Criotec - 66350 Santa Catarina II

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Criotec

Address :

Carretera a Villa de García Km. 2.5, Parque Industrial Finsa, Parque Industrial Diamante, 66350 Santa Catarina II, N.L., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +88
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City : N.L.

Carretera a Villa de García Km. 2.5, Parque Industrial Finsa, Parque Industrial Diamante, 66350 Santa Catarina II, N.L., Mexico
Abrahan Davis on Google

Esos congeladores no sirven para nada bien caros y se les pudren las lineas al año gasto inutil marca patito no los compren
Those freezers are useless at all, very expensive and their lines rot every year, useless expense, duckling brand, do not buy them
Denisse Yared Morales Villalón on Google

Compre un congelador y nunca congelo, en servicio al cliente me dicen que tengo que meter las cosas congeladas o meterlas picadas para que se congelen.
Buy a freezer and never freeze, in customer service they tell me that I have to put the frozen things or put them chopped to freeze.
Luis Coronado on Google

Tienen un pésimo sistema de recibo para descargarme una tarima se llevaron dos turnos y todavía piden para las cocas que no les pagan bien o como le tengo que pagar a el motacargista para que aga su trabajo
They have a lousy receipt system to unload me a platform they took two shifts and they still ask for the cocas that don't pay them well or how I have to pay the motacargista to do their job
Felipe Geraldo Higuera on Google

Soy un probable Cliente de La Paz b.c.s., hay un distribuidor que trabaja la marca CRIOTEC, se requiere informacion y no responde nadie, el Sr. Jose manuel Flores no responden los emails, la ultima llamada telefonica que respondia el Sr jose manuel le comento a Belina de REQ en la paz que no le podia dar precios ni fechas porque no estaba en su area de trabajo en cuanto llegara a su lugar mandaria informacion y nada, me podria mandar un contacto efectivo donde podamos establacer comunicacion real y efectiva? gracias
I am a probable Client of La Paz bcs, there is a distributor that works the CRIOTEC brand, information is required and nobody answers, Mr. Jose Manuel Flores does not answer the emails, the last phone call answered by Mr. Jose Manuel commented to REQ Belina in peace that could not give you prices or dates because I was not in your work area as soon as I arrived at your place would send information and nothing, could you send me an effective contact where we can establish real and effective communication? Thank you
jose luis zuñiga ruiz on Google

Luis coronado yo trabajo ahí y te puedo decir que a los montacarguistas si les pagan bien y si tienes alguna queja la empresa tiene un buzón de denuncia. Y actúa inmediatamente en un caso así.
Luis crowned I work there and I can tell you that the forklifts are paid well and if you have any complaints the company has a complaint box. And act immediately in such a case.
Rodrigo Morales Madariaga on Google

El peor servicio, mi vitrina criotec se descompuso al mes que se compró y tengo dos meses y medio reportandola, a venido dos veces el técnico en todo este tiempo y solo a ver eleequiel por que no le jace nada, servicio al cliente me atendio Iliana y Diana y jamas saben nada, si alguial esta pensando comprar algo con ellos piénselo dos veces
The worst service, my criotec showcase broke down a month after it was bought and I have been reporting it for two and a half months, the technician has come twice in all this time and only to see the owner because he did not do anything, Iliana attended to customer service and Diana and they never know anything, if someone is thinking of buying something with them think twice
Chris on Google

Pésimo servicio a cliente una vitrina que compramos con ellos se descompuso y tiene fuga de humedad dentro del vidrio formándose hongos sin poder limpiarse. Como estoy dentro de garantía solicité el cambio y ya van 3 meses batallando llamando mínimo 3 veces a la semana para que hagan el cambio y nada más no dan fecha. A todos aquellos que tengan problemas vallan preparando denuncia ante profeco. Yo solo les doy esta semana más para hacerme el cambio si no ya meteré denuncia ante profeco. Pésimo servicio Tecnico y de garantías. (Técnicos incompetentes) Si hacen un reclamo y un técnico va a visitarlos revisen lo que el técnico pone en la hoja del reporte muy bien y que coincida con lo que reportaron suelen poner detalles minorizando el problema para que no proceda la garantía.
Terrible customer service a display case that we bought with them broke down and has moisture leaking inside the glass, forming fungus without being able to clean it. As I am within the guarantee I requested the change and they have already been struggling for 3 months, calling at least 3 times a week to make the change and nothing else they do not give a date. To all those who have problems go preparing a complaint to Propheco. I only give you more this week to make the change, if not I will file a complaint with profeco. Terrible technical service and guarantees. (Incompetent technicians) If they make a claim and a technician is going to visit them, check what the technician puts on the report sheet very well and that it matches what they reported, they usually put details minorizing the problem so that the warranty does not proceed.
Ramses Castillo on Google


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