DICONSA - Los Héroes Chalco

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Cerro El Pedregal De La Teja, Los Héroes Chalco, 56640 Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +88
Postal code : 56640
Website : http://www.diconsa.gob.mx/
Categories :
City : Méx.

Sandra Pozos on Google

Muy buena atención y servicio
Very good care and service
A Google User on Google

Buena atención, siempre atentos
Good service, always attentive
Iliana Zaragoz on Google

Solo es Lechería, no tienda de abarrotes
It's only Dairy, not a grocery store
David Mendoza on Google

Buen precio para estos días difíciles
Good price for these difficult days
Jorge Vera on Google

Trato poco amable y filas
Unfriendly treatment and queues
Ivonne D.D on Google

Te exigen llevar cambio ya que te condicionan tu cambio por la compra de algun producto y aunque lleves el importe exacto de tu dotación de leche te exigen que les compres algo....y dicen.....-apoyenos con la compra de algun producto ya que no nos pagan y a mantener abierto el lugar -.....
They require you to bring change since they condition your change for the purchase of some product and even if you carry the exact amount of your milk supply they require you to buy them something ... and they say .....- support us with the purchase of some product since they don't pay us anymore to keep the place open -.....
jesus Av on Google

Una señora que cobra, pone a un señor d la tercera edad a ayudarle y aun asi le. Cobra la leche. Si pagas una bolsa de 2 litros con billete de 20 ya no te dan cambio y te obligan a comprar, samado a aue de todo lo que venden nada tiene precio a la vista
A lady who charges, puts a man of the third age to help him and even then him. Collect the milk. If you pay for a 2-liter bag with a 20 bill, they no longer give you change and force you to buy, because of everything they sell, nothing has a price in sight
Carolina Hernández on Google

Es recomendable solo comprar dotación correspondiente con tarjeta. Faltan avisos escritos ya que al pagar producto y leche (extra), la Sra ni siquiera te avisa sobre el costo extra( al menos que te des cuenta al hacer la cuenta y le preguntes). Aunque considero que esa ayuda que cobra (que es para el agua, luz, jabón, etc.) Ya está incluida en el costo de los productos (los embolsados traen menos producto de lo que mencionan). Y otra cosa sería si evitara responder a la defensiva, pero se molesta aún más al responderle y hacerle caso de dejar los pruductos. NOTA: El problema no es ayudarle… la situación es que no hay algún aviso. (Aunque que puedo esperar de una señora que explota a gente(incluyendo personas de la 3ra edad)para despachar la leche, cargar las cajas de leche,sellar tarjetas, acomodar productos, pesar, etc. y su única ganancia sea: tener que pagar su leche con costo extra al cierre…).
It is advisable only to buy the corresponding endowment with a card. Written notices are missing since when paying for product and milk (extra), the Mrs. does not even notify you about the extra cost (unless you realize it when you do the bill and ask her). Although I consider that the help that he charges (which is for water, electricity, soap, etc.) is already included in the cost of the products (the bagged ones bring less product than what they mention). And it would be another thing if he avoided responding defensively, but gets even more annoyed when answering him and paying attention to leaving the products. NOTE: The problem is not to help you ... the situation is that there is no warning. (Although what can I expect from a lady who exploits people (including seniors) to dispense milk, load milk cartons, seal cards, accommodate products, weigh, etc. and her only gain is: having to pay your milk with extra cost at closing…).

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