Diesel HaroSolutions - 37219 León

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Diesel HaroSolutions

Address :

José Luis Cuevas 101-Local 3, Los Murales, 37219 León, Gto., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7789
Website : http://www.harosolutions.com/ecu
Categories :
City : Gto.

José Luis Cuevas 101-Local 3, Los Murales, 37219 León, Gto., Mexico
Alvaro Mtz on Google

buen dia, me podras dar informes sobre la reparaciondel boton de encendido del iphone 4. gracias y buen dia
good day, can you give me reports on the repair of the power button on the iphone 4. thank you and good day
Luis Hernández on Google

Cuando se te descompone tu celular siempre quieres arreglarlo a la brevedad o "urgentemente" , pues ellos lo hacen, muy bien súper recomendable.
When your cell phone breaks down you always want to fix it as soon as possible or "urgently", because they do it, very well recommended.
ING.Raymundo Díaz Martinez on Google

Excelente,ellos si son expertos y se mira sencillo el lugar,no que en otros lados solo te roban
Excellent, they are experts and the place looks simple, not that elsewhere they only rob you
luis mario sanchez bonilla on Google

Excelente lugar, me arreglaron dos fallas de mi auto que ningun otro me avia podido arreglar.
Excellent place, they fixed two faults in my car that no other could fix me.
S Nahon A. on Google

Me arreglaron un problema con las soldaduras de la base del display , rápido excelente precio
They fixed a problem with the soldering of the base of the display, fast excellent price
Yasminna Padilla on Google

Disculpe mi iPhone 6s sufrió caídas y fue reparado pero ahora no sirve el touch para nad ¿Tendrá solución? En varios lados me dicen que si pero quiero que me aseguren que funcionará exitosamente a largo plazo si no para no hacer el gasto.
Excuse me my iPhone 6s suffered falls and was repaired but now the touch for nad is useless Will it have a solution? On several sides they say yes but I want to be assured that it will work successfully in the long term if not to avoid spending.
Juan Servin on Google

Tuve una muy mala experiencia, hace más de un mes que se los lleve por un problema en algún sensor o módulo y el auto se los entregué bien es un Astra, fui el 28 de Abril a qué se le hicieran pruebas, no encontraron ese día el problema así que me ofrecieron que se los dejara, según ellos tenían un lugar cerca para guardarlo y me dieron una orden de servicio donde ellos se deslindan de fallas adicionales, yo lo acepte y se los deje con la confianza de que solo era una falla de un sensor o módulo por los códigos que arrojaba el escáner, para esto ellos me iban a estar informando del avance del servicio y eso nunca lo hicieron tuve yo que ir directamente a ver el auto y mandarles mensaje. Paso otro día me mandaron una foto donde me dicen que le están echando ganas que se iba a quedar un día más, volví a aceptar que se lo quedaran, al día siguiente como no me mandan mensaje ni una llamada fui a ver el auto y con la sorpresa que me encontre que no estaba mi auto, les pregunté que había pasado fui alrededor de las 3 de la tarde y sentí nerviosismo por parte de ellos al decirme que el auto no estaba donde me dijeron que lo guardaban(lo tenían en Delta) y que además tenía dos problemas una que estaba tirando demasiado aceite hasta salpicar la banda del alternador y otra que ya no quería prender porq se descargo la batería ahí es donde se los quite porq según ellos me lo iban a traer (con ese problema se rallaron los cilindros y porque no había mucho aceite tuve que comprar pistones además el alternador se descompuso y tuve que repararlo) pero me dieron mucha desconfianza capaz que le dañaban otra cosa y ahí es donde me surge una duda si te hacen firmar un papel donde se deslindan de cualquier problema porq no me hablaron al momento que presentó esa falla tuve que ir yo para saber que pasaba, imagínense que no hubiera ido me seguirían mintiendo la verdad son unas personas irresponsables, no se comportan a la altura de un problema no los recomiendo sobre todo si les piden que dejen su auto en pocas palabras me salió más caro el desastre que cometieron que lo que iba a pagar por un error en un modulo
I had a very bad experience, more than a month ago I took them for a problem in a sensor or module and the car I gave them well is an Astra, I went on April 28 to have tests done, they did not find that day the problem so they offered me to leave it to them, according to them they had a place nearby to keep it and they gave me a service order where they are delimited from additional failures, I accepted it and I left them with the confidence that it was only a failure of a sensor or module for the codes that the scanner threw, for this they were going to be informing me of the progress of the service and they never did that I had to go directly to see the car and send them a message. Another day passed they sent me a photo where they tell me that they are making him want to stay one more day, I accepted again that they keep it, the next day as they don't send me a message or a call I went to see the car and with The surprise that I found that my car was not there, I asked them what had happened, I went around 3 in the afternoon and I felt nervous on their part when they told me that the car was not where they said they kept it (they had it in Delta) and that it also had two problems, one that was leaking too much oil until it splashed on the alternator belt and another that no longer wanted to start because the battery was discharged, that's where they were removed because they would bring it to me (with that problem they were scratched the cylinders and because there was not much oil I had to buy pistons also the alternator broke down and I had to repair it) but they gave me a lot of mistrust capable that they would damage something else and that's where I have a doubt if they make you sign a paper where Slindan of any problem because they did not speak to me at the time that failure occurred, I had to go to know what was happening, imagine that I had not gone they would continue to lie to me the truth they are irresponsible people, they do not behave at the height of a problem I do not recommend them especially if they ask them to leave their car in a few words, the disaster they committed was more expensive than what I was going to pay for an error in a module
martin lopez on Google

Me repararon la computadora de mi auto, cuando en otros lugares me dijeron que tenía que cambiar todo por no tener reparación
They repaired my car's computer, when in other places they told me that I had to change everything because there was no repair

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