Domino's Campeche San José - 24090 Campeche

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Contact Domino's Campeche San José

Address :

Av Patricio Trueba de Regil S/N, Fracciorama 2000, 24090 Campeche, Camp., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +988
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Categories :
City : Camp.
Description : Delivery/carryout chain offering a wide range of pizzas & a variety of other dishes & sides.

Av Patricio Trueba de Regil S/N, Fracciorama 2000, 24090 Campeche, Camp., Mexico
Tito Rath on Google

Las 3 últimas veces he pedido a domicilio y pasan dos horas y no llegan, 3n una ocacion fui a buscar mi pizza y aún no la tenian, solo había una niña cobrando, y ayudando en cocina creo no tienen personal, muy mal servicio, lastima
The last 3 times I have ordered at home and two hours go by and they don't arrive, 3n one time I went to get my pizza and they still didn't have it, there was only one girl getting paid, and helping in the kitchen I think they don't have staff, very bad service, too bad
Roberto Segura on Google

Precio alto. Calidad de primera. Siempre el sabor delicioso, gran variedad para realizar pedido (mostrador, teléfono, App, Página de internet). Ampliamente recomendados los canelazos.
High price. Top quality. Always the delicious flavor, great variety to order (counter, telephone, App, Website). Canelazos are highly recommended.
Angel Zamora on Google

Son amables pero no saben resolver situaciones, no es no o no es posible más allá de lo que el manual diga. Los alimentos son buenos y el personal muy muy amable
They are kind but they do not know how to solve situations, it is not possible or it is not possible beyond what the manual says. The food is good and the staff is very friendly.
Javier Cocom- Local Network on Google

La pizza es un pan plano horneado elaborado con harina de trigo, sal, agua y levadura, y cubierto con salsa de tomate, queso y otros ingredientes como salami, champiñones, cebolla, jamón o aceitunas. Original de la cocina napolitana (Italia), se ha hecho muy popular en todo el mundo y presenta muy diversas variantes. Sin embargo, la pizza napolitana ha sido la única para la que se ha reconocido una denominación de origen propia de la Unión Europea, denominada Especialidad Tradicional Garantizada1​2​ (o sus siglas en italiano, STG, Specialità Tradizionale Garantita). Este reconocimiento se obtuvo el 4 de febrero de 2010 a propuesta de la Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana.3​ Es un plato de elaboración artesanal en la mayoría de los casos, aunque la industria alimentaria ha ido presentando, desde los años 1950, versiones como un alimento confort en los supermercados. En la actualidad, diversas empresas la distribuyen a domicilio. El origen más aceptado se sitúa en la antigua Roma, donde se acostumbraba hacer pan de forma circular y, luego del cocinado, cortarlo en porciones como con las pizzas actuales. Entonces es posible deducir que el origen de la pizza se debe al agregado de ingredientes extras sobre este tipo de pan. Horno de pizza Según el Nuovo Dizionario Etimologico della Lingua Italiana, de Manlio Cortelazzo y Paolo Zolli, la palabra pizza, que se utilizaba en el año 997 en latín medieval de la ciudad de Gaeta y posteriormente fue hallada en el pueblo Penne D'Abrazo en 1195, procede de Alemania. En el antiguo alemán bizzopizzo significaba mordisco y trozo de pan. En el siglo XII pizzo se convierte en pizza e indica "un pequeño pan redondo y tierno", típico de los pueblos lombardos. Sin embargo, los panes planos son una tradición por todo el Mediterráneo. Quizás este pan que tenía un antiguo origen persa, fue introducido en la Magna Grecia (Italia meridional) por los primeros colonos griegos. En el siglo III a. C., la primera historia de Roma, escrita por Catón el Viejo, menciona una «masa redonda aderezada con aceite de oliva, hierbas y miel, horneada sobre piedras». Se han encontrado evidencias posteriores que datan del 79 d. C. en los restos de Pompeya. Las excavaciones arqueológicas han sacado a la luz tiendas con una gran similitud a una pizzería moderna. Pizzeria Durieell la mejor pizza de campeche.Se pueden utilizar diversos ingredientes como carnes, verduras, pescados y diversos quesos en la preparación de la pizza. El uso de la salsa de tomate no es obligatorio, de hecho, tradicionalmente, se habla de "pizze rosse" o pizzas rojas y de "pizze bianche" o pizzas blancas según los ingredientes se coloquen sobre una capa de salsa de tomate o directamente sobre la masa de la pizza. La masa de la pizza fresca puede conservarse durante unas horas en un lugar fresco y no excesivamente seco. En las pizzerías es común tener varias bases de pizza ya conformadas listas para poner el resto de ingredientes y hornear. Los ingredientes, especialmente la salsa de tomate, al tener elevada humedad ablandarían la masa si no se pusieran justo en el momento de hornear la pizza. En muchos países, las pizzas se venden en supermercados como alimento congelado o ultracongelado. Se ha utilizado toda clase de tecnología alimentaria para crear sabrosas pizzas congeladas. Los principales obstáculos han sido evitar que la salsa se mezclara con la masa y producir una corteza que se pudiera congelar y recalentar posteriormente quedando crujiente pero no dura o rígida. Tradicionalmente, la masa está prehorneada y el resto de los ingredientes han sido precocinados aunque, últimamente, han comenzado a aparecer pizzas con todos los ingredientes crudos. La ultracongelación permite pizzas con la masa fina pero crujiente al no mezclarse los ingredientes que pueden ser frescos y conservan mejor sus propiedades nutritivas y sabor.
Pizza is a flat baked bread made with wheat flour, salt, water and yeast, and topped with tomato sauce, cheese and other ingredients such as salami, mushrooms, onion, ham or olives. Original Neapolitan cuisine (Italy), it has become very popular throughout the world and presents many different variants. However, Neapolitan pizza has been the only one for which a designation of origin of the European Union has been recognized, called Traditional Guaranteed Specialty1 2 (or its acronym in Italian, STG, Specialità Tradizionale Garantita). This recognition was obtained on February 4, 2010 at the proposal of the Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana.3 It is a handmade dish in most cases, although the food industry has been presenting, since the 1950s, versions as a comfort food in supermarkets. Currently, several companies distribute it at home. The most accepted origin is in ancient Rome, where it was customary to make bread in a circular way and, after cooking, cut it into portions as with current pizzas. Then it is possible to deduce that the origin of the pizza is due to the addition of extra ingredients on this type of bread. Pizza oven According to the Nuovo Dizionario Etymologico della Lingua Italiana, by Manlio Cortelazzo and Paolo Zolli, the word pizza, which was used in the year 997 in medieval Latin of the city of Gaeta and was later found in the Penne D'Abrazo village in 1195, proceeds from Germany. In the old German bizzopizzo it meant bite and piece of bread. In the twelfth century pizzo becomes pizza and indicates "a small round and tender bread", typical of the Lombard villages. However, flatbreads are a tradition throughout the Mediterranean. Perhaps this bread that had an ancient Persian origin, was introduced in Magna Grecia (southern Italy) by the first Greek settlers. In the third century BC C., the first history of Rome, written by Cato the Elder, mentions a "round dough seasoned with olive oil, herbs and honey, baked on stones." Later evidence has been found dating back to 79 d. C. in the remains of Pompeii. Archaeological excavations have brought to light shops with a great similarity to a modern pizzeria. Pizzeria Durieell the best country pizza. Various ingredients such as meats, vegetables, fish and various cheeses can be used to prepare the pizza. The use of tomato sauce is not mandatory, in fact, traditionally, there is talk of "pizze rosse" or red pizzas and "pizze bianche" or white pizzas depending on the ingredients placed on a layer of tomato sauce or directly on The pizza dough. The fresh pizza dough can be stored for a few hours in a cool and not excessively dry place. In pizzerias it is common to have several pizza bases already formed ready to put the rest of the ingredients and bake. The ingredients, especially tomato sauce, having high humidity would soften the dough if they were not put just at the time of baking the pizza. In many countries, pizzas are sold in supermarkets as frozen or deep-frozen food. All kinds of food technology have been used to create tasty frozen pizzas. The main obstacles have been to prevent the sauce from mixing with the dough and produce a crust that could be frozen and reheated later being crispy but not hard or rigid. Traditionally, the dough is pre-baked and the rest of the ingredients have been precooked although, lately, pizzas with all the raw ingredients have begun to appear. The deep-freezing allows pizzas with the thin but crispy dough by not mixing the ingredients that can be fresh and better retain their nutritional properties and flavor.
Jonathan Escalante on Google

Muy limpia, bien atendida. Precios poco competitivos, pero está muy rico. Alcance una promoción en mercado pago y está me costó $50, por eso aproveche.
Very clean, well cared for. Uncompetitive prices, but it is very tasty. I reached a promotion in the paid market and it cost me $ 50, so take advantage.
Miauuu ggteyo on Google

Pizza dominos
Rob Vogelpohl on Google

Great pizza!
Diana Torres on Google

Demaciado feas las pizzas ! The most accepted origin is found in ancient Rome, where it was customary to make the circular shape and, later, cooking, cut it into portions like the current photos. Then it is possible to deduce that the origin of the pizza should be added to additional ingredients on this type of bread. The ancient Greeks covered flat bread with oil, aromatics and cheeses. The Romans developed the placenta, a flat bread spread with cheese and honey flavored with bay leaves. Modern pizza refers to the seventeenth century in the city of Naples, where there are the first documentary references about the origins of a kind of cake with tomato. In 1889 the cheese was added. It is said that in the time of King Ferdinand I (1751-1825), the queen had banned pizza in court. But Fernando, someone fascinated him, mocked the order disguising himself as a commoner to visit in secret a poor neighborhood of Naples where this food was prepared. Over time he confessed his taste and pizza became a great success throughout Italy. Etymology [edit] Margarita pizza Pizza oven According to the New Etymological Disciple of the Italian Language, by Manlio Cortelazzo and Paolo Zolli, the word pizza, which was used in the year 997 in medieval Latin of the city of Gaeta and was later found in the town of Penne D'Abrazo in 1195, come from Germany. In the old German bizzopizzo it meant bite and piece of bread. In the 12th century, pizzo turns into pizza and indicates "a small round and tender bread", typical of the Lombard towns. However, flat panels are a tradition throughout the Mediterranean. This may be an ancient Persian origin, introduced in Magna Grecia (southern Italy) by the first Greek settlers. In the third century a. C., the first history of Rome, written by Cato the Elder, mentions a "round dough seasoned with olive oil, and honey, baked on stones." Evidences have been found that date from 79 d. C. in the remains of Pompeii. The archaeological excavations have brought to light stores with a great similarity to a modern pizzeria. In Spanish, the pizza of the word has been recognized by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) as a foreigner that has no foreseen substitute.

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