Crash - 14330 Ciudad de México

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Crash

Address :

Av. Cafetales 234, Coapa, Coapa 2da Secc, Tlalpan, 14330 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
Categories :
City : CDMX

Av. Cafetales 234, Coapa, Coapa 2da Secc, Tlalpan, 14330 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Adriana Martínez Vázquez on Google

Pésimo lugar, tardaron casi dos meses en entregarme mi automóvil. En primer lugar me habían dado una fecha de entrega, acudí y no le habían hecho nada a mi coche, estuve llamando y me decían mentiras respecto al avance en la reparación. Muy irresponsables.
Terrible place, it took almost two months to deliver my car. In the first place they had given me a delivery date, I went and they had not done anything to my car, I kept calling and they told me lies about the progress of the repair. Very irresponsible.
Rodrigo Mayoral on Google

Lamentablemente por un accidente la aseguradora envío el automóvil a reparar, te atienden muy bien, son amables, pero los trabajos hay que revisarlos con Lupa, debido a que no colocan todas las piezas, no dejan el auto bien ensamblado, y los colores si no los persoves bien al paso del tiempo se ven diferentes y terminas con varias tonalidades.. En el auto que tuve que ingresar lamentablemente por el accidente cambiaron varias partes y los soportes interiores para darles mayor firmeza no los colocaron, te das cuenta cuando por razones externas te dañan esa parte y al revisar observas faltantes de piezas interiores.. Por este tipo de engaños ni una estrella merecen
Unfortunately, due to an accident, the insurance company sent the car to be repaired, they treat you very well, they are friendly, but the work must be reviewed with Lupa, because they do not place all the pieces, they do not leave the car well assembled, and the colors if not Persoves them well over time they look different and you end up with various shades.. In the car that I had to enter unfortunately due to the accident, they changed several parts and the interior supports to give them greater firmness were not placed, you realize when for external reasons they damage that part and when you check you observe missing interior parts. For this type of deception they do not deserve a star
Raul Mendoza on Google

CUIDADO!! Es un pésimo taller, soy muy muy lentos, mentirosos y tramposos. No usan refacciones originales, dejan mal hecho el trabajo y no se hacen responsables. Y aguas si tu seguro es BBVA, el representante nunca te ayuda y se pone a defender al taller. No sé arriesguen, solo tendrán problemas!!
WATCH OUT!! It is a lousy workshop, I am very very slow, liars and cheats. They do not use original spare parts, they leave the work poorly done and they are not responsible. And what if your insurance is BBVA, the representative never helps you and starts defending the workshop. I don't know take risks, you will only have problems!!
Gonzalez Vazquez Luis Guillermo on Google

Pésimo servicio. El carro lo entregaron demasiado sucio. No hicieron bien el trabajo, no pulieron lo que pintaron. Una calavera quedó salida, la pintura tenía rayones y burbujas; se llevó a garantía el coche y nada más lo pulieron y no dejaron en su lugar la calavera, para esto tardaron dos días. El día de la entrega, a la hora acordada, no habían hecho nada, haciéndolo todo en ese momento y dejándolo mal. Cabe mencionar que el golpe fue de un lado en la parte trasera, para arreglarlo ese golpe se tardaron 1 mes y 27 días, dejando todo mal.
Terrible service. The car was delivered too dirty. They didn't do the job right, they didn't polish what they painted. A skull was left, the paint had scratches and bubbles; The car was taken under warranty and they just polished it and did not leave the skull in its place, for this it took two days. On the day of delivery, at the agreed time, they had done nothing, doing everything at that time and leaving it wrong. It is worth mentioning that the blow was from one side in the rear, to fix that blow it took 1 month and 27 days, leaving everything wrong.
Lenin Rodrigo Landero Escamilla on Google

Pésimo servicio, tardaron mucho tiempo en reparar mi auto. A los 15 días me dijeron que ya lo tenían y cuando fui a recogerlo me dijeron que no estaba listo; me mintieron, tardaron otros 15 días. Cuando me lo entregaron regresé porque la reparación tuvo fallas, por si fuera poco me entregaron el coche muy sucio y se robaron mi llavero de los Jets de Nueva York.
Terrible service, they took a long time to repair my car. After 15 days they told me that they already had it and when I went to pick it up they told me that it was not ready; They lied to me, it took another 15 days. When they delivered it to me I returned because the repair was flawed, as if that were not enough they gave me the very dirty car and they stole my New York Jets keychain.
Juan Jesus Lopez on Google

Desgraciadamente la atención del encargado es pésima no es personalizada empieza a recibir tu auto y después llega otro te deja con el vigilante que haga tu inventario y el se va a atender a otro. El vigilante aunque no es su trabajo el recibir los vehículos lo hace muy bien solo que no tiene la información que necesitas saber en cuanto la entrega de tu vehículo, tienes que ir a interrumpir al encargado.
Unfortunately, the attention of the manager is terrible, it is not personalized, he begins to receive your car and then another one arrives, he leaves you with the security guard who does your inventory and he goes to attend to another. The guard, although it is not his job to receive the vehicles, does it very well, only that he does not have the information you need to know as soon as the delivery of your vehicle, you have to go and interrupt the manager.
Gibran Barrera on Google

Son un peligro, viajo en carretera constantemente, el trabajo mecánico es deplorable. Visualmente se ve bien ya que pintan y empastan de manera decente, tuve un golpe que afecto suspensión trasera, pero con el tiempo (7 meses) te das cuenta que no te sustituyen piezas (cosa que el seguro les pago) solo las enderezan y empastan, con el uso presentan problemas mayores. Me entregaron el carro con una llanta de uso, un eje enderezado (que daño los amortiguadores) y un rin empastado. Su chiste me salió en 18,000 MNX en la agencia, con cambio de eje trasero, rin nuevo y cambio llanta, y amortiguadores traseros. No confíen en este centro, son tardados, hacen mal el trabajo y ponen en riesgo tú seguridad y la de tú familia.
They are a danger, I travel on the road constantly, the mechanical work is deplorable. Visually it looks good since they paint and fill in a decent way, I had a blow that affected the rear suspension, but over time (7 months) you realize that they do not replace parts (which the insurance paid for) they only straighten and fill them , with the use they present major problems. The car was delivered to me with a used tire, a straightened axle (which damaged the shock absorbers) and a filled rim. His joke came out at 18,000 MNX at the dealership, with a rear axle change, a new rim and a tire change, and rear shock absorbers. Do not trust this center, they are late, they do the job badly and they put your safety and that of your family at risk.
Luis Zuñiga on Google


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