Clínica Psiquiátrica Florida Lira y Serafín A.C. - 01030 Ciudad de México

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Contact Clínica Psiquiátrica Florida Lira y Serafín A.C.

Address :

Iztaccihuatl 180, Florida, Álvaro Obregón, 01030 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
Categories :
City : CDMX

Iztaccihuatl 180, Florida, Álvaro Obregón, 01030 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Silvia Saldaña on Google

Tengan mucho cuidado con esta clinica. Mi familiar estuvo alli por muchos años hasta que hubo cambio de administración. Entonces de un día para otro me cobraron hasta las perlas de la virgen. Pase de 5mil pesos a 25mil mensuales. Obviamente no tenia ese dinero. Tomaron a mi familiar como rehen y no querian darmelo. La cuenta subio a mas de 100mil y la monja directora de alli insistia en no darmelo y con palabras altisonantes me cobraba ( ni yo daba credito a su falta de educacion y bajos escrupulos), ni me daba opciones para cambiarlo de clinica. De igual forma de un dia para otro. Lo fueron a botar literal a mi familiar fuera de mi casa. Fui al Ministerio publico hay una averiguacion previa contra esta gente lucrativa. con facha de monjitas. Mucho OJO. Mi familiar no fue el unico con que hicieron eso. Sacaron a mas internos de un día para otro. Solo porque sus familiares no tienen dinero para pagar alli. El objetivo es solo dejar pacientes mentales con gente de clase alta. Se entiende que es privada pero no son modos irlos a aventar a la calle, ni lucrar con ellos, solo porque se trata de enfermos mentales. Ni siquiera quisieron dar comprobantes de alta medica. Esta clinica han tenido serios problemas y acusaciones graves de desprotección. Tambien por eso se cambiaron el nombre antes era una clinica de gran prestigio. Hoy una basura lucrativa de monjas y eso es atender a dios y a sus projimos? Caray, en que mundo vivimos.
Be very careful with this clinic. My relative was there for many years until there was a change of administration. Then from one day to the next they charged me to the pearls of the virgin. Go from 5,000 pesos to 25,000 monthly. Obviously he didn't have that money. They took my relative as a hostage and they didn't want to give it to me. The account rose to more than 100 thousand and the nun director there insisted on not giving it to me and with high-sounding words she charged me (nor did I give credit to her lack of education and low scruples), nor gave me options to change her clinic. In the same way from one day to the next. My relative was literally thrown out of my house. I went to the Public Ministry there is a preliminary investigation against these lucrative people. with a face of nuns. Keep an eye out. My relative was not the only one they did that with. They removed more inmates from one day to the next. Only because their relatives do not have money to pay there. The goal is to only leave mental patients with upper class people. It is understood that it is private but there are no ways to winnow them to the streets, or profit from them, just because they are mentally ill. They did not even want to give proof of medical discharge. This clinic has had serious problems and serious allegations of lack of protection. That is also why the name was changed before it was a prestigious clinic. Today a lucrative garbage of nuns and that is to attend to God and his neighbors? Geez, what world do we live in.
Brinly Frias on Google

Excelente servicio, yo estuve internada ahí en 3 ocasiones y todas las veces fueron muy amables conmigo. Las ciudadoras siempre estuvieron al pendiente de mi y las madres siempre fueron muy amables conmigo.
Excellent service, I was hospitalized there 3 times and they were very kind to me each time. The caregivers were always on the lookout for me and the mothers were always very kind to me.
Lillian Garza on Google

La verdad no es buena yo estuve allí, me daban demasiada medicina y me sentía pésimo, y después fui internada en el San Bernardino allí me atendieron mejor y me siento mucho mejor y no cobran tanto y te diagnostican mejor soy bipolar y en el otro se equivocaron dijeron que era esquizofrenia y no era er bipolaridad y tengo muchos años bien llendo cada 4 meses a consulta y con medicamentos de valproato que no me tienen como robot me siento súper bien y están las 24 horas recomiendo San Bernardino por Tlalpan psiquiátrico en florida solo es un gasto elevado y la comida no está bien
The truth is not good, I was there, they gave me too much medicine and I felt terrible, and then I was admitted to the San Bernardino there they treated me better and I feel much better and they do not charge so much and they diagnose you better I am bipolar and in the other I They were wrong, they said it was schizophrenia and it was not bipolar and I have been good for many years, going to consultation every 4 months and with valproate medications that do not have me as a robot I feel super good and they are 24 hours a day I recommend San Bernardino for Tlalpan psychiatric hospital in Florida alone It is a high expense and the food is not good
Georgi Velasquez on Google

Excelente atención y trato a las personas y pacientes.
Eve C. P. on Google

Excelente servicio y atención, con gran calidad humana. Lo recomiendo.
Rossy Castillo on Google

La atención es buena, PÉSIMO es que no tengan rampar para subir a los enfermos, es primordial qu puedan tener el acceso y el hecho que esto límite el acceso a un HOSPITAL es lo más ilógico, puedo entender que es en las calles (No está bien) no se encuentren rampas y tengamos que bajar de la banqueta pero un HOSPITAL?!?!?!
The care is good, it is WORSE that they do not have a ramp to get the sick up, it is essential that they have access and the fact that this limits access to a HOSPITAL is the most illogical thing, I can understand that it is on the streets (it is not good) there are no ramps and we have to get off the sidewalk but a HOSPITAL?!?!?!
José Luis Hernández on Google

Es buena la atención de las religiosas hacia los pacientes. No tanto de algunas enfermeras. Una especie de nepotismo. La jefa de las enfermeras tiene a su hija en recepción, Diana Antonia Ibarra Padilla. Yo estuve como voluntario por 5 meses y señora Diana Antonia engaña pidiendo dinero con el argumento de que su abuelo o familia están enfermos y promete pagar de inmediato. Es un vergüenza que permitan este tipo de actos en una institución de este tipo.
The care of the nuns towards the patients is good. Not so much from some nurses. A kind of nepotism. The head nurse has her daughter, Diana Antonia Ibarra Padilla, at reception. I was a volunteer for 5 months and Mrs. Diana Antonia cheats asking for money with the argument that her grandfather or family are sick and she promises to pay immediately. It is a shame that they allow this type of acts in an institution of this type.
Alejandra Ocaña on Google


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