Colegio Summerhill Neill - 76090 Santiago de Querétaro

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Colegio Summerhill Neill

Address :

Motul Num. 7 Y 9, Santiago De Queretaro, 76090 Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
Categories :
City : Qro.

Motul Num. 7 Y 9, Santiago De Queretaro, 76090 Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., Mexico
Reyes Morales on Google

Conozco al personal desde hace mucho tiempo y lo que puedo decir es que son altamente confiables y sin duda alguna, bien preparados
I have known the staff for a long time and what I can say is that they are highly reliable and without a doubt well prepared.
Benjamin Perez Carbajal on Google

Es una escuela con excelente nivel y con el personal académico altamente calificado
It is a school with an excellent level and with highly qualified academic staff
Claudia Barron on Google

Es la peor escuela, cero organizacion y formacion academica, sus clases en linea fueron 10 minutos para dar tareas mismas que se podian bajar de la aplicacion, y aun asi tuvimos que pagar colegiaturas para que nos entregaran papeles, cada quince dias habia actividades como "cine" donde nos cobraban por alumno los examenes se cobran como si fuera escuela publica jamas se devolvio el. Dinero que se pidio para festivales cuando solo hubo en m todo el año los libros y cuadernos no se devolvieron siempre era a la hora que la directora quisiera, pésimo nivel de ingles cuando manejan que es bilingue, pesimas instalaciones sin higiene los maestros son los encargados de la limpieza y asi entre muchas otras cosas mas, ojala alguien me hubiera alertado pero borran los comentarios negativos.
It is the worst school, zero organization and academic training, their online classes were 10 minutes to give the same tasks that could be downloaded from the application, and even so we had to pay tuition so that they would deliver us papers, every fifteen days there were activities like " cinema "where they charged us per student, the exams are charged as if it were a public school. The exam was never returned. Money that was requested for festivals when there were only in me all year the books and notebooks were not returned it was always at the time the director wanted, terrible level of English when they handle that it is bilingual, terrible facilities without hygiene the teachers are in charge cleaning and so among many other things, I wish someone would have alerted me but they delete the negative comments.
Berenice Barron on Google

Pésima escuela de las peores de Queretaro los maestros solo se dedican a dejar montañas de tarea. Los mismos maestros son los intendentes de la escuela, los baños siempre sucios por lo mismo, pedidera de dinero para actividades improductivas, los pocos alumnos de preparatoria los ponían a dar clases porq no tienen suficientes maestros es una estafa.
Terrible school of the worst in Queretaro, the teachers only dedicate themselves to leaving mountains of homework. The teachers themselves are the school mayors, the bathrooms are always dirty for the same reason, they ask for money for unproductive activities, the few high school students put them to teach because they don't have enough teachers is a scam.
Ivonne on Google

No es una buena escuela, su nivel académico es malo, las materias son mal enseñadas y para ser una escuela particular no vale la pena pagar la colegiatura en una escuela en la que las instalaciones, maestros y nivel dejan mucho que desear, los baños son poco igienicos y siempre están sucios, secundaria que son tres grupos, solo cuentan con un baño mismo que en ocasiones no tiene agua, ni las condiciones debidas es por eso que no se encuentran fotos del interior, y considerando que cuentan con kinder, primaria, secundaria y prepa el espacio es poco, en cuanto a la "educacion" que deberías de recibir es bastante pobre muchos de los maestros no enseñan ni educan de la manera correcta, algunos de los maestros que enseñan en kinder enseñan a secundaria, esto es por los pocos maestros que se encuentran, mismos que ponen la mayoría de los comentarios positivos en las reseñas, Una pésima escuela.
It is not a good school, its academic level is bad, the subjects are poorly taught and for a private school it is not worth paying tuition in a school where the facilities, teachers and level leave much to be desired, the bathrooms are little igienic and they are always dirty, secondary that are three groups, they only have one bathroom that sometimes does not have water, nor the proper conditions that is why there are no photos of the interior, and considering that they have kindergarten, elementary school, Secondary and preparatory space is little, as for the "education" that you should receive is quite poor, many of the teachers do not teach or educate in the correct way, some of the teachers who teach in kindergarten teach secondary, this is because the few teachers that are, same who put most of the positive comments in the reviews, A lousy school.
rasazy on Google

Solo busqué mi escuela y si la encontré XD igual buena escuela ?
I just looked for my school and if I found it XD it's still a good school ?
Martha Colmenares Landín on Google

Considero que este año ha sido difícil para todo el sistema educativo. Como docente y madre comprendo los dos puntos de vista, no obstante, la labor que desempeñan tanto los profesores como los alumnos y los padres de familia es extenuante. Este ciclo ha sido atípico, implementando tecnología y, como ustedes bien dicen, maestros desempeñando funciones distintas a fin de ofrecer las mejores condiciones y evitar contagios. Conozco a una docente del colegio cuya vocación, desempeño y entrega son invaluables por lo que recomiendo esperar y continuar apoyando a los alumnos que finalmente son nuestro principal interés.
I believe that this year has been difficult for the entire educational system. As a teacher and a mother I understand both points of view, however, the work that teachers, students and parents do is exhausting. This cycle has been atypical, implementing technology and, as you well say, teachers performing different functions in order to offer the best conditions and avoid contagion. I know a teacher at the school whose vocation, performance and dedication are invaluable, so I recommend waiting and continuing to support the students who are ultimately our main interest.
francisco Fernandez on Google

eso que enseñan a hi no es ingles, los ejercicios no los califican, la pronunciación es malísima, y de español ni hablamos.
what they teach is not English, the exercises do not qualify them, the pronunciation is very bad, and we do not speak Spanish.

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