Comex tateposco - 45400 Tonalá

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Comex tateposco

Address :

Carretera a los Altos 683-B, La Gigantera, 45400 Tonalá, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9989
Website :
Categories :
City : Jal.

Carretera a los Altos 683-B, La Gigantera, 45400 Tonalá, Jal., Mexico
Mauro Zarate on Google

Daniel Torres Goche on Google

Zaedy Muñoz on Google

Diego Perez on Google

Lo recomiendo
I recommend it
Joseluisrn Rios on Google

Excelente servicio y surtido
Excellent service and assortment
gerardo lopez on Google

Encontraras cualquier color que prefieras y si no hay mismo te hasen el color de tu agrado
You will find any color you prefer and if there is no same you have the color of your choice
Rodolfo Nuñez on Google

Buen servicio.
Good service.
carlos estrada on Google

Me atendieron muy bien y conseguí todo lo que acupaba
They cared for me very well and I got everything I wanted

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