ClinMeD San Bartolo - 54770 San Bartolo Tlaxihuicalco

3/5 based on 4 reviews

Contact ClinMeD San Bartolo

Address :

Av. Niños Heroes, 54770 San Bartolo Tlaxihuicalco, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +78988
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City : Méx.

Av. Niños Heroes, 54770 San Bartolo Tlaxihuicalco, Méx., Mexico
Jose Luis Crtes on Google

Clinmed San Bartolo on Google

Descubre una cálida atención médico dental
Discover warm dental medical care
Pamela Flores on Google

Pésimo lugar, sucio y mal trato. Los médicos no soy especialistas, de hecho la mayoría de las que atienden ni siquiera cuentan con título profesional. Materiales de mala calidad, únicamente les interesa cobrar excesivamente por tratamientos mal realizados, terminarán perdiendo los dientes como varios de mis conocidos que por desgracia acudieron a esta clínica. La dueña no sirve para nada a la hora de resolver conflictos, además del deprimente trato que tienen hacia su personal. Cero recomendable.
Terrible place, dirty and bad treatment. Doctors are not specialists, in fact most of those who attend do not even have a professional degree. Poor quality materials, they are only interested in charging excessively for poorly performed treatments, they will end up losing their teeth like several of my acquaintances who unfortunately attended this clinic. The owner is useless when it comes to resolving conflicts, apart from the depressing treatment they have towards their staff. Zero recommended.
Luis Contreras on Google

Recien acudí a esta clínica con el motivo de mejorar mi salud bucal. De inicio me atendío una doctora y aparentemente me indico que requeria un tratamiento de endodoncia. Accedí a realizar el tratamiento, la supuesta especialista me concluyo el tratamiento, me indico que necesitaba un poste y una corona. dicho tratamiento me fue realizado con un total de $8,000. Resulta que al concluir el tratamiento, comienzo a sentir molestia, dolor... por dicho motivo, acudi a este centro esperando una respuesta. La señora Lucero no fue para darme la cara por el tratamiento mal hecho que me hizo. Acudí a otro dentista para que me atendieran, me tomo una radiografía y me explico que el TRATAMIENTO DE ENDODONCIA estaba mal realizado, el poste que me coloco perforo mi diente y estaba desarrollando una infección bastante importante. Termine perdiendo mi diente y cuando acudí nuevamente a la clínica para tener una solución o devolución del dinero que les pague pr el tratamiento mal hecho solo no fueron para darme la cara. Me di a la tarea de investigar y pude darme cuenta que los "especialistas" que atendieron mi caso, no son especialistas y mucho menos doctoras, no cuentan con ninguna certificación que avale su conocimiento y mucho menos titulo profesional. Exorto a la comunidad a que antes de acudir a atención en este centro dental, lo consideren 3 veces. De primer instancia me deje llevar por las "bonitas palabras" y "trato personalizado" pero hoy día puedo decir que me arrepiento de haber acudido a este lugar.
I recently went to this clinic with the aim of improving my oral health. Initially, a doctor attended me and apparently she told me that I needed an endodontic treatment. I agreed to carry out the treatment, the supposed specialist concluded the treatment, indicating that I needed a post and a crown. This treatment was carried out for a total of $8,000. It turns out that at the end of the treatment, I begin to feel discomfort, pain... for this reason, I went to this center expecting an answer. Mrs. Lucero did not come to face me for the bad treatment she gave me. I went to another dentist to be treated, he took an X-ray and he explained to me that the ENDODONTIC TREATMENT was poorly performed, the post that was placed perforated my tooth and I was developing a very important infection. I ended up losing my tooth and when I went to the clinic again to get a solution or refund the money to pay them for the poorly done treatment, they just didn't come to face me. I took on the task of investigating and I was able to realize that the "specialists" who attended my case are not specialists, much less doctors, they do not have any certification that guarantees their knowledge, much less a professional title. I urge the community to consider it 3 times before seeking care at this dental center. At first I let myself be carried away by the "pretty words" and "personalized treatment" but today I can say that I regret having come to this place.

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