Colegio Darlington - Primaria y Secundaria - 72530 Puebla

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Colegio Darlington - Primaria y Secundaria

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Av 35 Ote 1354, Anzures, 72530 Puebla, Pue., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +78
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City : Pue.

Av 35 Ote 1354, Anzures, 72530 Puebla, Pue., Mexico
Rosa María García de Navarro on Google

Muy buena primaria, lo que me convenció fue el programa medio día en inglés y medio en español, pero las instalaciones están también super bonitas y hay espacio donde los niños pueden correr y juagar. Veo que se hablan de un problema de disciplina, pero yo no lo sentí así ? no es colegio militarizado jaja.
Very good primary school, what convinced me was the half day program in English and half in Spanish, but the facilities are also super nice and there is space where children can run and play. I see that they are talking about a discipline problem, but I did not feel it that way ? it is not a militarized school haha.
The Sammirs on Google

Colegio laico de alto nivel. Los alumnos egresados de la institución cuentan con gran sentido humano, disciplina excepcional, valores y un alto nivel académico, similar al de los colegios más reconocidos de la Ciudad de Puebla. El punto más fuerte es que es colegio bilingüe, por lo cual los alumnos egresan con un nivel de inglés superior a la media. Instalaciones modernas, preparadas, cuidadas y bien estructuradas.
High level secular college. The graduates of the institution have a great human sense, exceptional discipline, values ​​and a high academic level, similar to that of the most recognized schools in the City of Puebla. The strongest point is that it is a bilingual school, which is why students graduate with an above-average level of English. Modern facilities, prepared, cared for and well structured.
José Rodríguez on Google

Muy buen colegio, me gustó mucho su programa de inglés y me impresiona el nivel de mis hijos, ellos son los que hablan por mi o mi esposa cuando vamos a California. Sus maestros son muy capaces, especialmente en la secundaria, hay algunos hasta con doctorado y varios con maestría. Me llamó mucho la atención que incluso contaran con docentes americanos. A mis hijos siempre les ha gustado ir y han hecho buenas amistades ahí.
Very good school, I really liked your English program and I am impressed by the level of my children, they are the ones who speak for me or my wife when we go to California. Their teachers are very capable, especially in high school, there are some even with doctorates and several with masters. I was struck by the fact that they even had American teachers. My children have always liked to go and have made good friends there.
Grace Gonzalez on Google

Me encanta trabajar aqui, el ambiente escolar es muy tranquilo, los alumnos son muy respetuosos y muy capaces. Me pareció increible que pude implementar el programa de English Language Arts a secundaria como en Estados Unidos y los alumnos de secundaria no tuvieron problema alguno en seguirlo.
I love working here, the school environment is very quiet, the students are very respectful and very capable. It seemed incredible to me that I was able to implement the English Language Arts program in high schools like in the United States and the high school students had no problem following it.
Samuel de Jesús Ibarra Trujillo on Google

Excelente nivel de educación básica. Sus clases de inglés son muy completas, impartidas por buenos maestros. Sus instalaciones están muy modernas.
Excellent level of basic education. His English classes are very complete, taught by good teachers. Its facilities are very modern.
Rafael Hernández on Google

Me gusta mucho el ambiente escolar, yo siento que la disciplina está bien y me gusta que realmente es bilingüe. Mi hijo lleva casi todas sus materias en inglés y he visto que no le cuesta ni un poco entender o hablar cuando esta jugando Xbox con sus amigos que solo hablan inglés. Los salones son muy amplios, y está muy bien el tamaño del patio si a sus hijos les gusta jugar futbol.
I really like the school environment, I feel that the discipline is good and I like that it is really bilingual. My son takes almost all his subjects in English and I have found that it is not difficult for him to understand or speak when he is playing Xbox with his friends who only speak English. The classrooms are very spacious, and the size of the patio is great if your children like to play soccer.
Joseph Rizzuto on Google

Awesome school to work at! I had a really good time teaching 5th grade. I thought it was going to be a little complicated, considering I don't speak Spanish, but my students had no problems. They're very disciplined for the most part. Overall, great.
Carlos M. Leon on Google

This school is great I worked a couple of years back when I was dabbing in middle school. The directors were always ready to help and even asked like every other month if everything was ok . I was really shocked at the level of how the students managed my class which were all 100% English . The middle school directors ,kind of dropped the ball often with many issues but overall they always found a solution. Tuition isn't really expensive when compared to other schools around the area but offer less . Miss araceli is such a sweetheart , never felt alone through my integration process.

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