Clinica Imss 42 Cuajmalpa - 05260 Ciudad de México

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Contact Clinica Imss 42 Cuajmalpa

Address :

Avenida Jesús del Monte Monte Alto &, Jesús del Monte, 05260 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
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City : CDMX

Avenida Jesús del Monte Monte Alto &, Jesús del Monte, 05260 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
gessami enriquez on Google

pésima "ATENCIÓN" del Doctor de Urgencias de la noche, déspota, no lo quiere ni tocar a uno, me dijo que lo que tenía era gastritis y me mando a mi casa, resultó ser apendicitis.
Lousy "ATTENTION" of the Emergency Doctor of the night, despot, does not want to touch one, told me that what I had was gastritis and sent me to my house, turned out to be appendicitis.
Gustsvo Martínez on Google

Es pésima la atención, llamó a lo números y una máquina te atiende y luego te cuelga, y a fuera a tienes que dar un correo electrónico, si no lo tengo ya me fregue.
Attention is lousy, he called the numbers and a machine answers you and then he hangs you up, and outside you have to give an email, if I do not have it, I will scrub.
Guadalupe Lara on Google

Pesimo servicio. Nunca hay médicos en la noche, y nadie te atiende. Aveces ni con cita, contraten personal capacitado.
Terrible service. There are never doctors at night, and nobody takes care of you. Sometimes even by appointment, hire trained staff.
sergio alfonso benitez on Google

El personal de prestaciones económicas, son muy groseras y déspotas con las personas mayores, en especial la jefa de pensiones, desconoce la ley del del imss y su reglamento, por lo tanto no da la atención debidamente y finalmente es su trabajo para eso se alquila, y no sabe qué del peso que nos descuentan a todos y cada uno de los que estamos asegurados, de eso come.
The staff of economic benefits are very rude and despotic with the elderly, especially the head of pensions, they do not know the law of the imss and its regulations, therefore they do not give the attention properly and finally it is their job for that is rented , and he does not know what of the weight that they deduct from each and every one of us who are insured, that's what he eats.
Laura Robles on Google

Pésima, que triste que nadie sepa lo que significa la "calidad humana", ya no aman su profesión, por todos los jefes y trabajadores a ellos les pagan, pero pareciera que vamos a mendigar el servicio. Más en estos momentos necesitamos de todos y de gente amable.
Terrible, how sad that no one knows what "human quality" means, they no longer love their profession, for all the bosses and workers they are paid, but it seems that we are going to beg for the service. More at this time we need everyone and kind people.
Piedad leon jimenez on Google

Pesima atenciòn del personal de seguridad y de la clinica de la entrada les indicas tus necesidades y solo se limitan a decirte q no es su problema y que no les interesa, y como no pueden darte una soluciòn cuerente hasta le hablan a la patrulla para que te saquen de ahi, lo bueno que el policìa fue una persona pensante y supo comprender la situaciòn.
Poor attention from the security staff and the entrance clinic, you tell them your needs and they only limit themselves to telling you that it is not their problem and that they are not interested, and since they cannot give you a solution, they even speak to the patrol so that get you out of there, the good thing that the policeman was a thinking person and knew how to understand the situation.
Jesus Insausti on Google

Nefastos,prepotentes,indolentes.El reflejo total de las instituciones gubernamentales en todo su esplendor.Como lamento tener que acudir allí.
Nefarious, arrogant, indolent. The total reflection of government institutions in all their splendor. How I regret having to go there.
alexander martinez on Google

Ineptitud total, parece que te hacen un favor al atenderte. Tramites tam sencillos como engrapar la hoja de datos al carnet les lleva mas de 1 hora en espera. Pudiendo pasar un paciente más esperan sin nada que hacer a que el reloj de las 2pm y se disponen a salir de su área de trabajo como si llegaran puntuales
Total ineptitude, it seems that they do you a favor by serving you. Simple procedures such as stapling the data sheet to the card take more than 1 hour on hold. Being able to pass one more patient, they wait with nothing to do for the 2pm clock and prepare to leave their work area as if they arrived on time.

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