Doctor Eraña Díaz Joaquín - 89120 Tampico

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Contact Doctor Eraña Díaz Joaquín

Address :

Veracruz 205, Guadalupe, 89120 Tampico, Tamps., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +887
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Categories :
City : Tamps.

Veracruz 205, Guadalupe, 89120 Tampico, Tamps., Mexico
Pilar Erana on Google

Sergio Cerros on Google

J Cas on Google

Resumen Muy mala atencion poco por no decir nada profesional
Resume Very bad attention little to say nothing professional
Tere HM on Google

Se porto de lo más déspota a 3 días de haberlo consultado se le llamo y su respuesta fue que lleváramos nuevamente al paciente le comente que no somos de tampico q estamos a más de 4 horas y me contesto que ni se acordaba de lo que habíamos hablado en la consulta falta de ética profesional de este tipo que se dice ser doctor DÉSPOTA FALTA DE HUMILDAD AL PORTARSE ASÍ SOBRE TODO CON UN PACIENTE DE LA TERCERA EDAD
He behaved in the most despotic way 3 days after consulting him, he was called and his response was that we take the patient again, he told us that we are not from tampico, that we are more than 4 hours away and he replied that he did not even remember what we had talked about. In the consultation, lack of professional ethics of this type, who claims to be a doctor, DESPOTA LACK OF HUMILITY, BEING ABOUT THIS ABOVE ALL WITH A PATIENT OF THE OLDER AGE
Maso Gasan on Google

El Dr. Me dedico 10 minutos. Vio mis rayos x por menos de 10 segundos, ya me estaba despidiendo sin siquiera haber oido mis pulmones y nunca valoró mi respiracion. Me cobró $1700 pesos. Me siento timada. Tal parece que este doctorcito, bien le valdría,aprender a respetar a sus pacientes...y a una buena dieta!
The Dr. gave me 10 minutes. He saw my x-rays for less than 10 seconds, he was already saying goodbye without even hearing my lungs and he never valued my breathing. He charged me $ 1700 pesos. I feel ripped off. It seems that this little doctor would do well to learn to respect his patients ... and a good diet!

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