Comunidad terapéutica Vivir en la verdad A.C. - 63732 Bucerías

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Comunidad terapéutica Vivir en la verdad A.C.

Address :

Parcela 17 Z1, Camino Viejo Al Valle, 63732 Bucerías, Nay., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +77
Categories :
City : Nay.

Parcela 17 Z1, Camino Viejo Al Valle, 63732 Bucerías, Nay., Mexico
Sound EngineEar on Google

Estuve 6 meses, muy buen programa para disciplinar a las personas con problemas de adicción. Me ayudaron a madurar mucho.
I was there for 6 months, a very good program to discipline people with addiction problems. They helped me to mature a lot.
Alan Montes on Google

Excelente lugar. Estuve casi 7 meses. Se me trato de manera muy justa. El establecimiento muy lindo. Como cualquier lugar hay sus defectos. Pero el corazon del director es muy grande y personalmente me ha tocado ver que haga cosas muy chidas para la gente.
Excellent place. I was almost 7 months. I was treated very fairly. Very nice establishment. Like any place there are its flaws. But the director's heart is very big and personally I have seen him do very cool things for people.
Lara Tambacopoulou on Google

English below. Libera a todos los pobres de allí y dales la ayuda adecuada antes de que mueran. Este lugar es el infierno en la tierra. Mi hijo adolescente fue llevado allí por la fuerza, el secuestro es la palabra correcta para lo que sucedió, lo esposaron, lo esposaron y lo metieron en la parte trasera de una camioneta de 4 hombres y lo llevaron a esta "rehabilitación" falsa que de hecho es un anexo . Está dirigido por Abraham Ganem Ramírez, un ex adicto infantil que estableció un negocio sin experiencia ni compasión. No hay terapeutas allí, solo ex adictos enojados que pretenden disciplinar a los internos gritando, esposándolos y haciéndolos pararse contra la pared durante horas y, a menudo, golpearlos. Cuando visité, había 10 mujeres allí, tratadas como basura, sin cuidadoras que trabajaban allí. Tuve que pagar una gran cantidad para que mi hijo saliera y, cuando lo llevaron, pidió hablar con el Consulado Británico, ya que es un ciudadano británico y le dijeron que olvidara todo eso, que ahora les pertenece. Este lugar, junto con el resto de los anexos que operan en México, es vergonzoso pensar que un país en esta tierra permitiría formas tan lamentables de lidiar con los efectos de la adicción. Release all the poor people from in there and give them some proper help before they die. This place is hell on earth. My teen son was taken there by force, kidnapping is the right word for what happened, he was handcuffed and legcuffed and thrown in the back of a pick up truck by 4 men and taken to this bogus 'rehab' which is in fact an anexo. It is run by Abraham Ganem Ramirez, a childish ex addict who set up a business with no expertise and no compassion. There are no therapists there, only angry ex addicts pretending to discipline the inmates by shouting, handcuffing them and making them stand against the wall for hours and often beating them. When I visited, there were 10 women there, treated like dirt, with no women carers who worked there. I had to pay a large amount to get my son out who when he was taken there asked to speak to the British Consulate as he is a British citizen and they told him to forget all that, he belongs to them now. This place, along with all there rest of the annexes that operate in Mexico are shameful to even think of that a country on this earth would allow such pitiful ways of dealing with the effects of addiction.
English below. Free all the poor there and give them the right help before they die. This place is hell on earth. My teenage son was taken there by force, kidnapping is the correct word for what happened, they handcuffed him, handcuffed him and put him in the back of a 4-man truck and took him to this false "rehabilitation" that fact is an annex. It is directed by Abraham Ganem Ramírez, a former childhood addict who established a business without experience or compassion. There are no therapists there, only former angry addicts who intend to discipline the inmates by screaming, handcuffing and making them stand against the wall for hours and often beat them. When I visited, there were 10 women there, treated like trash, without caretakers who worked there. I had to pay a large amount for my son to leave and, when they took him, he asked to speak with the British Consulate, since he is a British citizen and they told him to forget all that, which now belongs to them. This place, along with the rest of the annexes that operate in Mexico, is shameful to think that a country on this earth would allow such regrettable ways of dealing with the effects of addiction. Release all the poor people from in there and give them some proper help before they die. This place is hell on earth. My teen is taken by force, kidnapping is the right word for what happened, it was handcuffed and legcuffed and thrown in the back of a pick up truck by 4 men and taken to this bogus 'rehab' which is in fact an annex . It is run by Abraham Ganem Ramirez, a childish ex addict who set up a business with no expertise and no compassion. There are no therapists there, only angry addicts pretending to discipline the inmates by shouting, handcuffing them and making them stand against the wall for hours and often beating them. When I visited, there were 10 women there, treated like dirt, with no women carers who worked there. I had to pay a large amount to get my British citizen and they told him to forget all that, I belong to them now. This place, along with the rest of the annexes that operate in Mexico are shameful to even think of that a country on this earth would allow such pitiful ways of dealing with the effects of addiction.
Jesús Montes Sánchez on Google

Traen buen comida. Peroaveces el staff está a poco agresivo con la banda. Abraham está chido pero es bien lunático y bipolar. Yo creo el necesita ayuda también. A la mejor una pareja (hombre yo imagino porque aveces anda revisando los hombres en una manera misterioso). Aye lugares más baratos donde ofrecen servicios más de calidad. Yo no recomiendo que no llevas tú familia aquí. Por favor y por favor toma un buen decisión. Tu decisión puede salvar el salud mental de tu querido.
They bring good food. Peroaveces the staff is a little aggressive with the band. Abraham is cool but he is very lunatic and bipolar. I believe he needs help too. Maybe a couple (man I imagine because sometimes walks men reviewing in a mysterious way). Aye cheaper places where they offer more quality services. I do not recommend that you do not take your family here. Please and please make a good decision. Your decision can save your beloved's mental health.
Carlos Valenzuela on Google

El Bueno: - Te dan sufficiente comida - El psicologo esta bien El Malo: - El doctor esta incompetente - El staff no sirve para nada - El director es inmaduro y aggresivo - No todos la camas son iguales. Algunos estan rompiedos y ortos estan sucios - Aveces hay animales en la cocina de afuera acerca la comida. Yo me cuerdo que tenian gatos por un lado. (Eww los pelos en la comida) - Comunicar con tu padrino es aveces deficil El Horrible: - Cuando pasa algo extremo. El director y el staff piensan usar tacticas feas contra los usarios (como cachetadadas o aveces golpes)
The good: - They give you enough food - The psychologist is fine The bad: - The doctor is incompetent - The staff is useless - The director is immature and aggresive - Not all the beds are the same. Some are broken and ortos are dirty - Sometimes there are animals in the kitchen outside the food. I remember that they had cats on one side. (Eww the hairs in the food) - Communicate with your sponsor is sometimes deficil The Horrible: - When something extreme happens. The director and the staff think of using ugly tactics against the users (like slapping or sometimes hitting)
Stephanie Miller on Google

creeo que los malos comentarios provienen de personas que no conocen lo que en verdad es un centro de rehabilitacion, con metodos reprorables de abuso fisico y mental, el Padrino Habram es chido, tiene sentido de el humor es joven y tiene metodos muy frescos dinamicos e incluyentes y por si creeias que era todo,.... No....Los fines de semana hace donas de azucar fritas al momento justo antes de ser servidas para toda la banda con su respectivo vaso de chocolatote,... porque no cuentan todas esas cosas de el.
I believe that the bad comments come from people who do not know what a rehabilitation center really is, with reprehensible methods of physical and mental abuse, The Godfather Habram is cool, he has a sense of humor, he is young and has very fresh, dynamic and inclusive methods and in case you thought that was all.... No.... On weekends he makes fried sugar donuts at the right time before being served for the whole band with their respective glass of chocolate,... because they don't count all those things about him.
Salvador Sandoval on Google

Necesita un buen evaluación este lugar para las cosas que me a pasado a mí y otra gente. No hay algo ambiguo en la aspecto de calmar un paciente. Si un paciente no quiere hacer caso o trae una problema mental que es perjudicial para formar buen comunicación con el staff. El staff y el "director" no trae el derecho para utilizar "golpes" or otro formas de fuerza física.
This place needs a good evaluation for the things that happened to me and other people. There is nothing ambiguous in the aspect of calming a patient. If a patient does not want to ignore or bring a mental problem that is harmful to form good communication with the staff. The staff and the "director" does not bring the right to use "hits" or other forms of physical force.
Karim Soltero on Google

Highly recommended for an efficient therapy. The staff puts it's heart in their work. This is a blessed house. Five stars of 5.

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