Dr. Alejandro Silva - Cirujano Oftalmólogo - 06760 Cuauhtémoc

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

La vida está llena de colores y matices, de momentos y de rostros que guardar en la memoria para tiempos venideros. De ahí que la salud visual sea fundamental, porque nos permite no sólo disfrutar cada instante sino también poder recordarlo y revivirlo más adelante. Si quieres mejorar tu visión estás en la página correcta!

Soy un médico especialista en Oftalmología, es decir problemas y enfermedades de los ojos. Como médico y cirujano oftalmólogo puedo ayudarte ya sea que necesites cirugía, tratamiento con láser o gotas para tus problemas oculares. Podemos trabajar juntos en mi clínica oftalmológica para mejorar tu visión y que tengas la calidad de vida que te mereces. 

Recibo a todo tipo de pacientes. Atiendo adultos y también incluyo la parte de oftalmología pediátrica viendo niños. Siendo médico oftalmólogo,  además me subespecializo en el diagnóstico y manejo de cataratas, glaucoma, miopía y astigmatismo y cirugía láser.

Tengo un consultorio cerca de ti en la CDMX y otro en la zona conurbada. 

Te invito a explorar este sitio web y descubrir en qué consisten algunos de los problemas oculares más comunes y las opciones para resolverlos. Si necesitas más información, siempre estoy a un clic de distancia en los botones de redes sociales, whatsapp, o para agendar una cita.  También puedes enviarme un mensaje en la sección de contacto.

Contact Dr. Alejandro Silva - Cirujano Oftalmólogo

Address :

Tlaxcala 127 (Séptimo Piso, Consultorio 1, Roma Sur, 06760 Cuauhtémoc, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +777
Website : http://www.oftalmologosavanzados.com/
Categories :
City : CDMX

Tlaxcala 127 (Séptimo Piso, Consultorio 1, Roma Sur, 06760 Cuauhtémoc, CDMX, Mexico
Barusch Barrera on Google

Excelente atención en todos los aspectos, me explico claramente mi diagnóstico y un valor agregado muy importante es que te da seguimiento vía correo por si quedo alguna duda que disipar, eso es súper profesional
Excellent attention in all aspects, he clearly explained my diagnosis to me and a very important added value is that he follows up with you via email in case there is any doubt to dispel, that is super professional
Rodrigo Ruiz on Google

Excelente doctor, muy profesional y sobre todo sabe técnicas de cómo valorar y auscultar a bebes. Muchas gracias Doc!
Excellent doctor, very professional and above all he knows techniques on how to assess and listen to babies. Thank you very much Doc!
Geraldine Hill on Google

Llevaba meses con una infección que no cedía, a tan solo unos días del tratamiento que me recetó el Dr. Silva he notado una gran mejoría. Me revisó a detalle y se tomó el tiempo necesario para aclarar todas mis dudas.
I had been suffering from an infection for months that did not subside, just a few days after the treatment prescribed by Dr. Silva I have noticed a great improvement. He reviewed me in detail and took the time to clarify all my doubts.
Yolanda Jimenez on Google

Excelente atencion, atendió a mi mamá de 94 años, le explicó con detalle todo, tiene el mejor equipo y la mejor actitud de servicio. También atendió a mi cuñada que padece glaucoma y sin duda la mejor atención que ha tenido en todo el tiempo de su padecimiento, gracias Dr.
Excellent attention, he attended my 94-year-old mother, explained everything in detail, has the best team and the best service attitude. He also treated my sister-in-law who suffers from glaucoma and without a doubt the best care she has had in all the time of her illness, thank you Dr.
Verónica Rivera Hernández on Google

El Dr. Alejandro es muy puntual, tiene su consultorio impecable con todo el equipo para hacer una revisión completa. Me habían hecho un mal diagnóstico y tratado mal, al llegar con él me sentí más aliviada con la explicación detallada y con el tratamiento que me dió me estoy sintiendo mejor. Gracias!
Dr. Alejandro is very punctual, he has his impeccable office with the entire team to do a complete review. I had been misdiagnosed and treated badly, when I arrived with him I felt more relieved with the detailed explanation and with the treatment he gave me I am feeling better. Thanks!
Dennis Martin Breum on Google

My highest recommendations for anyone who has any eye-related issues or just needs a regular eye check up. As a foreigner living in this city, it is a pleasure to have found such a good doctor who's also fluent in english. 5/5.
Erica Reitman on Google

I had an amazing experience with Dr. Silva. He took the time to carefully examine my eyes, listen to my history and then offer up his opinion on what he thought made the most sense for me and my specific situation. The fact that he was able to speak to me in English and answer all of my questions thoroughly really put me at ease. I have not scheduled my surgery yet, but when I'm ready, I will definitely be going back to Dr. Silva.
Alisia Habibi on Google

A continuación se incluye una versión en inglés y aquí se adjunta una versión en español. I am surprised to see that this doctor is getting this much good reviews which is not supposed to be the case at all. I recently made an appointment to see this doctor Silva and I live quite far from where his office is located(Roma sur). While on the journey to this long distanced office, I sent his secretary a message that I was on my way as I was in an uber and I mentioned that I would arrive late and she reassured me saying that the "Doctor is waiting for you". I text messaged with his secretary back and forth being that I am coming all the way from the far end of the town to meet this doctor and that I was closer to arriving and all this time she kept reassuring me that the doctor is waiting for me. Little did I know that all what she was saying is a lie, she never mentioned to me that the doctor cannot wait and that he will be leaving. If that was the case then I wouldn´t have wasted my time and money to order another uber and instead I would have made a U-turn to return back to my original destination. Finally, when I arrived this so called Dr. Silva´s consultation office, the secretary still pretending came to meet me downstairs with the lift and took me up to the consultation office, mind you that she still did not mention the scam she and the doctor were planning. When I arrived to the consultation office, this un-professional doctor came into the hallway saying that "I have been waiting for you for 50 minutes and you did not come which is not my problem, now you will have to pay double consultation charges of $2600 pesos because I have to forgo my lunch and consult you". I explained to him that I had been coming from a far distance in an uber and I do not control the traffic on the road. Instead he rudely proceeded to keep saying, "well I waited for you and you did not come on time" . This is totally unacceptable, impolite and un-professional, I have travelled around the world and never did I come across an un-ethical doctor like this doctor. My parents are both medical doctors and I am fully aware of the medical ethos that doctors have to swear to when the graduate from medical school which is to serve their patients and save lives above all. This doctor clearly did not go through a medical ethos swearing to happen to behave in the way he did. I left his office and of course I was not going to pay an exorbitant amount of money just because I wanted to see him. There are thousands of good ophthalmologists in Mexico city that are willing to attend to their patients professionally. The only reason I went to him in the first place was because I followed the good reviews about him here on Google which I thought were true but that is not the case at all. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS DOCTOR AT ALL. FIND ANOTHER OPHTHALMOLOGIST. NEW(por favor traducir al español):- The funny thing is that the doctor is still replying here on Google reviews, still making the same mistake and saying that his time is valuable instead of apologizing for the unprofessional act he has done of not attending to patients when they need it is. Is your time valuable or the patient's needs, this shows you how ill-educated the response from his office is. When I sent his secretary and him a text message that I was 20 minutes away why didn't you respond at that time that you cannot wait longer and I would need to reschedule or just forget about even going altogether being that I am coming from a far place. Instead, the doctor and his secretary kept quiet and waited for me to arrive before telling me that I need to pay a double consultation fee rudely. I mean I have never seen a person who does not accept his wrong and apologize let alone a doctor!!!!

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