Colegio Hispano Americano - 58020 Morelia

3.1/5 based on 8 reviews

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Av. Lázaro Cárdenas 824

Col. Ventura Puente.

C.P. 58020

Tel. 44 33 12 92 87, 44 33 12 71 71

 WhatsApp 4433189413

Contact Colegio Hispano Americano

Address :

.,México, Av Lázaro Cárdenas 824, Ventura Puente, 58020 Morelia, Mich., Mexico

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City : Mich.

.,México, Av Lázaro Cárdenas 824, Ventura Puente, 58020 Morelia, Mich., Mexico
Itzel Ramos on Google

Es un pésimo colegio, antes era bueno es una lástima que ignoren al alumno, que les falte etica, que no sepan tener control.
It is a lousy school, before it was good it is a pity that they ignore the student, that they lack ethics, that they do not know how to have control.
Ciin Avilés on Google

Excelentes instalaciones, buen nivel académico, lentamente lo único el trato con las madres, los guardias de las entradas, son muy malos, piden demasiadas cooperaciones siendo que se pagan colegiaturas para solventar esos gastos...
Excellent facilities, good academic level, slowly the only deal with the mothers, the entrance guards, they are very bad, they ask for too many cooperations being that tuition fees are paid to cover those expenses ...
Stephanie González on Google

Orgullosamente egresada a nivel preescolar (1998-1999) y primaria (1999-2005), puedo presumir que al menos durante ese tiempo la excelencia educativa siempre fue su estandarte además de personal docente altamente capacitado, tal vez el único "pero" es que las religiosas (en su mayoría) caían en lo riguroso e insensible con los alumnos, fuera de ello, había un ambiente muy sano entre compañeros además de las actividades extras (los retiros espirituales, kermes, festivales, concursos)
Proudly graduated at preschool (1998-1999) and elementary level (1999-2005), I can presume that at least during that time educational excellence was always his banner in addition to highly trained teaching staff, perhaps the only "but" is that Religious (for the most part) fell into the rigorous and insensitive with the students, apart from that, there was a very healthy environment among classmates in addition to the extra activities (spiritual retreats, kermes, festivals, contests)
Elizabeth Chavez on Google

Pésima escuela, no recomiendo para nada esta secundaria
Terrible school, I do not recommend this high school at all
Tateh Téllez on Google

Es una institución de fundamentó católico. Tiene muchísima tradición educativa y durante años han visto pasar muchas generaciones exitosas. La verdad consideró esta institución una muy buena opción para tus hijos. Tienen diciplina y buenos maestros.
It is an institution of Catholic foundation. It has a lot of educational tradition and for years they have seen many successful generations pass by. The truth considered this institution a very good option for your children. They have discipline and good teachers.

Pésimo colegio la madre Superiora es una irrespetuosa Las madres son unas groseras siempre que te acercas a ellas con alguna inconformidad te contestan "si no les parece llevense a sus hijos".
Terrible school the mother Superior is disrespectful Mothers are rude whenever you approach them with some disagreement, they answer "if it doesn't seem like they take their children."
Ashly Berenice Anderson Bucio on Google

Fatal el colegio ,el nivel a académico ya no es tan bueno ,algunos maestros hostigan a los niños,le falta seriedad y compromiso al instituto ,es casi casi una escuela de gobierno pero de paga,no ponen órden con los niños ,algunas maestras se la pasan señalando y comparando a los niños ,de verdad si piensan inscribir a sus hijos ahí piensenle mil veces. Hay niños que hacen bullying y no les dan una sanción ni si quiera les llaman la atención. No hay disciplina al colegio solo le interesa ganar dinero.
Fatal school, the academic level is no longer so good, some teachers harass children, lack seriousness and commitment to the institute, it is almost a government school but pay, they do not order with children, some teachers are They spend it pointing and comparing children, really if they think about enrolling their children there think a thousand times. There are children who do bullying and do not give them a penalty or even get their attention. There is no discipline the school is only interested in earning money.
Abraham Ruiz on Google

Pésimo colegio, obligan a los alumnos a realizar actividades innecesarias que no tienen nada que ver con la educación del mismo, no permiten la libre expresión de creatividad del alumno, el trato que le dan a los deportistas que practican una disciplina y diferente al fútbol, es deplorable, jamás hay apoyo para ese tipo de deportistas, inclusive si es una competencia importante de talla nacional. Las sanciones son totalmente fuera de lugar, se nota el favoritismo
Terrible school, they force students to carry out unnecessary activities that have nothing to do with their education, they do not allow the free expression of creativity of the student, the treatment they give to athletes who practice a discipline and different from football, It is deplorable, there is never support for this type of athlete, even if it is an important competition of national stature. The sanctions are totally out of place, the favoritism shows

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