Dr. Antonio Rojas Macedo, Cirujano plástico - 45116 Zapopan

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Contact Dr. Antonio Rojas Macedo, Cirujano plástico

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Av. Empresarios 150, 45116 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico

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City : Jal.

Av. Empresarios 150, 45116 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico
Azalia Hernandez Montijo on Google

Él profesionalismo y ética del Dr. Antonio Rojas Macedo no está a discusión, cientos de pacientes satisfechas lo respaldan y siguen recomendándolo, esto indica que fueron y son atendidas a plena satisfacción de las pacientes dentro y fuera del país. La confianza, trato y calidad humana lo destacan cómo uno de los mejores cirujanos plásticos. Habrá pacientes que no están seguras de lo que quieren y ahí está el problema, es responsabilidad de ellas mismas y no del Doctor. Recomendado ampliamente!!
The professionalism and ethics of Dr. Antonio Rojas Macedo is not under discussion, hundreds of satisfied patients support him and continue to recommend him, this indicates that they were and are being taken care of to the full satisfaction of the patients inside and outside the country. Confidence, treatment and human quality highlight him as one of the best plastic surgeons. There will be patients who are not sure of what they want and there is the problem, it is their responsibility and not the Doctor's. Recommended widely!
Paola Fajer on Google

Fantástica experiencia!!! Muy profesional El mes pasado viaje desde Las Vegas a Guadalajara para operarme con el Doctor Rojas , debido a varias buenas recomendaciones de amigos que también han ido . Llevo menos de un mes de la cirugía y estoy 100 % satisfecha, mi recuperación ha sido rapida y sin complicaciones . El doctor Rojas con su profesionalismo me hizo sentir muy comoda y aclaró todas mis dudas, escucho lo que quería con respecto a mi cuerpo y los resultados fueron fantásticos. Altamente recomendable !! Last month I decided to travel from Las Vegas to Guadalajara to get a plastic surgery with Doctor Rojas , Some of my friends recommend it . I am extremely happy with the results, Doctor Rojas was very Professional, answered all my doubts and he really listened what I was expecting... Im very happy and 100 % satisfied with his work. Highly recommended
Fantastic experience! very professional Last month I traveled from Las Vegas to Guadalajara to have an operation with Dr. Rojas, due to several good recommendations from friends who have also gone. I have been less than a month since surgery and I am 100% satisfied, my recovery has been quick and without complications. Dr. Rojas with his professionalism made me feel very comfortable and clarified all my doubts, I listen to what I wanted with respect to my body and the results were fantastic. Highly recommended !! Last month I decided to travel from Las Vegas to Guadalajara to get a plastic surgery with Doctor Rojas, Some of my friends recommend it. I am extremely happy with the results, Doctor Rojas was very Professional, answered all my doubts and I really listened to what I was expecting ... Im very happy and 100% satisfied with his work. Highly recommended
Julieta Esparza on Google

Yo fui 2 veces a que me cambiaran mis implantes y quedaron horribles. El primer cambio de implante fue el 15 de Agosto 2019 y quedaron mal. Regrese el 10 de Marzo 2020, me realizaron el cambio de implante - el Dr. los dejó peor que antes.Estoy traumada. Además en esa misma fecha Dr. Antonio Rojas Macedo me realizó una flor de Liz, que me quedo un lado mucho más chico que el otro. No puedo usar pantalones de mezclilla - mi cuerpo se mira horrible y deformado. Me comuniqué con el doctor acercas de mis senos, y el me dijo que tenía implantes muy grandes y se iban a caer de nuevo pero no es así. Yo tengo los implantes casi bajo de las axilas, no puedo acostar del lado porque me lastima. Me acuesto boca arriba y no hay senos. Estoy totalmente plana. Están tan flácidas como si ni tuviera implantes, en miedo de mis senos estoy vacía, consulte un doctor de Tijuana y uno de Las Vegas- el de Tijuana me dijo que si estaba segura que vie hecho los implantes un cirujano o una persona que hace la limpieza en el hospital. El doctor de Las Vegas me dijo que no vaya a clínicas clandestinas, porque aya hacen los trabajos super mal. Y yo le dije al doctor que no, yo fui a un cirujano de renombre. Tristemente eso pasa por no investigar bien en qué clase de cirujano uno pone su cuerpo en sus manos. Tristemente unos fallan, yo page el precio y lo sigo pagando por ir con Dr. Antonio Rojas Macedo.
I went 2 times to have my implants changed and they were horrible. The first implant change was on August 15, 2019 and they were bad. I came back on March 10, 2020, I had the implant change - the Dr. left them worse than before, I am traumatized. Also, on that same date, Dr. Antonio Rojas Macedo made me a Liz flower, one side was much smaller than the other. I can't wear jeans - my body looks horrible and misshapen. I contacted the doctor about my breasts, and he told me that I had very large implants and they were going to fall out again but it is not like that. I have the implants almost under the armpits, I can't lie on my side because it hurts me. I lie on my back and there are no breasts. I am totally flat. They are so flaccid as if I did not even have implants, in fear of my breasts I am empty, I consulted a doctor from Tijuana and one from Las Vegas- the one from Tijuana told me that if I was sure that a surgeon or a person who does the implants had done the implants cleaning in the hospital. The doctor from Las Vegas told me not to go to clandestine clinics, because they do the jobs super bad. And I told the doctor that no, I went to a renowned surgeon. Sadly, that happens for not investigating well in what kind of surgeon one puts his body in his hands. Sadly, some fail, I paid the price and I continue to pay it to go to Dr. Antonio Rojas Macedo.
Laura Sonntag on Google

Mi experiencia con el Doctor Antonio Rojas fue un desastre y no lo recomendaria a nadie. En agosto 2020 tuve la cirugía con el - aumento de mamas. Tengo 41 años, mido 1.71 de estatura y mi peso es de 49 kg. Si, soy delgada. Mi propósito era verme más femenina. El plan original era poner en mi pecho izquierdo un implante de 180 gr y en el lado derecho 205 gr por areola. Claro, no tenemos pechos completamente simétricos. Despues de la cirugía me parecieron ambos senos más grandes. La sopresa fue, que en el lado izquierdo me puso 245 gr, y en el lado derecho 265 gr. Cuando le pregunte porqué, la respuesta fue, que los tamaños de los implantes son definidas y no existe un tamaño como él lo había planeado… Creo que lo correcto hubiera sido informarme antes de la cirugía. Despues de la cirugía se formaron „arrugas“ (Rippling - irregularidades de la superficie del implante que se trasmiten hacia el exterior) en ambos lados de mi pecho. Pues le pregunte, porqué. Su respuesta fue: porque soy muy delgada, no tengo grasa y los implantes son muy visibles. Tambien un caso de negligencia por parte de un cirujano. Lo interesante es que antes de la cirugía, el doctor Antonio nunca hizo una mención sobre este problema relacionado con mi peso. En realidad, antes de la cirugía no habia ningun problema. 6 meses después de la cirugía no tengo sensibilidad en mis pezones y todavia tengo dolores en particular en mi pecho izquierdo. Mis pezones no están alineados, la asimetria de los senos es grave y visualmente mis senos parecen apuntar hacia ambos lados de mi tórax., mi seno izquierdo es más grande y la forma de ambos senos es irregular con respecto al otro. Según la declaracion de doctor Antonio, eso es normal y el pecho „va a caminar“ con tiempo a la caja toráxica, despues de 6 meses no cambió nada. Todas mis quejas se las comenté al doctor. Primero por whatsapp, luego en persona. Él me hizo sentir, que exageré las cosas. Finalmente me ofreció arreglar „las cosas“ haciendo otra cirugía. Poner matrices (costo: 3.500 USD) adentro para evitar rippling y hacer 3 cicatrices más para hacer mi pecho mas estético - dos más en la via del surco submamario y en el pecho izquierdo una cicatriz desde el pezón hacia abajo. Claro que no era aceptable para mi (ya tengo dos cicatrices en mis areolas). Entonces el resultado otra vez habría sido todo, pero no estético. Claro que después de la primera cirugía el doctor Antonio ya no tiene mi confianza. Si hubiera sabido que para el doctor Antonio Rojas informar a sus pacientes sobre todas las complicaciones y riesgos de la cirugía es un asunto menor, nunca habría tomado la desición de operarme. Ya le comenté al otro cirujano, quien fue muy honesto conmigo. Tuvimos una conversacion larga y un dia antes de la cirugía me dio todos los documentos sobre los riesgos de la cirugía, tenia tiempo para leerlos, preguntarle cuando tenia dudas y me dejé operar con el. Este cirujano pudo reparar los daños sin hacerme mas cicatrices y finalmente tengo mi seno en mi caja toráxica y pezones alineados y sin rippling. Por todas las razones antes mencionadas, el profesionalismo del doctor Antonio es para mí muy cuestionable.
My experience with Dr. Antonio Rojas was a disaster and I would not recommend him to anyone. In August 2020 I had the surgery with the - breast augmentation. I am 41 years old, I am 1.71 tall and my weight is 49 kg. Yes, I am thin. My purpose was to look more feminine. The original plan was to put a 180 g implant in my left breast and 205 g per areola on the right side. Sure, we don't have completely symmetrical breasts. After surgery both breasts seemed larger. The surprise was, that on the left side I put 245 grams, and on the right side 265 grams. When I asked him why, the answer was that implant sizes are defined and there is no size as he had planned ... I think the right thing to do would have been to inform me before the surgery. After the surgery “wrinkles” (Rippling - irregularities of the implant surface that are transmitted outwards) formed on both sides of my chest. Well, I asked him why. His answer was: because I am very thin, I have no fat and the implants are very visible. Also a case of negligence on the part of a surgeon. The interesting thing is that before the surgery, Dr. Antonio never made a mention of this problem related to my weight. Actually, before the surgery there was no problem. 6 months after the surgery I have no sensitivity in my nipples and I still have particular pains in my left breast. My nipples are not aligned, the asymmetry of the breasts is severe and visually my breasts seem to point to both sides of my chest, my left breast is larger and the shape of both breasts is irregular with respect to the other. According to the statement of Dr. Antonio, this is normal and the chest “will walk” in time to the rib cage, after 6 months nothing changed. All my complaints I mentioned to the doctor. First by whatsapp, then in person. He made me feel, that I exaggerated things. Finally he offered me to fix “things” by doing another surgery. Put matrices (cost: 3,500 USD) inside to avoid rippling and make 3 more scars to make my breast more aesthetic - two more in the submammary groove and on the left breast a scar from the nipple down. Of course it was not acceptable to me (I already have two scars on my areolas). Then the result again would have been everything, but not aesthetic. Of course, after the first surgery, Dr. Antonio no longer has my confidence. If I had known that for Dr. Antonio Rojas informing his patients about all the complications and risks of surgery is a minor matter, he would never have made the decision to operate. I already mentioned to the other surgeon, who was very honest with me. We had a long conversation and one day before the surgery he gave me all the documents about the risks of the surgery, I had time to read them, ask him when I had doubts and I allowed myself to operate with him. This surgeon was able to repair the damage without scarring and finally I have my breast in my rib cage and aligned nipples without rippling. For all the aforementioned reasons, the professionalism of Dr. Antonio is highly questionable to me.
Belinda Reynolds on Google

Dr Rojas is the best doctor I could ask for. He is an excellent professional and a very compassionate and understanding human being. The results from the two procedures he did on me exceeded all my expectations. I am a really happy and grateful patient.
Ismael Luusjuan on Google

I've had 2 different surgeries with doctor Antonio Rojas, And both times with outstanding outcomes. I like his professionalism and knowledge about what is done and explained so well that I have recommended him several times with many of my friends and family. I highly recommen him. Thank you doctor..!!!
Myron Persoff on Google

Dr Rojas is an exceptionally well-trained and talented plastic surgeon. He is careful, considerate and the results of his surgeries are a reflection of his training and innate skills. I have personally observed him. He operated on my wife, and she had an outstanding result Myron Persoff MD
kristy urquiza on Google

I had breast augmentation done by Dr. Rojas in August of 2020 and couldn't be happier! Not only is he a great surgeon, but a gentleman as well. He just has the ability to create a natural result which was exactly what I was looking for. He listens to you and gives you his honest opinion. He does not force anything on you, nor does he make you feel rushed. He is highly ethical, accredited and conservative, not to talk about his bedside manner which is impeccable; I felt comfortable, cared for and respected not only by him but by the rest of his team. Dr. Rojas went over absolutely everything about breast implants (positive & negative). Surgery day was a great experience as well, as the anesthesiologist walked me step by step through the entire process and was very kind. The nurses who prep you for surgery and after care were so sweet and patient! Dr. Rojas and his entire team took such good care of me and told me exactly what was happening and explained the reason for each step not just to me but to my companion as well which I so much appreciate. To say I was thrilled with my experience, it's an understatement. Follow up and communication post-surgery was also great. I plan on taking my mom in the near future with him for her plastic surgery needs and wants, that's how much I trust and believe in his work. You will not be disappointed if you choose him as your surgeon. Thank you so very much Dr. Rojas and your team! Forever grateful...

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