Correos de México - Tecnológico Monterrey, N.L. - 64841 Monterrey

1.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Correos de México / Tecnológico Monterrey, N.L.

Address :

Fernando García Roel S/N, Tecnológico, 64841 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +877
Website :
Categories :
City : N.L.

Fernando García Roel S/N, Tecnológico, 64841 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
Lucy De La Peña on Google

La gorda que atiende actitud super mamona, no presta ni la cinta y los horarios nada mas estan de sugerencia, jamas se respetan -. -"
The fat woman who attends a super mamona attitude, does not lend even the tape and the schedules are just suggested, they are never respected. - "
Leo Nieto on Google

Viernes 8 de Julio 2016 4:50p y no está abierto. Clientes esperando afuera y ni un aviso, falta de consideracion en un dia que uno se da la vuelta a 40 grados centigrados.
Friday July 8, 2016 4: 50p and is not open. Clients waiting outside and not a warning, lack of consideration on a day that one turns around 40 degrees Celsius.
Teresa Celio on Google

He venido dos veces y sí estaba abierto y recibí buena atención de la señorita a cargo. Recomendación: En ninguna oficina de Correos se venden sobres o cajas para envío. Si envías documentos, ya debes traerlos en el sobre para enviar y recomiendo consigas de cartón o de burbuja para proteger del maltrato en el traslado. Si son paquetes debes traerlos en caja, ya que te pedirán forrarlo con el papel café que se usa para envíos (ese si te lo proporcionan aquí).
I have come twice and it was open and I received good attention from the lady in charge. Recommendation: Envelopes or boxes for shipping are not sold at any Post Office. If you send documents, you must already bring them in the envelope to send and I recommend you get cardboard or bubble to protect against mistreatment in the transfer. If they are packages you must bring them in a box, since they will ask you to cover it with the brown paper that is used for shipping (that if they provide it here).
Aracely Salazar on Google

La mujer que está a cargo de esta sucursal, Lydia Moreno me dijo que se llamaba más no me mostró identificación, tiene una pésima actitud de servicio, es completamente inútil, abre cuando quiere, cierra antes de hora y siempre que llegas está viendo la tele porque nunca tiene trabajo debido a que nunca recibe paquetes, siempre pone excusas por una razón u otra y jamás he podido mandar nada por ahí, a pesar de ser la que me queda más cerca de casa, siempre termino en Revolución porque ahí si me atienden muy bien y rápido. Por favor remuevan a esta señorita que no puede estar en una oficina tan importante.
The woman who is in charge of this branch, Lydia Moreno told me that her name was more, she did not show me identification, she has a terrible service attitude, she is completely useless, she opens when she wants, she closes before the hour and whenever you arrive she is watching TV. because she never has a job because she never receives packages, she always makes excuses for one reason or another and I have never been able to send anything out there, despite being the one that is closest to home, I always end up in Revolution because if they attend me very well and fast. Please remove this young lady who cannot be in such an important office.
Beatriz Arias on Google

Tienen un cartel que dice los horarios (8-4), llego a las 10, está cerrado. No pues como?
They have a sign that says the hours (8-4), I arrive at 10, it is closed. No, how?
Raul Rueda on Google

Marca un horario de 8:00 a 16:00. Llevo varias semanas llegando antes de las 9 y nunca está abierto. Si van abrir más tarde deberían cerrar más tarde o cambiar su anuncio.
Mark a schedule from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. I've been arriving several weeks before 9 and it's never open. If they are going to open later they should close later or change their ad.
vivi b. on Google

A dia de hoy si está funcionando esta sucursal de correos, la señorita que atiende muy amable. Tomen en cuenta que para enviar algo les piden copia de su INE y si envian en caja la piden abierta para revisarla, así mismo recuerden llevar su cinta canela para cerrar su caja una vez revisada porque no es seguro que ellos tengan ahí!
To this day if this post office is working, the lady who attends very kindly. Take into account that to send something they ask you for a copy of your INE and if they send it in the box they ask it open to review it, likewise remember to take your cinnamon tape to close your box once reviewed because it is not safe that they have it there!
Erasmo Leal on Google

Checked the place at 4:30pm on Monday, August 7, 2017 and it was closed. Off to a bad start.

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