Domino's - 14060 Ciudad de México

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Contact Domino's

Address :

Av. Insurgentes Sur 3724, Peña Pobre, Tlalpan, 14060 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
Website :
Categories :
City : CDMX
Description : Delivery/carryout chain offering a wide range of pizzas & a variety of other dishes & sides.

Albert Flores on Google

Pedimos por aplicación y daba una hora de llegada, jamas llego paso una hora y no llegaba, nos metimos para esperar adentro y nunca llamaron ni nada al contrario llamamos mas de 5 veces a la sucursal y no contestaban, hasta que lo hicieron y nos contestaron de mala gana, que mal que grupo alsea tenga esta gente nefasta
We asked by application and it gave an arrival time, it never arrived, an hour passed and it did not arrive, we went inside to wait inside and they never called or anything on the contrary, we called the branch more than 5 times and they did not answer, until they did and they answered us Reluctantly, too bad that alsea group has these nefarious people
Lauren Mar on Google

Pedí una pizza al sartén de "Carnes frías" y traia solo dos pedazos de salchicha, traía "más queso" que nada, no estaba horneada como lo indican en la caja, "la salsa y el pan no estaban bien cocidos", aparte de que la vendedora de mostrador no estaba lo suficientemente capacitada para ofrecer y vender las pizzas, carecia de conocimiento sobre el producto que venden, Y "No te daTicket" Muy mala experiencia, el costo de tu $ No vale lo de la pizza, "Me dan menor valor por mi $" Muy mala preparación y servicio. Y no les importa la satisfacción del cliente aunque te quejes, ni te ofrecen nada por mejorar sus pizzas y servicio, " No son recomendables" "No regalen su $" Revisen su pizza antes de llevársela y exijan que este bien preparada y "Con los suficientes ingredientes" , " No te dan servilletas Ni capsut, Ni salsa"
I ordered a "Cold meat" pan pizza and it brought only two pieces of sausage, it brought "more cheese" than anything, it was not baked as indicated on the box, "the sauce and the bread were not well cooked", apart from that the counter was not trained enough to offer and sell the pizzas, she lacked knowledge about the product they sell, AND "It does not give you a Ticket" Very bad experience, the cost of your $ It is not worth the pizza, "I They give less value for my $ "Very poor preparation and service. And they do not care about customer satisfaction even if you complain, nor do they offer you anything to improve their pizzas and service, "They are not recommended" "Do not give away your $" Check your pizza before taking it away and demand that it be well prepared and "With the Enough ingredients "," They don't give you napkins or capsut, or sauce "
ana mata on Google

El servicio pésimo, uno mismo recoge su pedido para comer ahí,antes lo llevaban hasta tu mesa y eran cordiales y atentos, sucio,solo hay una ventana abierta lo cual es desagradable ya que se encierra calor etc,los baños huelen mal,lastima porque las pizzas están ricas,aunque se tardaron en entregarla,mala experiencia me llevo. Solo dan dos piqueteros de capsut, no dan platos y éramos tres personas un muy mal servicio.
The lousy service, you pick up your order yourself to eat there, before they took it to your table and they were cordial and attentive, dirty, there is only one open window which is unpleasant since it locks in heat etc, the bathrooms smell bad, it hurts because the pizzas are delicious, although they took a while to deliver it, I had a bad experience. They only give two capsut picketers, they don't give plates and we were three people, a very bad service.
Alicia Quesnel on Google

Se tarda en atender en ventanilla, pase por un pedido para llevármelo y me hicieron esperar fuera a pesar de que las sillas destinadas a clientes estaban vacias, esto según el gerente por protocolo, cosa que no venía indicada en las medidas sanitarias pegadas en la puerta. Pésima atención al cliente. Ojalá lo corrijan. Señalo que las medidas sanitarias dicen claramente "permanecer el tiempo necesario para compras" más no irse y volver, y tampoco esperar afuera en el sol, justo donde salen y entran sus repartidores.
It takes time to attend the window, I went through an order to take it with me and they made me wait outside despite the fact that the chairs for customers were empty, this according to the manager by protocol, which was not indicated in the sanitary measures posted on the door . Terrible customer service. I hope they correct it. I point out that the sanitary measures clearly say "stay the time necessary for shopping" but not to leave and return, and not to wait outside in the sun, just where your delivery men leave and enter.
emmanuel santiago on Google

El día de hoy realizamos un pedido a la sucursal a través de uber eats, después de 40 minutos de retraso a la hora posible de llegada tuvimos que bajar caminando a la sucursal ya que vivimos cerca, porque de tanto que estuvimos marcando alguien del personal fue capaz de descolgar el teléfono y dejarnos escuchando todo, pero no se percataron que nosotros éramos los clientes a los que no nos habían entregado el pedido. Nadie supo decirnos nada y pasarnos con algún supervisor para efectuar esta queja y su única razón fue darnos la pizza y decirnos que solicitaramos el reembolso a través de uber eats. Como es posible que haya personal capaz de hacer esta clase de acciones a sus clientes. Nosotros entendíamos bien que hubiese un pequeño retraso en un día lluvioso, lo que no entendimos fue como descuelgas el teléfono evadiendo tu responsabilidad como empresa y dejas a tu cliente sin ningún estatus de su pedido. Teniendo que bajar caminando con frío, lluvia y una gran molestia a mostrarles lo que nos estaba pasando. Espero que tomen acciones con el personal que participó en toda esta mala experiencia.
Today we made an order to the branch through uber eats, after 40 minutes of delay to the possible arrival time we had to walk down to the branch since we live nearby, because we were dialing so much someone from the staff was able to pick up the phone and let us listen to everything, but they did not realize that we were the customers who had not been delivered the order. Nobody knew how to tell us anything and get us to a supervisor to make this complaint and their only reason was to give us the pizza and tell us to request a refund through uber eats. How is it possible that there are personnel capable of doing this kind of action to their clients. We understood well that there was a small delay on a rainy day, what we did not understand was how you pick up the phone evading your responsibility as a company and leave your client without any order status. Having to walk downstairs in the cold, rain and great hassle to show them what was happening to us. I hope they take action with the staff that participated in this whole bad experience.
Raul Alfonso Garcia Martinez on Google

Dominos pizza
Khanbalam on Google

Abraham Frias on Google


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