Criminal Wings Ayuntamiento - 14269 Ciudad de México

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Contact Criminal Wings Ayuntamiento

Address :

Ayuntamiento 87, La Fama, Tlalpan, 14269 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +99
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City : CDMX

Ayuntamiento 87, La Fama, Tlalpan, 14269 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Yeims Moto on Google

Te atienden rápido. El personal es buena onda. El lugar es más o menos abierto por si te preocupa el Covid19 y lleva chamarra si sueles tener frío. El "viene viene" te hace la plática de fútbol, aunque es algo encimoso.
They serve you quickly. The staff is cool. The place is more or less open in case you are worried about Covid19 and wear a jacket if you are usually cold. The "comes, comes" makes you talk about soccer, although it is somewhat enzymatic.
alejandro miguel lopez olvera on Google

Es comprensible lo de la propina pero no cuando te dicen que tienes que dejar mínimo el 15% de lo de lo consumido, que es lo que me comentó la muchacha que nos atendió.y sus precios son muy elevados como para pedir ese porcentaje de propina, lo cual pueden tener problemas legales con la Profeco
The tip is understandable but not when they tell you that you have to leave at least 15% of what was consumed, which is what the girl who attended us told me. And their prices are too high to ask for that percentage of tip , which may have legal problems with Profeco
valeria castillo on Google

Los alimentos son ricos y las promociones que tienen son buenas. Sin embargo el servicio deja mucho que desear, las meseras te atienden de mala gana, al final te cobran y quieren que les dejes propina del 15%. Pésimo servicio
The food is rich and the promotions they have are good. However, the service leaves much to be desired, the waitresses serve you reluctantly, in the end they charge you and want you to leave them a 15% tip. Terrible service
saul ramirez on Google

Excelente para ir con amigos. Buena música y ambiente. Bien ubicado. Baños higiénicos y lugar confortable. Promociones llamativas. Jueves segunda orden de 10 alitas a 1 peso. Bebidas y comida buena. Cerveza nacional a 19 pesos todos los días. Febrero 2021 Un año después volví a criminal wings pero sorpresivamente me desepcionó. La cerveza la sirvieron tibia, los dedos de queso estaban casi vacíos porque se salió el queso y quedó solo el empanizado, a las papas les faltó más sabor pimienta limón y las alitas no estaban muy calientes y se enfriaron demasiado rápido. Espero darle 5 estrellas otra vez cuando vuelva.
Excellent to go with friends. Good music and atmosphere. Well located. Hygienic bathrooms and comfortable place. Eye-catching promotions. Thursday second order of 10 wings at 1 peso. Good food and drinks. National beer at 19 pesos every day. February 2021 A year later I went back to criminal wings but was surprisingly disappointed. The beer was served warm, the cheese fingers were almost empty because the cheese came out and only the breading was left, the potatoes lacked more lemon pepper flavor and the wings were not very hot and cooled too quickly. I hope to give it 5 stars again when I return.
smorales rich on Google

Es comprensible que los negocios intenten llevar a cabo, la recuperación económica. El esfuerzo depende de cada negocio..levantarse. Sin embargo, el servicio apenas puede darse. La experiencia llevada hoy 7/04/22, para empezar la chica que atendió, entrega un bote sucio. En lugar de brindar el correcto servicio para lo que exigen al final. Aunque sea un bote para colocar los huesos de las alitas, es carente y denigrante la limpieza y presentación entregar recipientes y loza en estado de suciedad luego haber sido usado por otro comensal. Fue recibir una batea para animales. Sobre la órden de alitas del susodicho menú con sus promociones, la carne servida de las presumibles alitas, demasiado seca, filosa y carbonizada. Por si fuera poco unas ramas de apio y zanahoria como si se diera las sobras para el ganado. Con las mesas que según disponen hasta para el aire libre, chuecas, con ausencia de gomas y desniveladas; seguramente esperan a que la comida se caiga o entregan mesa para borrachos, quizá así ven y se coordinan de lado. Cuando la chica sale corriendo para pedir el porcentaje de atención por la mesa, realmente por 37 pesos, no valió la pena tan escueta calidad de servicio. La propina, no es obligatoria, mucho menos dar un importe dramático de servicio de la mesa. Si seguían insistiendo, me encargaría de darles informes al sat y a profeco por abusar de tales artimañas exigiendo importe para convenientemente atender como quieran. El mensaje será mostrado a todos los medios. Sugiero a los próximos comensales vean detenidamente la forma que brindan los servicios y las trampas engañosas sobre los consumos. Si van a divertirse o pasar un tiempo en grupo o con pareja, al menos tengan en cuenta lo que realmente vale por el precio servicio/calidad.
It is understandable that businesses try to carry out economic recovery. The effort depends on each business... get up. However, the service can hardly be given. The experience carried out today 04/7/22, to begin with the girl who attended, delivers a dirty boat. Instead of providing the correct service for what they demand in the end. Although it is a jar to place the bones of the wings, it is lacking and denigrating the cleanliness and presentation to deliver containers and crockery in a state of dirt after having been used by another diner. It was receiving a raft for animals. On the order of wings from the aforementioned menu with its promotions, the meat served from the presumable wings, too dry, sharp and charred. As if that were not enough, a few branches of celery and carrot as if the leftovers were given to the cattle. With the tables that, according to what they have even for the outdoors, crooked, with no rubber bands and uneven; surely they wait for the food to fall or they deliver a table for drunks, maybe that way they come and coordinate from the side. When the girl runs out to ask for the percentage of attention for the table, really for 37 pesos, it was not worth such a brief quality of service. Tipping is not mandatory, much less giving a dramatic amount of table service. If they continued to insist, I would take care of giving reports to the sat and prophecy for abusing such tricks demanding an amount to conveniently attend as they wish. The message will be shown to all media. I suggest to the next diners to look closely at the way they provide the services and the misleading traps about consumption. If you are going to have fun or spend time in a group or with your partner, at least take into account what is really worth for the price/quality service.
Rodri Veloz on Google

Híjole... Me gustó el pollo de los boneless pero se tardaron 20 minutos en prepararme 10 piezas y solo había 4 personas en el lugar... No me imagino cuando esté lleno cuanto se tardarán. Buenos, pero pueden mejorar.
Damn... I liked the boneless chicken but it took 20 minutes to prepare 10 pieces and there were only 4 people in the place... I can't imagine when it's full how long it will take. Good, but can improve.
César Peralta on Google

Did not have WINGS!
David Lloyd Rushing on Google

Don't know if it's because they were an hour away from closing time but I felt that the service was lacking, I took my boss and other two coworkers and they all told me they felt the same. They changed the contents, price and even changed the conditions for a promotion they offered on their web menu. Food wise, I think this might be the worst place for wings they were pretty much skins and bones and they looked like they were torn apart from the rest of the chicken. Super greasy.

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