Colegio Lowell - 10200 Ciudad de México

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Santiago 451, Lomas Quebradas, La Magdalena Contreras, 10200 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

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City : CDMX

Santiago 451, Lomas Quebradas, La Magdalena Contreras, 10200 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Sol on Google

Excelente nivel educativo, compromiso y empatía que tiene el personal general hacia el alumnado y los padres de familia.
Excellent educational level, commitment and empathy that the general staff has towards the students and parents.
Marko Rodriguez on Google

Una estrella por que Goggle no me permite poner nada. Ex estudiante llegado en 1997, fue mi debut y despedida en esta escuela. Por qué? En que me baso? En hechos, empezando por el trato por parte de sus Misses, no solo a mi, sino a familiar mío, el personal docente NUNCA explicó las dinámicas de como funciona la escuela, debes averiguarlas conforme ocurren, esta bien, eso ya pasó. "Miss Maggie StJeniz" y "Miss Maricarmen Novoa Mireles" (1997), directora con una actitud BASTANTE altanera, neurótica en su trato, inadecuada para su cargo y que al final del día resultaba intratable, que pude esperar de alguien "mind squared" formado en los años 40s?, que esperaba que siguieras sus propios ideales sobre el ser estudiante, no aceptó que todo alumno es diferente y feliz. "Miss Olí" (1997), al menos 8 estudiantes de preprimaria se sintieron agredidos física y psicologícamente por ella, TANTO QUE OCASIONARON reacciones como "mojar sus pantalones" de manera constante, durante sus clases, a las pruebas me remito, conservadas en cuadernos cosidos para recados, los usaban, no? El método de enseñanza de sus clases de Inglés realmente fue ABURRIDO, difícilmente la Miss "Elia" (?) conseguía captar tu atención e interes. Guardo sospechas que en el tercer piso de su edificio de salones se dieron casos de abuso, ahí si no tengo pruebas, pero los niños, en mi época afirmaron eso, tómala! El entorno junto con los teachers, parents y students está diseñado para formar a mediano plazo estudiantes "snobs", altaneros, huecos, y clasistas, algunos de ellos desde 1er grado se les percibieron esos rasgos, realmente al cambiar a escuela pública percibes la diferencia de la gente altanera (Lowell), a la gente sencilla y amigable. No me fui más allá y espero no haberme quedado corto en lo que describí.
One star because Goggle does not allow me to put anything. Former student arrived in 1997, it was my debut and farewell at this school. Why? What am I based on? In fact, starting with the treatment by their Misses, not only to me, but to my family member, the teaching staff NEVER explained the dynamics of how the school works, you must find out as they occur, okay, that already happened. "Miss Maggie StJeniz" and "Miss Maricarmen Novoa Mireles" (1997), director with a VERY haughty attitude, neurotic in her treatment, inappropriate for her position and that at the end of the day was intractable, what I could expect from someone "mind squared" formed in the 40s?, who expected you to follow his own ideals about being a student, he did not accept that every student is different and happy. "Miss Olí" (1997), at least 8 pre-primary students felt physically and psychologically attacked by her, SO MUCH THAT THEY CAUSED reactions such as "wetting her pants" constantly, during her classes, I refer to the tests, kept in notebooks sewn for errands, they used them, right? The teaching method of her English classes was really BORING, hardly Miss "Elia" (?) Managed to get your attention and interest. I have suspicions that there were cases of abuse on the third floor of his classroom building, there I do not have proof, but the children, in my time affirmed that, take it! The environment, together with the teachers, parents and students, is designed to form "snobbish", haughty, hollow, and classist students in the medium term, some of them from 1st grade were perceived these traits, really when you change to public school you perceive the difference from haughty people (Lowell), to simple and friendly people. I did not go any further and I hope I have not fallen short in what I described.
Carlos Uriel González Hernández on Google

Muy buen colegio y con profesores que están al pendiente del desempeño de sus estudiantes, además de contar con un excelente nivel de inglés. El ambiente es muy agradable y siendo egresado de este colegio tengo recuerdos muy gratos de este lugar.
Very good school and with teachers who are aware of the performance of their students, in addition to having an excellent level of English. The atmosphere is very pleasant and being a graduate of this school I have very fond memories of this place.
Antonio Ramirez on Google

Recientemente conocí de un caso de discriminacuon por parte tanto de la dueña del colegio como de la directora. Si base alguna excluyeron, pero si cobraron, a un pequeño por presentar una condición de autismo leve; caso con el cual ellas mencio aron estaban capacitadas para poder sobre llevar. Al final no fue así y después de cobrar inscripción y colegiatura sin ningún elemento médico ni de rendimiento contundente deciden que el niño no es "apto" para esta escuela, a pesar de haber sacado 10 bajo su esquema educacional durante las clases en línea. Por supuesto que se tomarán acciones legales, pero de entrada, pésima escuela.
I recently learned of a case of discrimination by both the owner of the school and the principal. If on any basis, they excluded, but did charge, a child for presenting a mild autism condition; case with which they mentioned aron they were qualified to be able to carry. In the end it was not like that and after collecting registration and tuition without any medical or strong performance element they decide that the child is not "suitable" for this school, despite having obtained 10 under their educational scheme during online classes. Of course legal action will be taken, but to begin with, a terrible school.
Paola Padilla Díaz on Google

Excelente escuela, la plantilla docente, las instalaciones y el ambiente son excelentes. Como ex alumna, reconozco que los nueve años que cursé fueron excelentes, un ambiente controlado con los grupos pequeños y la atención adecuada para cada alumno.
Excellent school, the teaching staff, facilities and atmosphere are excellent. As a former student, I recognize that the nine years I attended were excellent, a controlled environment with small groups and adequate attention for each student.
Mariana Diaz on Google

Estudié la primaria y secundaria aquí, y puede decir que me dio herramientas importantes para mis siguientes estudios y vida laboral. Especialmente por el nivel de inglés e informática que llevé. A los profesores les importan sus alumnos y el ambiente es excelente.
I studied primary and secondary school here, and you can say that it gave me important tools for my further studies and work life. Especially for the level of English and computer science that I took. The teachers care about their students and the atmosphere is excellent.
Walewska Molina on Google

Excelente escuela, la plantilla académica y la directora general tienen un gran sentido humano. Su nivel educativo es innovador, emprendedor y dinámico. Lo digo desde la voz de la experiencia como ex alumna, el cual me ayudó a formarme, alcanzando un nivel educativo alto y con varios valores inculcados que me han ayudado a sobresalir de entre los demás.
Excellent school, the academic staff and the general director have a great human sense. His educational level is innovative, enterprising and dynamic. I say this from the voice of experience as a former student, which helped me to train, reaching a high educational level and with several instilled values ​​that have helped me to stand out from others.
류대호 on Google


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