DIF Jardines de San Pedro - 37281 León

3.6/5 based on 5 reviews

Contact DIF Jardines de San Pedro

Address :

Arrayán 200, Jardines de San Pedro, 37281 León, Gto., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +77
Categories :
City : Gto.

Arrayán 200, Jardines de San Pedro, 37281 León, Gto., Mexico
Analu Macias on Google

Moy Sotelo on Google

Angy Rojas on Google

Lorena Rios Gomez on Google

Pido unyamado de urjensia axochil que mescucha que semeatienda mi hija de 4 años sufrido maltrato infantil por parte de su maestra es cuchado que es una persona justa y firme y exijo que se meconprenda como madre estoidesesperada noseque que Aser con estasituasion meparte el alma ver Ami hija así con todas esas cosas que estoipasando nicomomanejarlo lasituasion nosemeatiende a pasado 8dias al director cordinadora no debes de así semeinora que pasa en tancometiendo un delito más descriminasion alajente umilde onosotros notenemos derechos tengo laprueba de lasicologa y un doctor que pasa en DIF su bligasion develar por el bienestar de las familias oyanoes así aora esprotejer alos malos maestros
I ask a friend of urjensia axochil who hears that my 4-year-old daughter has suffered child abuse by her teacher, she is a well-founded and firm person and I demand that I be understood as a mother who is desperate, not that Aser with these situations will divide my soul to see my daughter So with all those things that this happening to handle the situation does not tend to last 8 days to the coordinating director, you should not like that happens in tandem committing a crime more discriminatory to the umilde or we do not have rights I have the proof of lasology and a doctor who passes in DIF his bligation to reveal by the well-being of the Oyano families is now protecting the bad teachers
Melissa Guadalupe Barron Perez on Google

me encanta la guardería las maestras muy profesionales.
I love the nursery, the very professional teachers.

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