Correos de México - 44731 Guadalajara

1.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Correos de México

Address :

C. San Andrés 2516, San Andrés, 44731 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
Categories :
City : Jal.

C. San Andrés 2516, San Andrés, 44731 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
Eve Flan on Google

Pésimo servicio, la señora pelona que atiende es suuuper grosera y déspota, mal trato a los clientes y no tiene nada de disposición para atender, y maltrato a otros 3 clientes además de mi, esto paso hoy 17 de Julio 2020. Deberian cambiar a su personal y poner gente que sea amable y esté capacitada y quiten esas gentes amargadas, es molesto que le estén torciendo la cara a uno.
Terrible service, the hairy lady who attends is super rude and despotic, I mistreat clients and she has no disposition to attend, and mistreat 3 other clients besides me, this happened today July 17, 2020. They should change their staff and put people who are kind and trained and remove those bitter people, it is annoying that they are twisting your face.
Rosaura Sánchez on Google

Cuiden que la guía que les den sea nueva, yo mandé un paquete y cuando lo chequé en la página decía que ya se había entregado a otra persona, me preocupé porque se supone que no iba para México si no para baja California pero luego ví que abajo venía la información reciente, no sé si vaya a tener problemas con mi paquete porque me dieron una guía ya usada y no se ha movido desde que lo envíe ?
Take care that the guide they give you is new, I sent a package and when I checked it on the page it said that it had already been delivered to another person, I was worried because it was not supposed to go to Mexico if not to Baja California but then I saw that below came the recent information, I do not know if I will have problems with my package because they gave me an already used guide and it has not moved since I sent it ?
johnny delga on Google

Pésimo servicio, atienden con una jetota. No lo recomiendo para nada, ya se me han perdido 2 paquetes, tal vez se los roben. El cartero nunca entrega paquetes grandes, solo dejan el aviso de que vayas a recogerlo personalmente. Y cuando vas y les explicas lo sucedido se hacen los ofendidos. ( edite este comentario 1 año después me la volvieron aplicar )
Terrible service, they serve with a jetota. I do not recommend it at all, I have already lost 2 packages, maybe they will be stolen. The postman never delivers large packages, they only leave the notice that you are going to pick it up personally. And when you go and explain what happened, they become offended. (edit this comment 1 year later it was reapplied to me)

Pesimo servicio, atienden de mala manera y casi estoy segura que se quedaron un paquete que dijeron haber devuelto al vendedor por que no fui a recogerlo cuando yo fui en varias ocasiones para preguntar por el y me lo negaron.
Very bad service, they serve in a bad way and I am almost sure that they left a package that they said they had returned to the seller because I did not go to pick it up when I went several times to ask for it and they denied it.
Vargas Art on Google

Me cambié de sucursal (diaz miron) por malas experiencias con aquella señora que recibe, siempre con la jeta para recibir los clientes y regresar paquetes por cualquier detalle, y aquí encontré a una igual, quizá sea requisito para trabajar aquí, las personas que atienden están todas histéricas siempre se comprende que el paquete no es tal cual requiere sin embargo y como en todo hay maneras, 3 veces me regresaron por no saber explicar de su parte las cosas como son y de buena manera, pésima paqueteria en relación a las personas que trabajan.
I changed branch (diaz miron) due to bad experiences with that lady who receives, always with the card to receive customers and return packages for any detail, and here I found an equal, perhaps it is a requirement to work here, the people who attend They are all hysterical, it is always understood that the package is not as required, however and as in everything there are ways, 3 times they returned to me for not knowing how to explain things as they are and in a good way, terrible packaging in relation to people they work.
Rogelio “Roger” Nunez on Google

se robaron el celular que pedi de china, me llego la caja vacia, violaron los sellos del provedor sacaron el telefono y sellaron el paquete con cinta de correos de mexico y todavia me hicieron pagar la importacion,
They stole the cell phone that I ordered from China, I got the empty box, they violated the supplier's stamps, they took out the phone and sealed the package with Mexico postage tape and they still made me pay for the import,
samuel castellanos on Google

El cartero nunca deja avisos y me ha regresado paquetes a China cuando ya estan en la oficina y le he preguntado porque hace eso y contesta muy despota el culey. Aparte el personal que ahi labora no quiere dar informacion alguna de los paquetes. Pesimo servicio desde hace años.
The postman never leaves notices and he has returned packages to China when they are already in the office and I have asked him why he does that and he answers very despot the culey. Besides, the staff who work there do not want to give any information about the packages. Terrible service for years.
Isaac Cervantes on Google

Pésimo servicio, la persona que atiende es grosera y te hace dar varias vueltas por cualquier tontería del empacado de la caja. Al final cancelé el envío y mandé por DHL aunque me costara más.
Terrible service, the person who attends is rude and makes you give several laps for any nonsense of the packaging of the box. In the end I canceled the shipment and sent by DHL even though it cost me more.

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