Clothing income Elegants - 45403 Tonalá

2.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Clothing income Elegants

Address :

Av Río Nilo 7631, Lomas de La Soledad, 45403 Tonalá, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7
Categories :
City : Jal.

Av Río Nilo 7631, Lomas de La Soledad, 45403 Tonalá, Jal., Mexico
Miriam Castro on Google

Excelente servicio, el traje quedo justo a la medida y esta en muy buenas condiciones
Excellent service, the suit was just tailored and is in very good condition
Jesica Camacho Medina on Google

Si pudiera les pusiera 0 estrellas, el dia 6 de enero acudimos a la sucursal para rentar un traje para mi hermano, la chava que estaba parecia que no queria trabajar y muy despota nos atendio. El evento era para el dia 13 de enero, asi que el viernes fuimos y no estaba el traje, al parecer no hizo ninguna nota ni del traje ni del anticipo, todavia la chava que estaba nos dijo "pues haganle como quieran, la encargada no esta" la esperamos a que nos contestara y quedo de llevarnos el traje el mismo dia del evento (cabe destacar que mi hermano es alto y muy delgado, por lo cual es muy dificil que le quede la ropa) el sabado llegaron y el traje no era el que habia pedido, le quedaba corto, estaba roto, sin bastilla, la camisa blanca estaba sucia y era de niño, volvimos a marcar y la encargada enojada dice que nos llevara otro traje y que le harian un descuento de $50 por el inconveniente. Este ya estaba mejor y le quedaba (apenitas) pero ya era el dia del evento asi que lo uso. El dia lunes 15 de enero mi mama fue a entregar el traje y le dijeron que su identificacion no estaba y que no le harian el descuento de los $50 que habia dicho porque ese descuento era si nosotros resolviamos el problema (de que el traje estaba chico y sucio, aunque ERA EL MISMO DIA DEL EVENTO y mis papas eran los que se casaban, de verdad no se como se les pudo ocurrir semejante estupidez pero bueno) mi mamale dijo, no hay problema pero quiero mi IFE de regreso, y quedaron que se los llevarian a la casa. El dia de ayer 25 de enero APENAS se la entregaron y todavia de mala gana. Se que es un lugar en donde se rentan trajes y que por obvias razones no puede estar impecable, pero no a tal grado. Yo rente mi vestido tambien y de verdad que estuvo PERFECTO todo depende del profesionalismo que ustedes pongan, asi que no arriesguen su renta de traje porque puede pasarles y todavia se enojan con el cliente. NO RENTEN EN ESTE LUGAR!!
If I could put 0 stars, on January 6 we went to the branch to rent a suit for my brother, the girl who was there seemed that she did not want to work and very bluntly attended us. The event was for January 13, so on Friday we went and the suit was not there, apparently she did not make any note of the suit or the advance payment, the girl who was still told us "Well, do what you want, the manager does not this "we wait for you to answer us and I will take the suit with us the same day of the event (it should be noted that my brother is tall and very thin, which is why it is very difficult for him to have his clothes) on Saturday they arrived and the suit did not It was the one he had asked for, it was short, it was torn, without a hem, the white shirt was dirty and it was a boy, we dialed again and the angry manager says to bring us another suit and that they would give her a discount of $ 50 for the inconvenience . This one was already better and it fit (appenitas) but it was already the day of the event so I use it. On Monday, January 15, my mom went to deliver the suit and they told her that her identification was missing and that they would not make the discount of the $ 50 she had said because that discount was if we solved the problem (that the suit was small and dirty, although it WAS THE SAME DAY OF THE EVENT and my parents were the ones getting married, I really don't know how such stupidity could have happened to them but well) my mom said, no problem but I want my IFE back, and they were they would take them home. Yesterday, January 25, they JUST handed it to him and still reluctantly. I know that it is a place where suits are rented and that for obvious reasons it cannot be impeccable, but not to such a degree. I rented my dress too and it really was PERFECT it all depends on the professionalism that you put on, so don't risk your suit rent because it can happen to you and you still get mad at the client. DO NOT RENT IN THIS PLACE !!
darik hernandez on Google

Muy eficases al momento de rentartelo pero al momento de regresar el deposito te ponen muchas trabas, los lunes no abren a propósito para no regresarte el deposito con una respuesta absurda diciendo que por no haber entregado el traje el lunes te cobraran 35 pesos de retardo y cuando ni tu culpa es por que ellos no abren al proposito, no lo recomiendo para nada!! Ratones de loma dorada tenian que ser!!
Very eficases at the time of renting but at the time of returning the deposit you put many obstacles, on Monday do not open on purpose to not return the deposit with an absurd answer saying that for not having delivered the suit on Monday you will be charged 35 pesos of delay and when neither your fault is because they do not open to the purpose, I do not recommend it at all! Golden hill mice had to be !!
Javier Gonzalez on Google

Pésimo servicio, las trabajadoras de malas, muy mal organizadas te hacen esperar 1 hora.
Terrible service, bad workers, very poorly organized make you wait 1 hour.
alfredo martinez on Google

No sé merece ninguna estrella los trabajadores son unos amargados y atienden de malas, te sacan medidas al ahí se va y a la hora de la entrega del traje no me quedo
I do not know it deserves any star, the workers are bitter and take care of bad things, they take measurements where they go and at the time of delivery of the suit I do not stay
Verónica Bailon on Google

Cero estrellas entregan los trajes orribles botones quebrados cierres sin servir según toman medidas de todo y las mangas de los sacos ni te quedan super mala experiencia en esta tienda la verdad no la recomiendo para nada me molestó mucho porque le tuvimos que arreglar nosotros los defectos y se supone que te tienen que entregar al cien solo para usarlos ????
Zero stars deliver the horrible suits, broken buttons, closures not working according to they take measurements of everything and the sleeves of the sacks do not have a super bad experience in this store, the truth is I do not recommend it at all, it bothered me a lot because we had to fix the defects and they are supposed to give you a hundred just to use them ????
Juan Manuel Guerrero Gonzalez on Google

Buena calidad atención trato amable y entrega
Good quality attention, friendly treatment and delivery
Noemi Bañales Nuñez on Google

Muy sucio el lugar y nada ordenado, no se antojo rentar.
The place is very dirty and nothing tidy, he did not want to rent.

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