amables ????
Excellent, I have never managed to complete 2 weeks with a diet and it is perfectly adapted for me, very grateful, excellent treatment, very kind ????
Cecilia Oliva on Google

Excelente atención personalizada, gracias a sus asesorías mejoraron aspectos de salud, no solamente el peso. Realmente te enseña un estilo de vida. VIVE MEJOR?
Excellent personalized attention, thanks to his advice, health aspects improved, not only weight. It really teaches you a lifestyle. LIVE BETTER?
Tania Contreras on Google

El mejor nutriólogo que he conocido, aparte de ayudarte con tu alimentación, te da confianza, motivación, amabilidad, muestra interés hacia los pacientes sobre sus dudas y estilos de vida.
The best nutritionist I have known, apart from helping you with your diet, gives you confidence, motivation, kindness, shows interest towards patients about their doubts and lifestyles.
Isabel Caudillo on Google

Primeramente es un excelente Nutriólogo Noe Garayzar un gran ser humano.Nos enseña a comer y sobre todo el trato hacia el paciente nos motiva.Bendiciones un abrazo
First of all, Noe Garayzar is an excellent Nutritionist, a great human being, he teaches us to eat and above all the treatment of the patient motivates us.
Claudia Alejandri on Google

Por mucho tiempo aproveché que no tenía sobrepeso para comer todo lo que se me daba la gana y me tomaba por lo menos un litro de coca cola diario, aunque tuviera colitis crónica y siempre estuviera con alteraciones del estado de ánimo, ya fuera por haber comido mucho o por estar esperando comer. Tenía migraña casi diario, dolores musculares, bajones de presión y angustia constante, tomaba analgésicos muy seguido, sabía que el problema era la mala alimentación y aún así seguía comiendo mal y en exceso. En 2020, la falta de ejercicio y el exceso de comida chatarra -que yo justificaba con el "no tengo tiempo de cocinar" o "ahh es la pandemia pues, no se puede ir a pasear y con algo hay que estar contento"- provocó que engordara un poco y que ya no me quedara mi ropa, no quería comprar una talla mas grande y sabía que yo sola no iba a poder llevar una dieta saludable, es más, hasta dudaba que un nutriólogo pudiera ayudarme. No quise platicarle a mi familia que iba a hacer una dieta o un intento de cambio de alimentación porque seguramente lo verían absurdo y se iban a reír ( como si un demonio quisiera comer hostias o bendecir la vida, algo así), también creí que podían decirme: no gastes dinero en algo que ni tu crees, y la verdad es que si yo pensaba eso es porque ni yo creía que fuera posible, pero tenía que hacer un intento. En pocas palabras fui "por no dejar". Llegué al consultorio un jueves 18 de marzo de 2021 con sobrepeso leve (4 kilogramos) pero con nula masa muscular, depósitos de grasa en varias partes del cuerpo y la mente toda confusa. No hay secreto para adelgazar ni para curarse, es simplemente hacer caso a lo que recomienda el nutriólogo. El me dijo: nada de azúcar y creí que eso no lo iba a cumplir, pero si se ha podido y creo que dejar de comer esa sustancia está entre las mejores cosas que he hecho en mi vida. Los primeros días si fueron pesados porque me daba mucha hambre, pero me motivó el hecho de que ya no me dolía la cabeza ni la espalda ni mi presión arterial se bajaba, mi piel no estaba seca, empecé a percibir mas detalles de mi entorno y hasta contenta andaba, entonces seguí atendiendo las indicaciones, sigo y no me pesa. Hoy es 3 de mayo y me falta bajar nomás 200 gramos, pero debo seguir con el plan alimentario y hacer ejercicio para ganar masa muscular. Me gusta la comida sana y me veo a futuro comiendo bien, está extraño imaginarme a mi misma con un pastel extra chocolatoso y pegajoso, una bolsa de fritos o alimentos ultraprocesados, comer eso es nomás darle gusto a la lengua, porque a mi estómago no le gustan esos alimentos, de hecho, hace bastantes años que no le gustan y no me daba cuenta bien, porque la gula ni siquiera es placer, es inercia.
For a long time, I took advantage of the fact that I was not overweight to eat whatever I wanted and I drank at least a liter of coca cola every day, even if I had chronic colitis and was always in mood disturbances, either from having eaten. a lot or waiting to eat. He had an almost daily migraine, muscle aches, blood pressure drops and constant anguish, he took painkillers very often, he knew that the problem was poor diet and even so he continued to eat poorly and excessively. In 2020, the lack of exercise and the excess of junk food - which I justified with "I don't have time to cook" or "ahh it's the pandemic well, you can't go for a walk and you have to be happy with something" - caused That I got a little fat and that my clothes no longer fit, I did not want to buy a larger size and I knew that I was not going to be able to eat a healthy diet alone, in fact, I even doubted that a nutritionist could help me. I did not want to tell my family that I was going to do a diet or an attempt to change my diet because they would surely see it absurd and they would laugh (as if a demon wanted to eat hosts or bless life, something like that), I also believed that they could tell me: don't spend money on something that you don't even believe, and the truth is that if I thought that, it's because I didn't believe it was possible, but I had to try. In short I went "for not leaving". I arrived at the office on Thursday, March 18, 2021, slightly overweight (4 kilograms) but with no muscle mass, fat deposits in various parts of the body and a confused mind. There is no secret to losing weight or to be cured, it is simply to follow what the nutritionist recommends. He told me: no sugar and I thought that I was not going to do it, but it has been possible and I think that stopping eating that substance is among the best things I have done in my life. The first days were heavy because I was very hungry, but I was motivated by the fact that my head or back did not hurt or my blood pressure dropped, my skin was not dry, I began to perceive more details of my environment and I was even happy, so I continued to follow the instructions, I continue and it doesn't weigh on me. Today is May 3 and I need to lose only 200 grams, but I must continue with the eating plan and exercise to gain muscle mass. I like healthy food and I see myself in the future eating well, it is strange to imagine myself with an extra chocolaty and sticky cake, a bag of fried foods or ultra-processed foods, eating that is just to please my tongue, because my stomach does not He likes those foods, in fact, he has not liked them for many years and I did not realize it well, because gluttony is not even pleasure, it is inertia.
Brenda Ramirez on Google

Excelente Nutriologo ✅ siempre sembrando en la conciencia de uno como paciente o seguidores de sus redes la importancia de llevar un estilo saludable. Por último hago mención honorífica de ser un excelente e íntegro ser humano.
Excellent Nutritionist ✅ always sowing in the conscience of one as a patient or followers of their networks the importance of having a healthy style. Finally, I make an honorable mention of being an excellent and upright human being.

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