Divine Soul rest house - 44520 Guadalajara

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Divine Soul rest house

Address :

Eclipse 2635, Jardines del Bosque, 44520 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

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Categories :
City : Jal.

Eclipse 2635, Jardines del Bosque, 44520 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
Norma angelica Beltrán de la Torre on Google

Es un lugar bonito, con mucha tranquilidad, digno para personas que necesitan ayuda especializada. Muy recomendable, con gente profesional y empatica con las necesidades de nuestros familiares ☺️
It is a beautiful place, with a lot of tranquility, worthy of people who need specialized help. Highly recommended, with professional and empathetic people with the needs of our relatives ☺️
Cesar Ruiz on Google

Hermosa instalación mi papa esta hay me dejan hablarle todos los dias y me siento agusto con eso me encanta que conviene con los demas señores jugando ajedrez y domino los enfermeros muy atentos y siempre responden mis preguntas estoy conforme con el cuidado
Beautiful installation my dad is there they let me talk to him every day and I feel comfortable with that I love that he agrees with the other gentlemen playing chess and I dominate the very attentive nurses and they always answer my questions I am satisfied with the care
Rosario Iñiguez on Google

He tenido a mi papa por 3 ańos y me siento muy contenta con los servicios ampliamente recomendado vallan a ver la Casa y no sera dejen influenciar por comentarios que solo buscan desprestigiar la casa
I have had my father for 3 years and I feel very happy with the services that are widely recommended, go to see the House and you will not be influenced by comments that only seek to discredit the house
Karen G on Google

Aviso de abuso⚠️ Muy descontenta con sus servicios, mi abuela iva de los Estados Unidos, de donde yo la cuide por casi un año. Un año el que empezó en el hospital, con entrenamiento medico para poder cuidar de ella, lo cual hacía con mucho amor y PACIENCIA. Algo que por cierto no ay en esta casa hogar. El nombre les queda perfecto, parese ser que se dedicaron a ponerla a descansar permanentemente. Con migo era feliz, tal cual ya avia confianza. Confianza que nunca establecieron con ella. Debido al Covid-19 no permiten visita a los internados. Por tal cual razón le mandamos un teléfono mobil para hacer video llamada. Fue cuando empeze a notar cosas que me alertaba, dejaron de contestar las video llamadas despues de una semana. Y cuando por fin contestaban no permitian que ella hablara con nosotros, de echo su habla era mucho menos desarollado de lo que ella podia comunicar. Comenzamos a dudar los servicios que provienen cuando resulta que teníamos que hacer cita con el dueño para poder hacer video llama para hablar con ella. Resulta que la comenzaron a drogar de más para mantener sus ataques de ansiedad bajo control. Probablemente querían saver cuando no tenerla bajo tanto sedante para que se viera desente. Tenemos testigo (cual no voy a nombrar) de que de echo ay una empleada abusiva. Mi habuela si llego con una llaga pequeña, no más de 3/4 de pulgada y con un peso decente para su estado medico. Tal cual cada que la frecuentaba paresia estar más delgada cada ves. Ella si se quejo de tal cual cosa dejo de hacer a tal punto por falta de capacidad. Por tal razones de que ya no podía hablar. Ella estuvo en el hogar por aproximadamente un mes exacto, cuando decidieron sacarla no tenia solo una llagita, tenia una llaga de aproximadamente 12 pulgadas(esta en la espalda localizada arriba de las pompas). Y como si no fuera suficiente también tenia 3 llagas más en el cuerpo, en la cadera, y en los lados de las rodillas. Estaba llena de moretones en el cuerpo. También se le avia avanzado una llaga en la boca de estómago causada por irritación excesiva. No la alimentaban lo suficiente para evitar que el medicamento no le causara irritación. Fue una tragedia que voy a intentar a evitar a pasar de nuevo. El dueño Cristian (por sierto su nombre verdadero es José Ortiz) no quiso hacer nada apesar de saver que avia una empleada abusiva. Paresia ser que solo el dinero podía arreglar cualquier problema para el. Y el doctor de el hogar nunca paresio tener nombre ni como contactarle. Espero y el movimiento que vamos a comenzar aga un cambio grandioso por el bien de todo anciano al cual le buscan una casa hogar segura y de confianza. Sin importar que la señora avia tenido historial medico, se les pago y su condición no mejoro, solo empeoró. Y como la persona que cuidava de ella estoy haciendo saver mi sentir sobre sus servicios que fueron pagados y nunca nos reservamos a no pagar el mese y medio. Aun que no estuvo allí todo el tiempo porque su trabajo era cuidarla. Culpables ay muchos, si piensa que quiero culpar, pero tener tan poca ética profesional para responder de esa manera y aparte tratar de hacerse la víctima. Demuestra muy poco de ustedes. Mi experiencia no va quedar sin ser reconocida así como las buenas que tiene. Usted savia el compromiso que era cuidar de alguien que no se puede cuidar sola y solo vio oportuno de negocio en ves de reconocer que no pueden cuidar de alguien con historial médico tan complicado. Anxiedad, Incapacidad de controlar su lado izquierdo, y sobre todo ataques de pánico no son nada fáciles de controlar pero no es razón para ignorar la necesidad.
Notice of abuse⚠️ Very unhappy with your services, my grandmother comes from the United States, where I took care of her for almost a year. One year she started in the hospital, with medical training to take care of her, which she did with a lot of love and PATIENCE. Something that certainly does not exist in this home. The name suits them perfectly, it seems that they dedicated themselves to putting it to rest permanently. With me he was happy, just as he already gave confidence. Trust they never established with her. Due to Covid-19, they do not allow visits to internees. For this reason we send you a mobile phone to make video calls. It was when I began to notice things that alerted me, they stopped answering the video calls after a week. And when they finally answered they did not allow her to speak to us, in fact her speech was much less developed than she could communicate. We began to doubt the services that come when it turns out that we had to make an appointment with the owner to be able to make a video call to speak with her. It turns out that they started drugging her to keep her anxiety attacks under control. They probably wanted to know when not to have her under so much sedation to make her look cool. We have a witness (which I am not going to name) that there is indeed an abusive employee. My speech did arrive with a small sore, no more than 3/4 inch and with a decent weight for its medical condition. As such every time I frequented it seemed to be thinner every time. If she complained about such a thing, she stopped doing to such an extent due to lack of capacity. For such reasons that he could no longer speak. She was in the home for exactly one month, when they decided to take her out, she did not have only one sore, she had a sore of approximately 12 inches (this one on the back located above the bubbles). And as if that was not enough, he also had 3 more sores on his body, on his hip, and on the sides of his knees. It was full of bruises on the body. A sore in the pit of the stomach caused by excessive irritation also developed. They were not feeding her enough to prevent the medication from causing irritation. It was a tragedy that I will try to avoid happening again. The owner Cristian (certainly his real name is José Ortiz) did not want to do anything despite knowing that he was an abusive employee. It seemed that only money could fix any problem for him. And the home doctor never seemed to have a name or how to contact him. I hope and the movement that we are going to start makes a great change for the good of every elderly person who is looking for a safe and trustworthy home. Regardless of the fact that Mrs. Avia had a medical history, they were paid and her condition did not improve, it only got worse. And as the person who took care of her, I am making my feelings known about her services that were paid and we never reserve ourselves to not pay the month and a half. Even though he wasn't there all the time because his job was to take care of her. Guilty and many, if you think I want to blame, but have so little professional ethics to respond in that way and also try to play the victim. It shows very little of you. My experience will not go unrecognized as well as the good ones it has. You knew the commitment that it was to take care of someone who cannot take care of themselves and only saw a business opportunity instead of recognizing that they cannot take care of someone with such a complicated medical history. Anxiety, inability to control your left side, and especially panic attacks are not easy to control but it is no reason to ignore the need.
Daniela Ramirez on Google

NO DEJEN A SUS SERES QUERIDOS AL CUIDADO DE ESTAS PERSONAS.!! Es indignante el trato que tienen hacia los señores. Definitivamente personas como el señor Christian no deberían brindar servicios de cuidados de adultos mayores. Es un lugar donde familiares PAGAN para que su papás, abuelitos etc tengan los mejores cuidados suponiendo que ellos son los "especialistas". En mi caso solo duraron tres meses en ese horrible lugar, y el deterioro físico, cognitivo y social fue evidente. Es indignante como recibi a mis familiares, con golpes en rostro y rodillas, con una desnutrición considerable diagnosticada por nutriologo, sin zapatos y con mucha hambre. Es un trato inhumano!!!. Ese lugar no debería existir.
DO NOT LEAVE YOUR LOVED ONES IN THE CARE OF THESE PEOPLE. !! The treatment they have towards the gentlemen is outrageous. Definitely, people like Mr. Christian should not provide elderly care services. It is a place where relatives PAY so that their parents, grandparents etc have the best care assuming that they are the "specialists". In my case, they only lasted three months in that horrible place, and the physical, cognitive and social deterioration was evident. It is outrageous how I received my relatives, with blows to the face and knees, with considerable malnutrition diagnosed by a nutritionist, without shoes and very hungry. It is an inhuman treatment !!! That place should not exist.
paulina zermeno on Google

Cuidado con este asilo!! Desgraciadamente ingresamos a mis papás a la casa de descanso alma divina en noviembre, solo  duraron 3 meses, por cierto el ultimo mes estuvieron a fuerza por que el dueño christian te hace pagar todo un mes completo si no avisas 2 semanas antes del corte que los vas a sacar, y como no cobra nada barato pues no quedo de otra que dejarlos ahi por otro mes entero. Son contadas las veces que nos dio informes de ellos, los sobremedicaba para mantenerlos quietos y no se quejaran, nos los entregaron super flacos mi mama con un super golpe en la nariz ya medio sanado y un moreton en una mejilla ya verde de dias atras, el cual nos dijeron que" paso hace  ratito pero no fue nada". Mi papa con una rodilla toda raspada. Cuando ingresaron mi papa no necesitaba pañal solo ayuda para ir al baño, pues a los 2 dias de ingreso me dicen que si necesitaba pañal, y ahora ya lo impusieron a usarlo, mi papa tuvo un deterioro rapidísimo de su condición gracias a esto. Ahora ya no podemos hacer que vaya de nuevo al baño pues lo impusieron al pañal. De todo es un pedidero de dinero y de cosas, cobra cuota de pañal asi que entre evitarse llevarlo al baño y cobrar la cuota pues lo dañaron mucho al pobrecito de mi papa. Cuando le pedía foto de mis papás porque si no le pedía no me mandaba, solo aveces me mandaba despues de pedirsela varias veces, siempre desarreglados mi mama siempre en camizon y acostada en un sillon, toda despeinada, mi papa en pantuflas con peligro de caerse. Un dia segun esto se le fue el anillo a mi papa por el resumidero, luego dijeron que fue por la regadera, le dije pago un fontanero para sacarlo, y al dia siguiente por arte de magia segun esto estaba en la bolsa del pantalon de mi papá , nos pareció muy sospechoso este asunto del anillo. Al final no dio la cara y las enfermeras no estaban listas para entregar a mis papás siendo que ya sabian desde un mes antes. Tardaron mucho en entregarnolos, salieron todos confundidos como zombies adormilados. Primero le dije a christian (si es que asi se llama) que los sacariamos para llevarlos a casa, y me empezo a mandar foto de ellos muy seguido y disque bailando para convencerme de quedarnos con el, luego le dije que siempre si los llevariamos a otro asilo que necesitaba prueba covid y una carta de su parte, pues resulta que si no hacia el estudio con "su laboratorio" no me daba la carta, y cobraba 1800 pesos por cada estudio. Para esto desde que le dije que iriamos a otro asilo no me volvio a mandar ni una foto ni un recado ni un reporte de nada de mis papás. Cuando le avise que los sacariamos me levanto la voz diciendo " a mi me tienes que pagar todo el mes" . Al final nos dieron poca ropa de ellos y varias prendas que no son de ellos, viejas y maltratadas. No nos entrego sabanas ni toallas. Y no nos querian dar la silla de ruedas de mi mama que porque no estaba en el inventario, siendo que entrando nunca hicieron inventario solo se dejo todo. Cuidado con estas casas que se dicen buenas y manejan con bandera de bienhechores cuando son unos aprovechados y no tienen buen trato con los clientes. Van sacando el cobre poco a poco Desgraciadamente para mis papás nos dimos cuenta muy tarde y eso que solo duraron 3 meses, y uno fue a fuerzas. Seguro va a comentar que no es cierto como en los otros malos comentarios que tiene. No creo que por hobby alguien se pusiera a escribir esto si no fuera cierto. El cliente siempre tiene la razón. Y por si fuera poco en año nuevo se fue a Acapulco en plena pandemia arriesgando contagiar a los señores del asilo. Pongo una estrella porque si no no te deja comentar pero le pondría menos 100 estrellas.
Beware of this asylum !! Unfortunately, we admitted my parents to the divine soul rest house in November, they only lasted 3 months, by the way the last month they were forced because the owner Christian makes you pay for a whole month if you do not notify 2 weeks before the cut that the you are going to take out, and since it does not charge anything cheap, then there is no choice but to leave them there for another whole month. There are few times that he gave us reports of them, he over-medicated them to keep them quiet and they would not complain, my mother gave them to us super skinny with a super blow to the nose and half healed and a bruise on an already green cheek from days ago, which they told us that "it happened a while ago but it was nothing". My dad with one knee all scraped. When my father was admitted, he did not need a diaper, he only needed help to go to the bathroom, because after 2 days of admission they tell me that if he needed a diaper, and now they have forced him to use it, my father had a very rapid deterioration of his condition thanks to this. Now we can no longer make him go to the bathroom again because they imposed it on the diaper. Everything is a request for money and things, he charges a diaper fee so between avoiding taking him to the bathroom and charging the fee because they damaged my poor dad a lot. When I asked him for a picture of my parents, because if I didn't ask him he wouldn't send me, he only sometimes sent me after asking him several times, always untidy, my mother always in a camizon and lying in a chair, all disheveled, my father in slippers with danger of falling . One day, according to this, my father's ring went through the drain, then they said it was for the shower, I told him I paid a plumber to remove it, and the next day by magic according to this it was in my pants bag Dad, we found this ring business very suspicious. In the end he didn't show his face and the nurses weren't ready to hand over my parents since they had already known for a month before. They took a long time to deliver them, they all came out confused like sleepy zombies. First I told Christian (if that's what it's called) that we would take them out to take them home, and he began to send me pictures of them very often and dial dancing to convince me to stay with him, then I told him that we would always take them to Another nursing home that needed proof of COVID and a letter from him, because it turns out that if I didn't do the study with "his laboratory" he wouldn't give me the letter, and he charged 1800 pesos for each study. For this, since I told him that we were going to another nursing home, he did not send me a photo or a message or a report of anything from my parents. When I told him that we would take them out, I raised my voice saying "you have to pay me for the entire month." In the end they gave us a few clothes from them and several clothes that are not theirs, old and battered. She did not give us sheets or towels. And they did not want to give us my mother's wheelchair because it was not in the inventory, since when they entered they never did inventory, they only left everything. Beware of these houses that are said to be good and operate under the banner of benefactors when they are profiteers and do not have good treatment with clients. They are removing the copper little by little. Unfortunately for my parents, we realized it very late and that they only lasted 3 months, and one of them was hard. You will surely comment that it is not true as in the other bad comments you have. I don't think anyone would write this as a hobby if it weren't true. The customer is always right. And if that were not enough, in the New Year he went to Acapulco in the middle of a pandemic, risking infecting the lords of the asylum. I put a star because if not, it won't let you comment, but I would put less than 100 stars.
Marce Padilla on Google

Tuve la oportunidad de conocer esta casa de descanso, es un lugar que de primera impresión es un lugar muy limpio, acogedor, con áreas muy bonitas donde los abuelitos pueden pasar las tardes haciendo actividades, amplio lo que en esta pandemia se agradece por la sana distancia, se toman medidas muy estrictas necesarias de igiene y desinfección. las instalaciones son adecuadas para las personas a las que se les dificulta caminar o incluso usando silla de ruedas o andaderas, además de que todo el tiempo hay personas que están en apoyo a las mismas, por cualquier cosa que necesiten, es una excelente opción cuando aveces no se tiene como familiar la posibilidad de atenderlos, les hacen sentir exactamente como si fuera su propio hogar. todo el tiempo se puede tener información sobre el familiar. Están siempre al pendiente de los medicamentos que la mayoría toman, tienen muy buena atención en general yo lo recomiendo al 100%.
I had the opportunity to know this rest house, it is a place that from the first impression is a very clean, cozy place, with very beautiful areas where grandparents can spend the afternoons doing activities, which in this pandemic is appreciated for the healthy distance, very strict measures are taken for hygiene and disinfection. The facilities are suitable for people who have difficulty walking or even using a wheelchair or walkers, in addition to the fact that there are people who are supporting them all the time, for whatever they need, it is an excellent option when Sometimes the possibility of attending them is not considered familiar, they make them feel exactly as if it were their own home. all the time you can have information about the relative. They are always aware of the medications that most take, they have very good care in general I recommend it 100%.
Itzel Moncada on Google

Nada recomendable. Es un lugar poco confiable. Tuvimos muy mala experiencia.
Nothing recommended. It is an unreliable place. We had a very bad experience.

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