Doctor Javier Guevara Márquez - 90300 Apizaco

1/5 based on 6 reviews

Contact Doctor Javier Guevara Márquez

Address :

C. Centenario 403, Fátima, 90300 Apizaco, Tlax., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7
Categories :
City : Tlax.

C. Centenario 403, Fátima, 90300 Apizaco, Tlax., Mexico
Roman Lopez on Google

Muy grosero y ESTAFADOR.
Very rude and SCAMMER.
Taller Santiago on Google

Si desgraciadamente ya me había tocado ver a este médico y si es muy avariento con el dinero primero cobra antes de consultar, eso jamás lo había visto en un médico, por esa razón jamás volví con mi paciente, ojo para los que piensen visitarlo
If unfortunately I had already had to see this doctor and if he is very greedy with the money, first he charges before consulting, that I had never seen in a doctor, for that reason I never went back to my patient, beware of those who think to visit him
Verònica Flores on Google

Para empezar tuve que poner una estrella para poder ingresar y dar mi comentario cosa que la calificación es cero para éste seudo médico que dice ser neurologo psiquiatra ya lo que él busca es el lucrar con la salud de los pacientes dónde primero cobra su asistente $1,000.00 antes de entrar a consulta posteriormente al empezar su revision pregunta al paciente que es lo que tiene y ya que se le explica el motivo de la consulta, repitiendo lo mismo que se le dijo como diagnóstico sin dar una respuesta clara y lógica al asunto lo peor es que se burlo, fué grosero y prepotente con mi familiar siendo una persona de la tercera edad, además manifiesta que si requerimos de mayor información sobre la salud del paciente él lo hará cuando se le haya internado en el Hospital Central. Abstenganse de visitar al medicucho que no tiene ética profesional ni el más mínimo sentido común ni preocupación por curar pero sí para cobrar. Mi calificación es menos diez.
To begin with, I had to put a star to enter and give my comment that the rating is zero for this pseudo doctor who claims to be a psychiatrist neurologist and what he seeks is to profit from the health of the patients where his assistant first charges $ 1,000.00 before After entering the consultation later, when starting the review, ask the patient what he has and since the reason for the consultation is explained, repeating the same thing that was said as a diagnosis without giving a clear and logical answer to the matter, the worst thing is who mocked, was rude and arrogant with my family member being an elderly person, he also states that if we require more information about the patient's health he will do so when he has been admitted to the Central Hospital. Refrain from visiting the medicine man who does not have professional ethics or the slightest common sense or concern for curing but to get paid. My grade is minus ten.
Elian El alien on Google

Solo para comentarles a aquellas personas que estén interesadas en acudir con este médico, les recomiendo que vallan preparadas para hacer corajes. El "doctor" les falta al respeto a los pasientes y a las personas mayores, no tiene una ética profesional, cobra antes de consultar al paciente (y que es una consulta cara para lo que da el doctor) diagnóstica sin saber lo que le pasa al paciente y sin investigar, solo da información falsa para enganchar a los familiares y que ingresen al paciente a un hospital para que después por medio de su asistente pueda cobrar más y es según en dónde puede tratar a la persona. No sé los recomiendo para nada, en un servicio y una persona deplorable y nefasta. Le doy una estrella porque debo, para poder publicar mi reseña pero no sé merece ni una estrella.
Just to comment to those people who are interested in going to this doctor, I recommend that they go prepared to get angry. The "doctor" disrespects the elderly and the elderly, does not have professional ethics, charges before consulting the patient (and that is an expensive consultation for what the doctor gives) diagnosis without knowing what happens to the patient patient and without investigating, he only gives false information to hook the relatives and admit the patient to a hospital so that later through his assistant he can charge more and it is according to where he can treat the person. I do not know I recommend them at all, in a service and a deplorable and nefarious person. I give it a star because I have to, in order to publish my review but I don't know it deserves a star.
Andy Lopez on Google

Para en pesar de igual manera quiero decirle que es una basura como médico a mi me llamó ignorante porque no entendí sumanera de e splicar y por no entenderle a su letra fea Le pedí que por favor me.dijera lo que desiaa la receta y me.dijo que tenía la culpa que no supiera leer y con su cara de perro que tiene nos pidió que nos retiramos ni realizando los estudios que pide para dar un.diAgnóstico no lo da ... le puse una estrella para poderle decir que es una basura salí llorando del consultorio pero de coraje por no poderle decir sus verdades pero aquí se lA dejó doctor basurA desde ese día lo odio y lo de detesto viejo grosero
In spite of this, I also want to tell him that he is rubbish as a doctor, he called me ignorant because I did not understand his way of explaining and because I did not understand his ugly handwriting I asked him to please tell me what he wanted in the recipe and he told me that it was not his fault that he did not know how to read and with his dog face he asked us to leave or carry out the studies he asks for to give a .diAgnosis does not give ... I gave him a star to be able to tell him that he is garbage I left the office crying but out of anger for not being able to tell him his truths but here he was left here by doctor garbage since that day I hate him and detest him rude old man
olga Candelario on Google

solo le interesa cobrar consultas y realmente no dice nada realmente aman a su familia no la vayan a llevar ahí. No tiene ética, también interno a nuestro familiar y fue dinero exagerado que se cobró y a la basura ya que no ayudo en nada de verdad por su bien busquen un otro Doctor ya que este no les va ayudar en nada
He is only interested in charging consultations and he doesn't really say anything...if you really love your family, don't take them there. It has no ethics, also internal to our relative and it was exaggerated money that was charged and thrown away since it did not really help at all for your own good look for another Doctor since this one will not help you at all

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