Consultorio Veterinario Arm - 55100 Ecatepec de Morelos

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Contact Consultorio Veterinario Arm

Address :

Av. México MZ33 LT2 Loc.3 Esq, Etiopía, Jardines de Cerro Gordo, 55100 Ecatepec de Morelos, Méx., Mexico

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City : Méx.

Av. México MZ33 LT2 Loc.3 Esq, Etiopía, Jardines de Cerro Gordo, 55100 Ecatepec de Morelos, Méx., Mexico
Mon Mahone on Google

Son en verdad las únicas personas que me hacen sentir segura y confiada cuando llevo a cualquiera de mis pequeñitas ahí, hace un mes aproximadamente una de mis perritas entroa cirugía de alto riesgo y todo salió de maravilla, son los veterinarios de cabecera de la familia desde hace ya varios años, definitivamente no las llevaría a otro lugar, son muy amables, se nota su conocimiento y tratan muy bien a los pequeñitos.
They are really the only people who make me feel safe and confident when I take any of my little girls there, about a month ago, one of my dogs went into high-risk surgery and everything went great, they are the family veterinarians since Several years ago, I would definitely not take them to another place, they are very kind, their knowledge is noticeable and they treat the little ones very well.
Shaloom Karla Cruz Garcia on Google

El dia Domingo 01/11/2020 llevé a mi perrito al veterinario por que habia estado vomitando la noche anterior, el veterinario le hizo un inspección externa de como lucía mi perrito y dijo que tenia una infeccion en su estomago, le puso una inyeccion (esta será importante mas adelante) que me dijo que era un analgesico para que no sintiera dolor en el transcurso del día, le mando una lata de comida especial que ahí mismo se compro, y le mando "Bactrim" y "Ranitin", me fui a casa y seguí la indicaciones que el veterinario nos había dado, él menciono que si para el siguiente dia mi perrito no se veía con una mejora lo llevaramos de nuevo, a la mañana siguiente 02/11/2020 mi perrito no amaneció bien, ya no se quería levantar y además su respiración cambio de una forma muy rápida, era constante y tenia que abrir la boca para respirar, sus ojitos se le veian rojitos y no podía estar de pie, me espanté muchísimo y regrese al veterinario, ya no estaba el señor que siempre lo atendía, estaba otra medico y lo reviso, en esa ocasión volvió a inyectarle lo mismo que se le había inyectado el dia anterior, y además de eso le mando mas medicamento "Brucap" " Tribaciona Oftalmica" y "Omeprazol" al ser tanto medicamento yo le pregunté si eso era correcto a lo que me respondió que cada uno tiene diferente función por esa razón estaba bien, regreso a casa con mi chiquito en brazos por que ya no se paraba y entonces llego el 03/11/2020 este dia mi perrito cada vez se veía peor y yo ya estaba muy asustada al ver que él no mejoraba, no sé si alguien pudiera entender la frustración que tenía aquella vez, asi como las madres darian todo por sus hijos asi yo lo daria por mi perrito , ese dia le llame a la medico para decirle que no habia mejoría ella me recomendo hacerle unos estudios para saber que pasaba con mi chiquito, se habia planeado al siguiente dia lo llevaria a hacer sus estudios ya que si lo medite por que ahí no estaba viendo ninguna mejoria pero en el transcurso de ese dia yo estuve investigando algun hospital por que mi perrito cada vez se veia peor y ese lugar ya no me daba confianza, encontre varias opciones sin embargo mi perrito empezaba a llorar de dolor y no lo pense mas, me subi al carro y me diriji a un hospital (canino) pero minutos antes de llegar mi perro falleció, ahí lo intentaron reanimar, le pusieron oxígeno pero no hubo mas por hacer, su cuerpecito ya no tenia vida, nos preguntaron que tenía que le habia pasado y les contamos cada detalle de los dias anteriores, en el hospital nos dijeron que lo que pasó es que al solo medicar a un perro sin tener un diagnostico lo que ESTE veterinario intentó hacer fue solo parar los sintomas pero fue un ERROR, en el hospital nos dieron esta explicacion " A una persona le puede doler la cabeza y puede tomar pastillas sin embargo ese dolor de cabeza puede ser a causa de un tumor" esa era la importancia de saber un diagnostico y no medicar sin saberlo concretamente. Mi bebecito falleció un 03/11/2020 y ha sido lo peor que hasta este momento había vivido, no deseo que nadie pase por ello, que pierda a su mejor amigo de cuatro patitas.Es por eso que escribo esta reseña para que cada uno tome en consideración todo, no estoy culpando a nadie pero cuando pierdes a algo tan importante en tu vida siempre vas a pensar si algo no hubiera pasado el final de este suceso seria diferente. Ocasiones anteriores que mi perrito había ido a este veterinario era por que sus patitas a veces le dolían y el medico le inyecto el mismo analgesico aquella vez, y en aquella ocasión funcionó en otra ocasión que lo llevamos por que se lamia mucho su piel y se causaba ardor, el mismo medico le inyectó el mismo analgésico, y también había funcionado en esta ocasión no fue así, no lo ayudaron de la manera correcta y ha un mes de que mi perrito falleció estoy escribiendo mi experiencia con Veterinario Arm a lado de una urna. Cabe mencionar que la cedula profesional esta asociada con la médico asi que no sé con que cedula el medico masculino este ejerciendo su labor de veterinario.
On Sunday 11/01/2020 I took my puppy to the vet because he had been vomiting the night before, the vet made an external inspection of how my puppy looked and said he had an infection in his stomach, he gave him an injection ( this will be important later) that he told me it was an analgesic so that he would not feel pain during the day, I sent him a can of special food that he bought right there, and I sent him "Bactrim" and "Ranitin", I left I went home and I followed the instructions that the vet had given us, he mentioned that if by the next day my puppy did not see an improvement we would take him again, the next morning 11/02/2020 my puppy did not wake up well, already He did not want to get up and also his breathing changed very quickly, it was constant and he had to open his mouth to breathe, his eyes were red and he could not stand, I was terrified and returned to the vet, he was gone the man who always attended him, was another He went to the doctor and he checked, on that occasion he injected him again the same thing that he had been injected the day before, and in addition to that I sent him more medicine "Brucap" "Tribaciona Oftalmica" and "Omeprazole" being so much medicine I asked him if That was correct to which he replied that each one has a different function for that reason it was fine, I returned home with my little one in my arms because he no longer stood up and then on 11/03/2020 this day my puppy came every time I saw worse and I was already very scared to see that he did not improve, I do not know if anyone could understand the frustration I had that time, just as mothers would give everything for their children so I would give it for my puppy, that day I called him The doctor to tell him that there was no improvement, she recommended that I do some studies to know what was happening with my little boy, it had been planned the next day I would take him to do his studies because if I meditated it because there I was not seeing any improvement but in the during that day I I was investigating a hospital because my puppy looked worse and worse and that place no longer gave me confidence, I found several options, however my puppy began to cry in pain and I did not think about it anymore, I got in the car and went to a hospital (canine) but minutes before arriving my dog ​​died, there they tried to revive him, they put oxygen on him but there was no more to do, his little body no longer had life, they asked us what had happened to him and we told them every detail of the days Previously, at the hospital they told us that what happened is that by only medicating a dog without having a diagnosis, what THIS vet tried to do was only stop the symptoms but it was an ERROR, at the hospital they gave us this explanation "To a person Your head can hurt and you can take pills, however that headache can be caused by a tumor "that was the importance of knowing a diagnosis and not taking medication without knowing it specifically. My little baby passed away on 11/03/2020 and it has been the worst thing that he had experienced up to this moment, I do not want anyone to go through it, that he lose his best friend with four legs, that is why I write this review so that each one take everything into consideration, I am not blaming anyone but when you lose something so important in your life you will always think if something had not happened the end of this event would be different. Previous occasions that my puppy had gone to this vet was because his paws sometimes hurt and the doctor injected him with the same analgesic that time, and on that occasion it worked on another occasion that we took him because he licked his skin a lot and It caused burning, the same doctor injected him with the same analgesic, and it had also worked this time it was not like that, they did not help him in the correct way and it has been a month since my puppy died I am writing my experience with Veterinary Arm next to a urn. It is worth mentioning that the professional ID is associated with the doctor so I do not know with what ID the male doctor is exercising his work as a veterinarian.
Maribel Benitez Flores on Google

Los dos Médicos Veterinarios son amables y profesionales hasta ahorita me he sentido confiada de llevar a mi perrhijo porque lo revisan bien y le recetan el medicamento adecuado.
The two Veterinarians are friendly and professional until now I have felt confident to take my dog ​​because they check him well and prescribe the appropriate medication.
Itzel Sanchez on Google

Excelente servicio, son amables y explican las necesidades de nuestras mascotas. Muy profesionales.
Excellent service, they are friendly and explain the needs of our pets. Very professional.
Lily García on Google

Hace tiempo adopté a una perrita de la calle, ella obviamente estaba desnutrida, deshidratada y al parecer había estado mucho tiempo amarrada porque tenía un hoyo en su cuello. La llevé a esta veterinaria y los dos médicos me dijeron que estaba muyyy desnutrida y deshidratada (cosa que era más que obvia) y que tenía cáncer, que su herida en el cuello era debido a eso, que por su estado no aguantaría quimioterapias. La llevé con otros veterinarios para una segunda opinión y me dijeron que no, que su herida no tenía nada que ver con cáncer, la anestesiaron, la suturaron, le colocaron un suero, le mandaron vitaminas y asunto arreglado. ¡Tuve mascota para mucho tiempo! En lo personal no recomiendo para nada esta veterinaria.
Some time ago I adopted a dog from the street, she was obviously malnourished, dehydrated and apparently had been tied for a long time because she had a hole in her neck. I took her to this vet and the two doctors told me that she was very malnourished and dehydrated (which was more than obvious) and that she had cancer, that her neck wound was due to that, that due to her condition she would not endure chemotherapy. I took her to other vets for a second opinion and they told me no, that her wound had nothing to do with cancer, they anesthetized her, they sutured her, they placed a serum, they sent her vitamins and the matter was settled. I have had a pet for a long time! Personally, I do not recommend this vet at all.
Viridiana RH on Google

Ya llevó un rato yendo y me ha gustado la atención que le dan a mí perrito, todas mis dudas son contestadas y siempre te explican lo que le harán a tú perrito. Con respecto a los costos están bien.
It took a while going and I liked the attention they give to my puppy, all my questions are answered and they always explain what they will do to your puppy. With regard to costs they are fine.
valdemar Rios on Google

Si quieres a tu mascota bien atendida este es el lugar excelente trato a los animalitos muy consentidos higiene y profesionalismo. Atención de primera muy recomendables.
If you want your pet well cared for, this is the place for excellent treatment of very spoiled little animals, hygiene and professionalism. Highly recommended first class service.
Fernando Gonzalez on Google


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